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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Reporters Face Jail in France Over Secret Military Document

    Under a 2009 French law that prohibits “attacks on national defense secrets,” a person commits a crime if they handle a classified document without authorization. There are no exceptions to this law for journalists, and there is no public-interest defense.

    “They want to make an example of us because it’s the first time in France that there have been leaks like this,” Disclose co-founder Livolsi told The Intercept on Thursday, referring to the sensitivity of the document, which was prepared by French military analysts last September for a high-level briefing of President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée Palace. “They want to scare journalists and their sources away from revealing state secrets.”

    In a worst-case scenario, the reporters could face five years in prison and a €75,000 (around $83,900) penalty. The next stage of the case is still unclear. The DGSI could close it and let the journalists off with a warning. The case could also be handed off to a judge, who could conduct further investigations and possibly decide to take the case to a trial.


    the government appears to be pushing for a harsh punishment. Last week, Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly suggested in a public statement that Disclose had violated “all the rules and laws of our country,” adding: “When you disclose classified documents, you are exposed to penalties.”

    Whatever the outcome, the DGSI’s treatment of the case has already sent a message. “There is a chilling effect,” said Marquet. “It’s a warning for every journalist: Don’t go into that kind of subject, don’t investigate this information.”
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    Julian Assange Computers Shared With U.S. Ahead of Extradition Hearing: Report
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    On Friday, President Lenin Moreno initiated a state of emergency that suspends the rights of prisoners to "inviolability of correspondence, freedom of association and assembly and freedom of information" through Executive Decree 741

    WikiLeaks - Ecuador to hand over Assange's entire legal defense to the United States
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    For the record: confidential and unsupervised interviews with inmates is not a “privilege” given to #JulianAssange, but worldwide standard TOR for @UN_SPExperts country visits and #SRTorture prison visits. https://t.co/NhLE0pMqWc
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    US prosecutors to ‘help themselves’ to Julian Assange’s possessions | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    United Nations human rights inspectors visit Julian Assange in his Belmarsh prison cell
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    Statement from Chelsea Manning's Lawyers Regarding Chelsea Being Remanded Into Custody | The Sparrow Project

    today, Chelsea was not only put back in jail, but Judge Anthony Trenga ordered her to be fined $500 every day she is in custody after 30 days and $1,000 every day she is in custody after 60 days. This is unprecedented.
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    So the plan was always to first destroy Julian #Assange name, and turn his support base, progressives, against him, to then smoothly prosecute him for the crime of publishing the truth. Do it as slowly as possible, so people will forget the importance of @wikileaks revelations.

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    Stratfor email on Assange's arrest (from 2010): "Pile on. Move him from country to country to face various charges for the next 25 years. But, seize everything he and his family own, to include every person linked to Wiki."
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    The Attorney General of the State of Ecuador has agreed to register one of the stays of the embassy of that country in London, in which the cyber-activist has resided during the last seven years, and to deliver to the US all his documents, mobile phones, computer files , computers, memory units, CDs and any other device, as indicated by an official notification to which EL PAÍS has had access.


    The note states that it will be held at nine in the morning, London time, and that the seizure of the documents and personal files of the activist will be made by police captain Diego López and second sergeant Milton Jaque, expert in the section of computer forensics. The decision to intervene all Assange's belongings has already been communicated to his lawyer in Ecuador, Carlos Poveda.


    Baltasar Garzón, Assange's lawyer, describes the delivery to the US of the defendant's belongings of "absolute violation of Ecuador's asylum institution." "It is incomprehensible that the country of protection now takes advantage of the privileged position of having received it to remit its belongings to the country that is pursuing it, which will have been intervened without a judicial order, without protection of the rights of the asylee, without respect for the chain of custody. "said Garzón. "What is aggravated by the illicit recording mechanism that was deployed in the embassy and that has been denounced The systematic violation of Assange's rights is overcoming the limits of the imaginable," he said


    Aitor Martínez, one of the lawyers of the Australian activist's team, affirms that the initiative of Ecuador is "a manifest and radical violation of the right to defense, since in those documents and electronic devices are all communications with their lawyers and their legal documentation. A privileged material that will allow the US to build and create new charges for its request for extradition. "
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    after 9 years, prominent US newspapers like the #WashingtonPost do NOT get the facts right about the #Swedish case against Julian #Assange: https://t.co/4lPQmlIWXf I can tell this based on my #FOIA litigation which is still ongoing: I have FACTUAL evidence

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    SPIEGEL ONLINE: What are his conditions of detention?

    Anderson: He sits alone in his small cell for at least 23 hours a day. He can not send letters because he does not have an address book. He does not get any books from the prison library. He gets no files to prepare for his extradition. He gets no news except for the BBC and Chanel 4 on a small TV, but the guards took it away.


    Anderson: Yes, there is a terrible slander campaign against him in progress. I've just been in Texas, and the way that Assange is being reported there is such a thing that people think, "We're bringing him here with his head skewered on a stick."


    Anderson: I do. There will be no justice for Julian Assange without public pressure. We have to be strong and clear. When I met Julian in prison, he said to me, Save my life.
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    Julian Assange: Pamela Anderson spricht über Besuch im Gefängnis - SPIEGEL ONLINE

    He said to me, Save my life!"
    Pamela Anderson is friends with Julian Assange. She visited the WikiLeaks founder in the High Security Prison and reported on his fight against extradition to the US.

    An interview with Michael Sontheimer
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    S. Maurizi:

    1. 4 years ago,I started our #FOIA after talking to an Italian magistrate who told me: our Giovanni Falcone flew to Brazil to question mafia bosses such a #Buscetta, but these Swedish prosecutors cannot fly to London to question #Assange?

    2. the magistrate told me:you should try to discover why the Swedish don't want to fly there.Thanks to our #FOIA,we have unearthed that the UK #CrownProsecutionService contributed to create the legal-diplomatic quagmire which kept #Assange #arbitrarilyDetained for the last 9YEARS

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    It's amazing that the new Swedish prosecutor is now suggesting conducting a video-interview. Something that Assange asked for already in September 2010, but back then, the old prosecutor Marianne Ny lied that it was illegal. https://t.co/44Nyde5xqY

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    Note: Assange is still not charged.

    The prosecutor has emphasised that reopening the preliminary investigation does not reflect a decision on whether an indictment will be filed against Assange.

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    Ecuador will give Washington computers and Assange documents in London
    Ecuador dará a Washington los ordenadores y documentos de Assange en Londres | Internacional | EL PAÍS
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    The Swedish authorities announced on Monday that they would reopen an investigation into rape allegations against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, who is serving a prison term in Britain for jumping bail as the United States seeks his extradition for his role in a huge breach of classified data.

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