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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Home Page - Defend WikiLeaks Defend WikiLeaks

    The US Department of Justice has run an unprecedented and wide-ranging investigation into WikiLeaks for its publishing and sourcing work since 2010. It has involved paid informers, illegal interrogations in Europe and secret search warrants. Recently CIA Director Mike Pompeo called WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service.”

    Offences cited through the investigation, and allegedly in the charges, include conspiracy, espionage and theft of government property. Recent reports cite Cablegate, the Iraq and Afghan War Logs and Vault 7 publications as well as WikiLeaks’ work in getting NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum, as key to the investigation.

    This is about more than one publisher – it is about press freedom more broadly and the steady erosion of the First Amendment in the United States. The Obama Administration prosecuted more whistleblowers than all presidents before combined, and ran the longest investigation into a publisher ever in the US with its WikiLeaks Grand Jury. It has continued to the point where Trump’s Department of Justice has stated that charging WikiLeaks Editor, Julian Assange, is now a “priority”.

    Courage’s chief demand is for the US to close the Grand Jury investigation into WikiLeaks and to drop any charges against any WikiLeaks staff. Courage’s campaign for WikiLeaks is launched on this new site, along with information on the continuing work of WikiLeaks and the actions taken against it.
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    MEPs Briefing - Defend WikiLeaks Defend WikiLeaks

    Julian Assange has exposed serious US spying and economic sabotage against the EU and its member states, including Germany, France and Italy. He has spoken at the European Parliament on numerous occasions in relation to freedom of expression and the fight against corruption.

    WikiLeaks has always published from EU and EEA member states: France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Norway and Iceland.

    Mr Assange was living in France until he was detained when visiting the UK to assist the Guardian publish “Cablegate”. His young children are in France.

    “Brexit” will prevent him using the Court of Justice of the European Union and other EU mechanisms to secure his freedom.
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    John Pilger - Rally to Free Julian Assange
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    John Pilger: From Room 101 the Prisoner Says No to Big Brother

    Whenever I visit Julian Assange, we meet in a room he knows too well. There is a bare table and pictures of Ecuador on the walls. There is a bookcase where the books never change. The curtains are always drawn and there is no natural light. The air is still and fetid.

    This is Room 101.

    Before I enter Room 101, I must surrender my passport and phone. My pockets and possessions are examined. The food I bring is inspected.

    The man who guards Room 101 sits in what looks like an old-fashioned telephone box. He watches a screen, watching Julian. There are others unseen, agents of the state, watching and listening.

    Cameras are everywhere in Room 101. To avoid them, Julian maneuvers us both into a corner, side by side, flat up against the wall. This is how we catch up: whispering and writing to each other on a notepad, which he shields from the cameras. Sometimes we laugh.

    I have my designated time slot. When that expires, the door in Room 101 bursts open and the guard says, “Time is up!” On New Year’s Eve, I was allowed an extra 30 minutes and the man in the phone box wished me a happy new year, but not Julian.

    Of course, Room 101 is the room in George Orwell’s prophetic novel, 1984, where the thought police watched and tormented their prisoners, and worse until people surrendered their humanity and principles and obeyed Big Brother.

    Julian Assange will never obey Big Brother. His resilience and courage are astonishing, even though his physical health struggles to keep up.

    Julian is a distinguished Australian, who has changed the way many people think about duplicitous governments. For this, he is a political refugee subjected to what the United Nations calls “arbitrary detention”.

    The UN says he has the right of free passage to freedom, but this is denied. He has the right to medical treatment without fear of arrest, but this is denied. He has the right to compensation, but this is denied.

    As founder and editor of WikiLeaks, his crime has been to make sense of dark times. WikiLeaks has an impeccable record of accuracy and authenticity which no newspaper, no TV channel, no radio station, no BBC, no New York Times, no Washington Post, no Guardian can equal. Indeed, it shames them.


    The persecution of Julian Assange is the conquest of us all: of our independence, our self-respect, our intellect, our compassion, our politics, our culture.

    So stop scrolling. Organize. Occupy. Insist. Persist. Make a noise. Take direct action. Be brave and stay brave. Defy the thought police.

    War is not peace, freedom is not slavery, ignorance is not strength. If Julian can stand up, so can you: so can all of us.
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    Julian Assange granted new passport by Australia amid ongoing international impasse: Report - Washington Times
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    John Pilger calls for participation in demonstrations to demand the freedom of Julian Assange - World Socialist Web Site

    February 17, 2019

    The miscarriage of justice against Julian Assange is epic in its meaning for a civilised, democratic way of life. The abuse of Julian on a daily basis is an abuse of us all, because it denies rights without which we descend into fascism.

    That descent is vivid in the outrage of Julian's confinement, in the denial of international law in his case and in his casting as an outlaw by a collusive media.

    This loss of freedom applies to us: in the extreme politics of everyday life, in the fraud of “austerity” and in a state of permanent war against refugees and false enemies.

    Standing up for the rights of Julian Assange is standing up for freedom in its purest sense. That is why the SEP rallies on 3 March in Sydney and 10 March in Melbourne are so urgent.

    Please join us.

