#Unity4J Exclusive: Christine Assange Makes Emergency Appeal

“The modern-day cage of political prisoners is no longer the Tower of London. It’s the Ecuadorian Embassy.” “A slow and cruel assassination is taking place before our very eyes in the embassy in London.” “[T]he plan was to break him down mentally. A new, impossible, inhumane protocol was implemented at the embassy to torture him to such a point that he would break and be forced to leave.” “They are setting my son up. . . .” “[T]he National Defense Authorization Act allows for indefinite detention without trial. Julian could very well be held in Guantanamo Bay and tortured, sentenced to 45 years in a maximum-security prison, or face the death penalty.” “We need to make our protest against this brutality deafening.” “I call on all you journalists to stand up now because he’s your colleague and you are next. I call on all you politicians who say you entered politics to serve the people to stand up now. I call on all you activists who support human rights, refugees, the environment, and are against war, to stand up now because WikiLeaks has served the causes that you spoke for and Julian is now suffering for it alongside of you. I call on all citizens who value freedom, democracy and a fair legal process to put aside your political differences and unite, stand up now.”