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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    I was just one of the journalists who worked on the #Snowden files, but there was an episode worth to remember. While working on the #NSA revelations I experienced tailing in a showy and aggressive way

    5. that was rather bad...finally, I consulted a lawyer with a great experience in assisting journos working on sensitive matters. The lawyer knew my longtime experience in working on #secretFiles like the #WikiLeaks files and my deep interest in that kind of journalistic work

    6. the lawyer told me: no one will hurt you at all, you will be totally safe, however, it will be a liability for you. It will be increasingly difficult for you and it will be a mirable if you are able to keep your job
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    Operation Asylum

    Uploaded on Apr 30, 2018

    Chasing Edward Snowden / Terminal F.

    The movie/documentary briefly covers NSA analyst-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden and his escape from American authorities to Hong Kong and later to Russia, after leaking classified information about global surveillance programs used by the American government to spy on people around the world and other nations activities.

    The movie also presents the journalists who had an exclusive access to Snowden and for obvious reasons there is focus on Mr. Julian Assange and Ms. Sarah Harrison / WikiLeaks, who helped Mr. Snowden in moments of his escape.

    Additionally the father of Mr. Edward Snowden: Mr. Lonnie Snowden is among the people interviewed.

    The documentary from 2015, was produced by the Danish Director Poul-Erik Heilbuth.

    Production: Danmarks Radio ( DR )

    Nominations: Prix Italia for TV Documentary – Current Affairs.

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    Italian journalist loses UK tribunal battle for Julian Assange extradition files
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    Former NSA contractor Daniel Hale—accused of leaking classified information on drone warfare—is arguing that his actions are protected under the First Amendment. A challenge to the Espionage Act that has implications for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
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    Lawyers say prosecuting leaks violates freedom of the press – The North State Journal
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    ECPMF – Fighting for freedom of information on Julian Assange is a long battle for Italian journalist
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    Judge: UK to imprison Julian Assange after his sentence ends - Defend WikiLeaks Defend WikiLeaks

    Julian Assange is currently being held in solitary confinement at HMP Belmarsh. He remains in the health ward and is only transported in and out of his cell under so-called ‘controlled moves’, meaning the prison is locked down and hallways are cleared. Furthermore, the prison hasn’t delivered mail to him for over a month, and Julian is unable to call his parents or his US lawyer. Continuing to imprison him beyond his sentence furthers this inhumane treatment and should be condemned.


    The grounds for which Assange was preemptively denied bail are troubling as well. Judge Baraitser told him, “In my view I have substantial ground for believing if I release you, you will abscond again.” To describe Assange’s decision to request asylum from Ecuador and to stay in Ecuador’s Embassy in London since 2012 as him having “absconded” is to willfully ignore overwhelming evidence that Assange’s fears of political persecution were entirely well-founded
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    ECPMF – "Please save my life": Julian Assange
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    ACLU Comment on Edward Snowden Lawsuit | American Civil Liberties Union

    "This book contains no government secrets that have not been previously published by respected news organizations. Had Mr. Snowden believed that the government would review his book in good faith, he would have submitted it for review. But the government continues to insist that facts that are known and discussed throughout the world are still somehow classified.

    “Mr. Snowden wrote this book to continue a global conversation about mass surveillance and free societies that his actions helped inspire. He hopes that today’s lawsuit by the United States government will bring the book to the attention of more readers throughout the world.”

    The constitutionality of the pre-publication review system is currently being challenged in court by the ACLU and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. The organizations argue the system gives officials far too much power to suppress speech the public has a right to hear and to make unexplained censorship decisions influenced by individuals' viewpoints and access to power.
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    Full Interview: Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democracy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
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    Edward Snowden in Russian exile: ‘you have to be ready to stand for something’
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    Edward Snowden wants to come home but says U.S. won’t give him a fair trial
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    Snowden vydal knihu memoárů, výroky v ní porušil slib mlčenlivosti. USA ho žalují

    US government files civil lawsuit against Snowden over publication of memoir | US news | The Guardian

    Americké ministerstvo spravedlnosti podalo žalobu na bývalého spolupracovníka amerických tajných služeb Edwarda Snowdena kvůli knize vzpomínek, která se nyní dostala do obchodů. Snowden, který v roce 2013 zveřejnil množství utajovaných informací o americké elektronické a telefonní špionáži, podle žaloby nepředložil text knihy ke kontrole tajným službám a svými výroky porušil slib mlčenlivosti.
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    Edward Snowden: life after leaking – podcast | News | The Guardian
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    In 'Permanent Record,' Edward Snowden Says 'Exile Is An Endless Layover'
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    The London Upper Tribunal rejects La Repubblica's appeal on the Assange documents - Repubblica.it

    The press does not have the right to access the full set of documents on the Julian Assange case. That is what judge Edward Mitchell finally ruled in an appeal taken to the London Upper Tribunal by la Repubblica, after we have spent the last four years trying to access the full documentation to investigate the Assange case and factually reconstruct it.

    In an extremely technical judgement just made public and which the judge himself characterises as "unusually long", Mitchell rejects our legal arguments and states that he believed public knowledge of Mr Assange's case would not have increased if it was known that the CPS held information from the US State Department or Department of Justice. A rather incredible argument considering that the entire Assange case revolves around the role of the United States authorities, who want to get their hands on the WikiLeaks founder, extradite him to the US and jail him for life: establishing whether the British and US authorities discussed this possibility from the very beginning is crucial.
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    The media blackout on Julian Assange's imprisonment
    The media blackout on Julian Assange's imprisonment
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