    John Pilger
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    Acclaimed musician Roger Waters calls on people to demonstrate in Australia to defend Julian Assange - World Socialist Web Site
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    Geneva (the city) passes resolution that Switzerland should give Julian Assange asylum.

    La Ville de Genève veut que la Suisse propose l'asile à Julian Assange - rts.ch - Genève
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    Australian diplomats visit Assange, told of 'deteriorating health'

    Australian diplomats have reportedly visited Julian Assange in Ecuador’s embassy in London to hear firsthand about what his lawyer says is his “deteriorating health”.

    Greg Barns, an Australian lawyer and adviser to Assange and WikiLeaks, revealed the visit had taken place.

    He said he and his colleagues will now directly appeal to Foreign Minister Marise Payne to petition the UK government to let Assange leave the embassy for urgent medical care without being arrested.

    Tony Kevin, a former Australian ambassador, defends Julian Assange & WikiLeaks & reveals a plan to get him safely from Ecuador’s London embassy back to Australia. He is interviewed by CN Editor Joe Lauria for Unity4J.

    CN Radio: Australian Ambassador Tony Kevin's Plan to Free Julian Assange

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    The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has notified the Ecuadorian State with the request for precautionary measures presented by Julian Assange's lawyers and has asked him to provide information on the situation of the asylee at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

    The notification arrived on January 29 and "after the Ecuadorian justice twice established the legality of the 'Special Protocol of Visits, Communications and Medical Care' to Mr. Julian Paul Assange," which guarantees both the rights of the founder of WikiLeaks and the fulfillment of his obligations as an asylee, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    The request for precautionary measures is based on the "existence of a potential risk" for Assange, for which they request the IACHR to "require Ecuador to end the situation of isolation" of the same.

    Also that the State be requested to guarantee the privacy of the Australian "of illegitimate interference and attacks against his honor, in particular of espionage within the diplomatic mission against him and his lawyers".

    In addition, that prevents "the delivery of Mr. Assange to any country that does not give guarantees of non-extradition to the United States."

    According to the Foreign Ministry, in accordance with the rules and procedures of the IACHR, "Ecuador will respond promptly to the request of the Commission, with the certainty that it has guaranteed the human rights of Mr. Assange during his stay in the Ecuadorian diplomatic mission as an asylee political, since August 16, 2012 ".

    It adds that the IACHR will proceed with the analysis of the documentation received, in order to issue its decision
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    .@metpolice (#ScotlandYard) just complied with the #London Tribunal order on my FOIA on @Wikileaks. My lawyers @estelledehon @suigenerisjen and I will provide more info in due course

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    US national security judge Brinkema (background: https://t.co/GvAx1iGHVb ) has today ruled that charges against Julian Assange must be kept secret until his arrest, despite confirmation of their existence by AP, Washington Post and court filings

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    Glenn Greenwald on Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and the debacles of the Corporate Media
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    Julian Assange launches legal challenge against Trump administration | Media | The Guardian

    “The revelation that the US has initiated a prosecution against Mr Assange has shocked the international community”, the legal submission to the IACHR states. The US government “is required to provide information as to the criminal charges that are imputed to Mr Assange in full”.

    The application alleges that US prosecutors have begun approaching people in the US, Germany and Iceland and pressed them to testify against Assange in return for immunity from prosecution.

    Those approached, it is said, include people associated with WikiLeaks’ joint publications with other media about US diplomacy, Guantánamo Bay and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Assange’s lawyers say the Trump administration has pressurised Ecuador to hand over Assange, making increasingly overt threats. In December, the New York Times reported that Ecuador’s new president, Lenin Moreno tried to negotiate handing over Mr Assange to the US. in exchange for “debt relief”.

    The application also highlights what it says are “espionage operations” against Assange in the London embassy.
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    Open Letter to President Trump

    We are journalists, activists and citizens from the United States and around the world who care about press freedom and are writing to you in response to the latest threat of prosecution against WikiLeaks for its journalistic work. We ask you to immediately close the Grand Jury investigation into WikiLeaks and drop any charges against Julian Assange and other Wikileaks staff members which the Department of Justice is planning.

    This threat to WikiLeaks escalates a long-running war of attrition against the great virtue of the United States — free speech. The Obama Administration prosecuted more whistleblowers than all presidents combined and opened a Grand Jury investigation into WikiLeaks that had no precedent. It now appears the US is preparing to take the next step — prosecuting publishers who provide the "currency" of free speech, to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson. It is reported that charges, including conspiracy, theft of government property and violating the Espionage Act are being considered against members of WikiLeaks, and that charging WikiLeaks Editor, Julian Assange, is now a priority of the Department of Justice.
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    Open Letter

    36 members of the German Bundestag, the Dutch Parliament and the European Parliament sent an Open Letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres, Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno and British Prime Minister Theresa May to demand the protection and immediate release of Julian Assange to a country that is safe for him.
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    Ciaron O'Reilly: Ecuadorian Embassy vigil for Julian Assange update PART 1
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    Three British undercover police have just stopped and demanded ID from one of Mr. Assange's legal team exiting the embassy. At least two undercover cars are currently staking out the embassy in shifts, together with police surveillance cameras emplanted on opposing buildings.

    @DefendAssange’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/DefendAssange/status/1086273246863880192?s=09
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