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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
    Informace o Wikileaks, Assangovi, Snowdenovi, Manningovi...

    mapa mirroru WL http://labs.vis4.net/wikileaks/mirrors/
    online twitter kanaly Anonymous http://hacktivists.org/
    aktuální info o dění kolem WL v CZ http://twitter.com/#!/leaks_info_cz
    bradleymanning.org http://www.bradleymanning.org/

    O smysluplnosti Wikileaks a jestli je Assange zloduch nebo hrdina diskutujte prosim zde: [ WikiLeaks ] Držte se prosím tématu podpory a toho co se aktuálně ve prospěch Assange a Wikileks děje. Zítra budou zbytečné diskuse mazány, resp. opakování bude za banán
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    But Assange mumbled and stuttered for several seconds as he gave his name and date of birth at the start of a preliminary hearing in the case.

    When the judge asked him at the end of the hearing if he knew what was happening, he replied “not exactly”, complained about the conditions in jail, and said he was unable to “think properly”.

    “I don’t understand how this is equitable,” Assange said. “I can’t research anything, I can’t access any of my writing. It’s very difficult where I am.”
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    Julian Assange appears confused at extradition hearing, struggles to recall his name | SBS News
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    Extradition of Julian Assange to the United States must not go ahead - Amnesty International Australia
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    He was not in the US when he provided evidence of US war crimes in Iraq. He can’t possibly have broken their laws.

    “If Assange is indeed extradited to the US, he faces serious human rights violations including exposure to torture and a dodgy trial.

    “And this has serious implications for freedom of speech and freedom of the press here in Australia, because if we allow a foreign country to charge an Australian citizen for revealing war crimes, then no Australian journalist or publisher can ever be confident that the same thing won’t happen to them.

    “The man’s an Australian. He’s not an American. And he wasn’t in the US when he spoke out about the war crimes. Put simply he must be allowed to return to Australia.”
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    UN special rapporteur on torture warns: “Assange will not get a fair trial in Virginia” - World Socialist Web Site

    Melzer questioned the lawfulness of Assange’s detention in Belmarsh, noting that the initial sentence of 50 weeks was handed down by the court in response to a bail violation—which, in the UK, does not usually lead to a prison sentence—for a case that was not even pending at the time. Moreover, Assange had failed to conform to the terms of his bail because he had exercised his legal right to seek asylum from political persecution.

    Melzer noted the extreme bias of the British judges in the case and Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot’s documented conflict of interest. The fact that Assange never received documents about his case until two weeks ago, as well as the trumped-up character of the Swedish proceedings, constituted, Melzer said, further proof that this “is not the rule of law.”

    He then noted that of the US charges under the Espionage Act, 17 of the 18 are the business of any investigative journalist. “Something doesn’t add up,” he said, particularly considering the termination of Assange’s asylum and citizenship by Ecuador, which was carried out without any legal proceedings at all.

    “You have to take a step back,” Melzer said. “What has the man done? He has disclosed an enormous amount of information that governments want to remain secret, most infamously the ‘Collateral Murder’ video, which, in my view, is evidence for war crimes.

    “What is the scandal in this case is that everyone focuses on Julian Assange. Here is someone who exposes evidence for war crimes, including torture and murder, and he is under this constant pressure. I am absolutely convinced he will not receive a fair trial in Virginia and he will remain in prison under inhumane conditions for the rest of his life.”


    “While members of the panel have focused to a great extent on legal and constitutional questions, there are crucial political questions involved in the persecution of these whistleblowers that must be stressed. As Nils Melzer has already explained, Julian Assange has been essentially imprisoned and tortured because he exposed war crimes. The persecution is taking place for two related reasons: to focus on Assange’s alleged narcissism instead of the war crimes he exposed, and to act as a deterrent, a warning that this is the treatment of anyone who chooses to come forward and tell the truth.


    A member of the audience, a professor at Fordham University, noted that the media and the military were now more tightly integrated than ever. The military, she said, considers the “hearts and minds” of the American public to be a national security issue. “When our country is at war, the nature of that war is ultimately a secret,” she continued, noting that the “major news media in our country are highly aligned with the military, in what we can call the military-media complex at this point.”

    At another point in the discussion, speakers dealt with the question of Chelsea Manning being told she has the keys to her freedom. Melzer noted that the same thing was said to Julian Assange while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy, and that it is in keeping with the concept of torture. “Just confess. Just say what we want you to say. If you detain somebody till you break them, that’s torture.”

    In his concluding remarks, Melzer said: “What this is really about is the elephant in the room. You miss the elephant in the room because you have a bright spotlight pointing at you, and the elephant is that even when we have reports and evidence of war crimes, there is no consequence. That’s the great scandal.”
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    #SRTorture investigation of #Assange case:

    Just out: The official (1/2-page) reply by the UK Government of 7 Oct 2019 (http://bit.ly/30Z9OOo) to my official letter of 27 May 2019 (http://bit.ly/2YrnEvM).

