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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    The Guardian’s direct collusion with media censorship by secret services exposed - World Socialist Web Site
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    Wanted for espionage - the hunt for Wikileaks | Das Erste - Panorama
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    Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom w/ John Pilger – KPFA
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    Lawyers do not have sufficient access to #Assange, says @suigenerisjen We cannot get him papers. It takes weeks to reach him. He has no computer to prepare or read materials. It's such a serious extradition case, raises such fundamental questions about journalistic protections.
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    'You don't stand a chance': how the press freedom argument will go for Assange

    Goodale can see a future Assange v United States going all the way to the US Supreme Court.

    “I think the world should pay attention to it. It will be a defining case. [A conviction would] make it constitutional to have the equivalent of an Official Secrets Act in the US. It was always thought the First Amendment would stop [that].”

    Australia already has its equivalent of Britain’s Official Secrets Act, the 1914 Crimes Act, cited this week after AFP raids on the home of a News Corp journalist and the ABC’s Ultimo offices over leaked classified material. There is, however, no Australian equivalent of the US Constitution’s First Amendment protecting free speech.

    Goodale says there is “constant drumbeat” in Washington “to get the leakers … administrations want to stop the leaks because they make government more difficult”.

    But, says Goodale, “leaks are the safety valve in the system”.

    The Pentagon Papers set a powerful precedent but is of only limited help to Assange, says Goodale. It ruled there could be no barrier to stop publication, but it said nothing about what happens once something is published.

    “Rules for [whether someone can be guilty of espionage for] publication have never been set out in the history of the republic,” Goodale says. “What we really don’t want in the world is reporters and publishers subject to criminal sanctions when they’re publishing the truth about what’s going on in the world.”
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    Julian Assange mocked for ‘David Letterman’ beard

    How public humiliation works: On 11 April #JulianAssange was mocked for his beard throughout the world. During my visit, he explained to us that his shaving kit had been deliberately taken away three months earlier.
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    Sajid Javid signs US extradition order for Julian Assange | Media | The Guardian
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    Assange's father in emotional jail visit | The Canberra Times

    Asked if he thinks Assange remains optimistic about his future, the artist said: "No I don't think so. I think he's deeply worried."
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    U.S. delivers formal extradition request for Julian Assange to U.K.
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    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Belmarsh Prison Inmate Provides Photos of Julian Assange, Says the 'Internet is the One Thing They Can’t Control'
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    ABC raid: Outcry as Australian police search public broadcaster - BBC News

    Tuesday's search at the home of newspaper journalist Annika Smethurst related to her 2018 report about a government plan to spy on Australian citizens.

    Police said their warrant was linked with "the alleged publishing of information classified as an official secret".

    The police said Tuesday's and Wednesday's raids were not connected , adding: "Both however relate to separate allegations of publishing classified material, contrary to provisions of the Crimes Act 1914, which is an extremely serious matter that has the potential to undermine Australia's national security."
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    Julian Assange: Swedish judge rejects detention of Wikileaks founder - BBC News

    Speaking after the ruling, Eva-Marie Persson - Sweden's deputy director of public prosecutions - said the rape investigation would continue, and she would instead issue a European Investigation Order to question Assange.
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    Assange friend, jailed in Ecuador, proclaims innocence as pressure rises on WikiLeaks - CNNPolitics
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    Nils Melzer
    Just out: My full interview with @Underground_RT on expulsion & arrest of #JulianAssange here: https://t.co/fiKA16isza

    @AfshinRattansi @UN_SPExperts @UNHumanRights @wikileaks #SRTorture #HumanRights #nonrefoulement


    Idrees Ahmad
    So the UN rapporteur actually appeared on the Kremlin's premier propaganda network—yes, the propaganda network of the state that shoots journalists in the face—to discuss Julian Assange's "torture". https://t.co/Yhlwxa3CNL


    Nils Melzer
    For the record: On 31 May, I have also given similar exclusive TV interviews to both @SkyNews and @BBCWorld on #JulianAssange but it seems they decided not to broadcast them. https://t.co/WLhg7jYKxv

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    In his public statement, Melzer said the WikiLeaks founder “showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma.”

    Melzer said two medical experts accompanied him to document the symptoms. “He perceives his whole environment to be hostile,” he said. “He was starting to become completely hopeless.”

    He added that Assange is being prevented from taking sufficient part in his own legal defense. Last week, the special rapporteur said, Assange was brought an hour and 40 minutes late to a meeting with his attorneys, leaving just 20 minutes for discussions — too little time even to translate a document pertaining to Sweden’s decision to reopen a rape investigation against him.
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    Julian Assange shows psychological torture symptoms, says UN expert | Julian Assange | The Guardian

    “What was worrying was the psychological side and his constant anxiety. It was perceptible that he had a sense of being under threat from everyone. He understood what my function was but it’s more that he was extremely agitated and busy with his own thoughts. It was difficult to have a very structured conversation with him.”

    Melzer said that Belmarsh was an old prison and had issues about that but he described it as well maintained, adding that characterisations of it as a “supermax” or “the Guantanamo of Britain” were unhelpful. While it does have a high-security wing Melzer said that Assange was not in that section.


    “In the course of the past nine years, Mr Assange has been exposed to persistent, progressively severe abuse ranging from systematic judicial persecution and arbitrary confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy, to his oppressive isolation, harassment and surveillance inside the embassy, and from deliberate collective ridicule, insults and humiliation, to open instigation of violence and even repeated calls for his assassination,” Melzer will say on Friday.

    He added the UK authorities had contacted his Geneva office to indicate that the British government would be issuing a point-by-point rebuttal of the assertions made in his letter.


    “I was surprised, for example, to see that on the date he was arrested he was immediately brought to court after six years in the embassy and then convicted. Under the normal rule of law you would expect someone to be arrested and then given a couple of weeks to prepare his defence at least.”

    The former legal adviser to the Red Cross will say on Friday: “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic states ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law.”
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    US efforts to jail Assange for espionage are a grave threat to a free media | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    solidni support od msnbc

    Donald Trump Administration Attacks First Amendment With Assange Charges | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
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