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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Pamela Anderson claims WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been subjected to 'traumatic psychological torture'
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    An analysis of emails sent by Morales to several of his employees shows that this former member of the military was in Alexandria on March 1 and 2, 2017. The IP addresses of these messages, which EL PAÍS has seen, show that at the time that they were sent Morales was in Alexandria, where a federal court is seeking Assange’s extradition on 18 counts stemming from accusations that he revealed classified intelligence about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which could lead to a prison term of 175 years.

    Morales was in Alexandria near the date that WikiLeaks announced the publication of Vault 7, a collection of thousands of documents about an alleged cyber-surveillance program by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) capable of compromising cellphones, smart TVs and computers with internet access produced by US companies, transforming them into microphones to spy on their users. The disclosure revealed an enormous security gap at the CIA and triggered a scandal similar to the ones involving former CIA subcontractor Edward Snowden and former intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.


    UC Global S. L. spied on Assange for the CIA, as shown by testimony and documents disclosed by this newspaper. Morales allegedly gave the intelligence agency audio and video material on the cyberactivist’s meetings with his lawyers and collaborators at the embassy. Following this newspaper’s revelations, Judge José de la Mata of Spain’s High Court, the Audiencia Nacional, agreed to consider a criminal complaint filed by Assange against Morales, who was arrested and is now the target of an investigation into alleged violations of Assange’s privacy and attorney-client privilege, as well as misappropriation, bribery, money laundering and illegal possession of arms.
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    Julian Assange spying: The US trail of the man whose security firm spied on Julian Assange | In English | EL PAÍS
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    Julian Assange in jail: Andrew Wilkie and George Christensen want access to him
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    Poll: Should Julian Assange be prosecuted for his involvement in WikiLeaks? | MSNBC
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    * * * : Pro Borise Johnsona

    Vážený pane premiére,
    pan Julian Assange se neprohřešil vůči jediné z norem opravňujících k omezování osobní svobody. Veškeré jeho "provinění" tkví ve zveřejnění informací, obnažujících reálné pozadí válek a dalších protiprávních zásahů do života suverénních zemí. Tedy právě to, co odsoudila i proslulá zpráva parlamentní komise vedené lordem Chilcotem.

    Julianu Assangeovi hrozí vydání do USA. Tamní establishment a justice se netají, že ho hodlají věznit po desítky let. Někteří činitelé dokonce volají po jeho popravě. Hrůzné represi má být vystaven za to, že uplatnil svou svobodu projevu. Učinil tak veden neklamně ušlechtilým cílem - odvrátit další nesmyslné vraždění a zkázu z prolhaných "důvodů".

    Vaše země se považuje za kolébku moderní demokracie. Mnoha z těch, komu hrozila bezdůvodná represe, neváhala poskytnout azyl už v předminulém století. Julian Assange si to nezaslouží o nic méně! Stane-li se tak, Velká Británie sklidí díky a uznání demokratické veřejnosti celého světa. Bude-li Julian Assange vydán pomstě těch, koho usvědčil z vážného pošlapání práva, renomé Vaší země to vážně poškodí.
    S úctou

    PhDr. Luboš Blaha, PhD., politolog, předseda výboru pro evropské záležitosti Národní rady SR, PhDr. Petr Hampl, PhD., sociolog, tajemník České společnosti pro civilizační studia, Prof. PhDr. Jan Keller, DrSc., vysokoškolský pedagog, ex-poslanec Evropského parlamentu, Mgr. Stanislav Novotný, předseda Asociace nezávislých médií, někdejší policejní prezident, Lenka Procházková, spisovatelka, veřejná aktivistka, signatářka Charty 77, Jan Schneider, bezpečnostní analytik, ex-ředitel Kanceláře vlády ČR pro zpravodajskou činnost, signatář Charty 77, PhDr. Josef Skála, CSc., vydavatel internetové revue, publicista, ex-prezident Mezinárodního svazu studentstva, Ing. Jaroslav Šulc, CSc., národohospodář, publicista, někdejší asistent předsedy Senátu PČR, Doc. Mgr. Petr Žantovský, vysokoškolský pedagog, publicista, místopředseda Rady České tiskové kanceláře.
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    Julian Assange's Extradition Process Is 'A Charade'
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    DECLASSIFIED UK’s first articles

    Guardian/security services https://t.co/kYfEphiKOw
    UK covert wars https://t.co/nxHVRVie8n
    UK spy exports https://t.co/Ahc5kMEYts
    UK/Bahrain https://t.co/rE1xMxOD9P
    UK/Saudi https://t.co/UM9dCFfctY / https://t.co/UA7EgLrhdK

    Launch next month https://t.co/8FO4ATq0xj
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    'This charge is 100% false': Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal arrested months after reporting on Venezuelan opposition violence | The Grayzone
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    1. my lawyers @estelledehon @suigenerisjen and I won our #FOIA appeal against #ScotlandYard(@metpolice) to obtain the correspondence between @metpolice and the US on 3 ex/current #WikiLeaks journalists,@khrafnsson Sarah #Harrison, @SwaziJAF.ScotlandYard refuses to release me docs

    2. we appealed @metpolice's refusal to release me the docs, the UK authorities tried to kill our appeal. We appealed again and succeeded: our appeal will be examined and we will have a new chance to litigate it before the London First-tier Tribunal

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     Journalists must pay attention to Julian Assange | New Internationalist
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    Letters of support for clemency needed for Reality Winner | Courage to Resist
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    Mainstream Journalists Who Refuse To Defend Dissident Journalists Are Worshippers Of Power

    First they came for Assange, and I did not speak out,
    Because I was a mainstream Western journalist with no intention of ever upsetting the powerful.

    Then they came for Blumenthal, and I did not speak out,
    Because I was a mainstream Western journalist with no intention of ever upsetting the powerful.

    Then they came for all the other dissident journalists, and I did not speak out,
    Because I will never be a dissident journalist.

    They never came for me,
    Because I have chosen to serve power.
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    Julian Assange: MPs form group to advocate for return of WikiLeaks founder to Australia

    Eleven federal MPs have joined forces to agitate for the Morrison government to intervene in the United States' attempts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from Britain to stand trial on espionage charges.

    Independent MP Andrew Wilkie said the cross-party group, which includes two Nationals MPs, two Labor MPs and members of The Greens and the cross bench, would provide a forum to "discuss matters" relating to Mr Assange returning to Australia.
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    As he left the court on Sept 21/19, I think the consensus was that he was replying to someone outside who was saying, "you are a hero" He replied with "I am human"

    *EXCLUSIVE* footage of #Assange in prison van after extradition hearing https://t.co/sm3MnK7ud3

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