    Dear Mr Melzer,
    The Government rejects any allegation that Julian Assange has been subjected to torture in any form as a result of actions by the UK Government. The UK Government does not participate in, solicit, encourage or condone the use of torture for any purpose. The United Kingdom does not accept that Mr Assange was ever arbitrarily detained; he was free to leave the Ecuadorean Embassy at any time.
    Mr Assange has been convicted under English law of failing to surrender to custody following due legal process. Judges in the UK are completely impartial and independent from Government. They hear cases based on the evidence presented and in accordance with the law. Mr Assange was legally represented at the hearing and chose not to give or call evidence on his behalf. The detailed sentencing remarks of the District Judge were published on the judicial website and fully explain the decision process. Mr Assange did not appeal his conviction and has withdrawn his appeal against his sentence.
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    Assange subjected to torture & violations of due process rights – UN envoy — RT World News

    Two medical experts accompanied Melzer when he visited Assange at Belmarsh prison in the UK, he said on Tuesday.

    ' We came to the conclusion that he had been exposed to psychological torture for a prolonged period of time. That's a medical assessment.'

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    Prevention of Torture - Press Conference (15 October 2019)
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    Without encryption we will lose all privacy. This is our new battleground | Edward Snowden | Opinion | The Guardian
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    Mossad chief comments on policy of assassinations in rare interview | intelNews.org
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    At Westminster Magistrates Court today we saw Julian #Assange via video link. We saw his further physical deterioration. He only said his name and DOB responding at the request of the Magistrate and remained speechless and motionless to the end. Hearing did not last more than 10’
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    David Morales, the owner of the Spanish security company that was in charge of protecting the Ecuadorian embassy in London while Julian Assange was living there, has been arrested and released on bail, judicial sources have told EL PAÍS.

    Police officers searched the company’s offices and also seized hard disks and documents, all of which are now being analyzed by the judge in charge of the case, José de la Mata. According to judicial sources, two firearms with their serial numbers erased were found in Morales’ home, as well as €20,000 in cash. Morales was taken to Madrid were he was questioned at the High Court before being released on bail. His passport was taken from him and his bank accounts frozen. He currently has to check in at the High Court every two weeks.
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    Speakers Censored at AISA Conference in Melbourne - Schneier on Security

    Two speakers were censored at the Australian Information Security Association's annual conference this week in Melbourne. Thomas Drake, former NSA employee and whistleblower, was scheduled to give a talk on the golden age of surveillance, both government and corporate. Suelette Dreyfus, lecturer at the University of Melbourne, was scheduled to give a talk on her work -- funded by the EU government -- on anonymous whistleblowing technologies like SecureDrop and how they reduce corruption in countries where that is a problem.

    Both were put on the program months ago. But just before the event, the Australian government's ACSC (the Australian Cyber Security Centre) demanded they both be removed from the program.
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    Julian Assange espionage case: Director of Spanish security company that spied on Julian Assange arrested | In English | EL PAÍS
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    Julian Assange spying: Russian and US visitors, targets for the Spanish firm that spied on Julian Assange | In English | EL PAÍS
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    In Defense of Julian Assange - Edited by Tariq Ali & Margaret Kunstler

    indefenseofjulianassange.pdf | Ulož.to

    After being forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy, Julian Assange is now in a high security prison in London where he faces extradition to the United States and imprisonment for the rest of his life.

    The charges Assange faces are a major threat to press freedom. James Goodale, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case, commented: “The charge against Assange for ‘conspiring’ with a source is the most dangerous I can think of with respect to the First Amendment in all my years representing media organizations.”

    It is critical now to build support for Assange and prevent his delivery into the hands of the Trump administration. That is the urgent purpose of this book. A wide range of distinguished contributors, many of them in original pieces, here set out the story of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, the importance of their work, and the dangers for us all in the persecution they face. In Defense of Julian Assange is a vivid, vital intervention into one of the most important political issues of our day.

    Contributors: Pamela Anderson, Julian Assange, Renata Avila, Katrin Axelsson, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Sally Burch, Noam Chomsky, Patrick Cockburn, Naomi Colvin, The Courage Foundation, Mark Curtis, Daniel Ellsberg, Teresa Forcades i Vila, Charles Glass, Kevin Gosztola, Serge Halimi, Nozomi Hayase, Chris Hedges, Srećko Horvat, Caitlin Johnstone, Margaret Kimberley, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Lisa Longstaff, Alan MacLeod, Stefania Maurizi, Craig Murray, Fidel Narváez, John C. O’Day, John Pilger, Jesselyn Radack, Michael Ratner, Angela Richter, Geoffrey Robertson, Jennifer Robinson, Matt Taibbi, Natalia Viana, Ai Weiwei, Vivienne Westwood and Slavoj Žižek.
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    Assange judge blocks extradition to Azerbaijan of ‘McMafia’ wife - World Socialist Web Site
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    Amazon.com: Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror (9780465061716): Judith L. Herman: Books

    The perpetrator supervises what the victim eats, when she sleeps, when she goes to the toilet, what she wears. When the victim is deprived of food, sleep, or exercise, this control results in physical debilitation. But even when the victim’s basic physical needs are adequately met, this assault on bodily autonomy shames and demoralizes her. Irina Ratushinskaya, a political prisoner, describes the methods of her captors:

    All those norms of human behavior which are inculcated in one from the cradle are subjected to deliberate and systematic destruction. It’s normal to want to be clean? . . . Contract scabies and skin fungus, live in filth, breathe the stench of the slop bucket—then you’ll regret your misdemeanors! Women are prone to modesty? All the more reason to strip them naked during searches. . . . A normal person is repelled by coarseness and lies? You will encounter such an amount of both that you will have to strain all your inner resources to remember that there is . . . another reality. . . . Only by a maximum exertion of will is it possible to retain one’s former, normal scale of values.
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