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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    CN LIVE! Mark Davis Wikileaks Revelations
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    Prosecution of Australian journalists for 'secrecy offences' should be allowed, parliamentary report says | Press freedom | The Guardian
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    Assange ‘in a lot of pain’ says partner after prison visit

    Ms Moris and the WikiLeaks founder had to wear face masks and visors for the 20-minute meeting and were not allowed to touch each other.


    Julian said it was the first time he had been given a mask because things are very different behind the doors
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    NOT IN OUR NAME: The Psychological Torture of Julian Assange (24 mins)
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    Torturing Assange: An Interview with Andrew Fowler - CounterPunch.org

    "It seems quite clear that there is an attempt by the British and US administrations to destroy Assange, either driving him to suicide or a psychological breakdown....
    The ultimate purpose of Assange’s treatment is a warning to others. Particularly other journalists. It’s the modern day equivalent of crucifixion, putting heads of enemies on spikes, or public hangings. The torture of Assange involves two main areas: being confined to three rooms in a single building for 7 years, and unable to leave without fear of arrest and extradition to Sweden which was playing an underhand role to allow Assange to be extrdited to the US. As the UN rapporteur on torture Nils Meltzer wrote that never in the two decades he had spent investigating war crimes had he ever seen such a ganging up of so many powerful nations against one individual. It is a testament to Assange’s mental strength that he resisted at all."

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    The show trial of Julian Assange: A cruel and pseudolegal farce - World Socialist Web Site

    Yesterday’s hearing in London made clear, if any further proof was needed, that the prosecution of Julian Assange is a shameful and degrading show trial, intended to railroad an innocent man to prison or death for revealing the crimes of US imperialism.

    In a botched proceeding, Assange was initially not brought to the video room to join the proceedings, the US prosecutors failed to show up after getting the hearing time wrong, and, with only five observers allowed in the courtroom, every journalist and legal observer who tried to listen to the hearing remotely was not admitted.

    Assange, the world’s most famous political prisoner, has been denied access to his attorneys since March, and he has not seen his family or young children since then.

    In the most egregious move of all, just two days before the hearing, the US Justice Department, under the right-wing authoritarian ideologue William Barr, issued a completely new indictment against Assange, which the accused had not been able even to read before the hearing
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    Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden nominated for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize - Defend WikiLeaks Defend WikiLeaks
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    Esej Václava Bělohradského: Nejtemnější mystifikace? Každý věk je dějinnou katastrofou, relativně vzato - Novinky.cz

    Pro mnohé z nás je Assange symbolem odvahy využít možnosti digitální revoluce k proměně globálního veřejného prostoru v prostředí, v němž mohou být systémy, které (jak říká disident Jan ve hře Toma Stopparda Rock’n’Roll) „lžou samy o sobě, počínaje označením sama sebe – socialismus, demokracie…“, z toho lhaní i usvědčeny.

    Díky Assangeově eticky inspirované rozsáhlé hackerské iniciativě byla temná zákulisí finanční, politické, vojenské a techno-vědecké moci západních států prudce osvětlena, z mainstreamové mytologie o systému založeném na lidských právech a vůli většin se stalo metafyzické harampádí; vlny populistických vzpour proti liberálnědemokratickému statu quo jsou srozumitelnou reakcí mas na novou viditelnost systémového pokrytectví.

    Julian Assange, jeden z hrdinů internetové doby, je nyní vězněn ve Velké Británii v podmínkách, které lékaři v dopise uveřejněném v The Lancet označili za „mučení“.

    Kdyby se naši filmoví tvůrci skutečně poučili z totalitní minulosti obecně a z vraždy Milady Horákové zvláště, visel by na FAMU už dlouhé měsíce plakát: Svobodu pro Juliana Assange!
    MTO --- ---
    Vykonstruovaný soudní proces s Julianem Assangem

    preklad z:

    Opinion -The show trial of Julian Assange: A cruel and pseudolegal farce
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    Against the extradition of Julian Assange to the USA (August 7, 2020, Leipzig) | DiEM25
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    History is on Edward Snowden's side: Now it's time to give him a full pardon | TheHill
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    Assange Update: The United States Issues New Extradition Request
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    UPDATE: Prosecutors fail to show up at #Assange hearing, more than 150 lawyers call for #JulianAssange to be freed

    WATCH: https://t.co/a7J84eXuOX https://t.co/AEdWphbMOh
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    I just finished reading the chapter on #WikiLeaks (59 pages) contained in the #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report on "Russian Active Measures Campaigns and Interference in the 2016 US Election"

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    A Secret Australia: Revealed by the WikiLeaks Exposés (Monash University Publishing)
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    Edward Snowden raked in over $1.2 million in speaking fees, agent says
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    Lawyers call for Julian Assange release | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT

    Canberra Times: ...In a letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Justice Secretary Robert Buckland, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and Home Secretary Priti Patel, 169 individuals and legal organisations called for the government to intervene.

    If extradited, campaigners said the 49-year-old will face a "show trial" in the US.

    They added he has been subject to surveillance which violates his right to a fair trial.

    "We call on you to act in accordance with national and international law, human rights and the rule of law by bringing an end to the ongoing extradition proceedings and granting Mr Assange his long overdue freedom," the letter signed Lawyers for Assange, reads.

    The group said the political nature of his alleged offences prohibits his extradition under the US-UK extradition treaty and that UK judges in his case have been subject to conflicts of interest.
    In the letter, Lawyers for Assange said this was an "irregular and disproportionate sentence" and stressed the need for his release given the Covid-19 pandemic and his health.

    Campaigners also said Assange's extradition would endanger the freedom of the press.

    The letter said: "The extradition to the US of a publisher and journalist, for engaging in journalistic activities while in Europe, would set a very dangerous precedent."

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Donald Trump prohlasil ze zvazuje milost pto Snowdena. Volby se blizi...zkousi elektoratu predhazovat ruzne momenty..

    Par let zpet tvrdil, ze by mel byt popraven...
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    Julian Assange Court Case Delayed Again in Bizarre Circumstances

    "Proceedings were held up this morning so Assange could converse for the first time in five months with his legal team. The prosecution team failed to turn up at the hearing because they were told events started at 3:30 p.m. Only five members of the press were allowed to enter the courtroom to monitor proceedings. Other journalists, observers, and NGOs attempting to listen via telephone could not, as they were given the number to another courtroom. One journalist who did make it inside claimed that the judge, Vanessa Baraitser, was, 'clearly reading from a pre-written ruling.'

    Assange sat in a conference room used by the entire prison, without a mask, and was seen coughing a number of times. At one point, proceedings in the courtroom were interrupted by screaming coming from another booth in Belmarsh prison, loud enough to cause a delay. Present at the hearing, Assange’s mother, Christine, warned that he would not survive extradition to the United States.

    Perhaps most bizarre, however, is that the United States Department of Justice dropped its original indictment in June, just two days after Assange’s defense team submitted their full and final evidence for the extradition hearing. Today was the first time Assange saw the charges against him..."
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    Democrat VP candidate @KamalaHarris asked by @nytimes about the US administrations' move to criminalize journalistic activity: #JulianAssange. Harris is a former prosecutor. Her answer indicates the prosecution is politically motivated. #VP

    https://t.co/uI6Pjf1NWP https://t.co/ilkhMchiyr
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