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    Beck - Chemtrails

    chemtrails , a song by beck
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE: tak už aktualizoval svůj článek a je tam o těch radarech více tak si to přečtěte sami:
    12/7/2012 — RADAR devices used as ‘heaters’ — Weather Modification via frequency | DUTCHSINSE = SINCEDUTCH
    KUKIDE --- ---
    takže něco o radarech a jak s jejich pomocí vyrábět blesky a plazmu v atmosféře:

    zase má Dutchsinse bod za tohle...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MATT: protože kolem chemtrailu je plno blbostí :D
    MATT --- ---
    KUBIS_IN: proc se mi nekdo snazi namluvit ze Pitotovy a Prandtlovy trubice jsou na neco jinyho, nez mereni rychlosti?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    TOP SECRET Mission - Chemtrail Pilots SPRAYING BLOOD Cause Face to Face Near Mid-Air Collisions !!! - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    ZELA23: zkopíruj adresu a dej ji do adresního řádku a Enter to funguje, jako proklik z nyxu to nejde...

    hmmm zajímavý
    ZELA23 --- ---
    KUKIDE: Not Acceptable Request - Access Denied - 406
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE: tohle sem prostě musím postnout pro přehled :)

    Timeline of public and covert testing and development of energy weapons
    1886-8: Nikola Tesla invents system of Alternating Current power source and transmission system. As 60-pulse-per-second (hertz) AC power grids spread over the land, Earth’s resonance frequency will eventually dance to a different beat than her usual 7-8 hertz .
    1900: Tesla applies for patent for a device to transmit Electrical Energy “Through the Natural Mediums”. U.S. Patent #787,412 issued in 1905
    1924: Confirmation that radio waves bounce off ionosphere (electrically-charged layer starting at altitude of 50 kilometers).
    1938: Scientist proposes to light up night sky by electron gyrotron heating from a powerful transmitter.
    1940: Tesla announces “death ray” invention.
    1945: Atomic bomb tests begin 40,000 electromagnetic pulses to follow.
    1952: W.O. Schumann identifies 7.83 hertz resonant frequency of the earth.
    1958: Van Allen radiation belts discovered (zones of charged particles trapped in earth’s magnetic field) 2,000+ miles up. VA Belt violently disrupted with nuclear detonations
    1958: Project Argus, U.S. Navy explodes 3 nuclear bombs in Van Allen belt.
    1958: As far back as 1958, the chief White House adviser on weather modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the DoD was studying “ways to manipulate the charges of the Earth and sky and so affect the weather by using an electronic beam to ionise or de-ionise the atmosphere over a given area.
    1960: Series of weather disasters begin.
    1961 – Project Skywater – Bureau of Reclamation (water) cloud seeding project funded by Congress.
    1961: Copper needles dumped into ionosphere as “telecommunications shield”.
    1961: Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments. In 1960′s the dumping of chemicals (barium powder etc.) from satellites/rockets began.
    1961-62: Soviets and USA blast many EMPs in atmosphere, 300 megatons of nuclear devices deplete ozone layer estimated at 4%.
    1962: Launch of Canadian satellites and start of stimulating plasma resonances by antennas within the space plasma.
    1966, June, Report to ICAS by ICAS Select Panel – Chair, Gordon JF MacDonald. “Future plans of Federal Agencies in Weather and Climate Modification.”
    1966, Nov, report from NASA to ICAS (Independent Comm. for Atmospheric Sciences of the Nat. Academy of Sciences, NAS) was first step in establishing a National Weather Modification program
    1966: Gordon J. F. MacDonald publishes military ideas on environmental engineering. MacDonald was Chair of the ICAS Select Panel on Weather and Climate Modification.
    1960′s: In Wisconsin, US Navy Project Sanguine lays ELF antennae.
    1968: Moscow scientists tell the West that Soviets pinpointed which pulsed magnetic field frequencies help mental and physiological functions and which do harm.
    1968: Gordon JF MacDonald authors chapter in book: “Unless peace Comes – a scientific forecast of new weapons” MacDonald was Chair of the ICAS Select Panel on Weather and Climate Modification.
    1969: Hail Suppression Data from Western North Dakota, 1969–1972 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City.
    1972: First reports on “ionospheric heater” experiments with high frequency radio waves, at Arecibo. 100-megawatt heater in Norway built later in decade; can change conductivity of auroral ionosphere.
    1972: Potential Value of Satellite Cloud Pictures in Weather Mod. Projects – Report prepared for NASA by Institute of Atmospheric Sciences South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Rapid City.
    1973: Documentation that launch of Skylab and associated rocket exhaust gases `’halved the total electron content of the ionosphere for three hours.
    1973: Recommendations for study of Project Sanguine’s biological effects denied by Navy.
    1974: United Nations General Assembly bans environmental warfare. ENMOD
    1974: High-frequency experiments at Plattesville, Colorado; Arecibo, Puerto Rico; and, Armidale, New South Wales heat “bottom side of ionosphere”.
    1974: Experiments airglow brightened by hitting oxygen atoms in ionosphere with accelerated electrons.
    1975: Evaluation of Monte Carlo Tests of Effectiveness of Cloud Seeding on Growing Season Rainfall in North Dakota.
    1975: Stanford professor Robert Helliwell reports that VLF from power lines is altering the ionosphere.
    1975: U. S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forces Navy to release research showing that ELF transmissions can alter human blood chemistry.
    1975: Pell Senate Subcommittee urges that weather and climate modification work be overseen by civilian agency answerable to U.S. Congress. No action taken.
    1975: Soviets begin pulsing “Woodpecker” ELF waves, at key brainwave rhythms. Eugene, Oregon, one of locations where people were particularly affected.
    1976: Drs. Susan Bawin and W. Ross Adey show nerve cells affected by ELF fields.
    1977: Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management – Inferences to Project Skywater
    1979: Launch of NASA’s third High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory causes large-scale, artificially-induced depletion in the ionosphere. Plasma hole caused by “rapid chemical processes” between rocket exhaust and ozone layer.” …“ionosphere was significantly depleted over a horizontal distance of 300 km for some hours.”
    1979: Annotated Bibliography of Predictor Variables for Weather Modification Applications - Funded by NSF Grant ATM 79-05007 pub., Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana.
    1985: Bernard J. Eastlund applies for patent “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,” (First of 3 Eastlund patents assigned to ARCO Power Technologies Inc.)
    1986: US Navy Project Henhouse duplicates Delgado (Madrid) experiment — very low-level, very-low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm chick embryos. 20
    1987: In the later part of the decade the U.S. begins network of Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers, each to generate Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves for defense purposes .
    1987-92: Other APTI scientists build on Eastlund patents for development of new weapon capabilities.
    1994: Military contractor E-Systems buys APTI, holder of Eastlund patents and contract to build biggest ionospheric heater in world (HAARP).
    1994: Congress freezes funding on HAARP until planners increase emphasis on earth-penetrating tomography uses, for nuclear counter proliferation efforts. (Oil and gas exploration)
    1995-1997: Public complaints accumulate across the US regarding unusual cloud formations and sudden increase in observable persistent jet contrails that appear unnaturally under dry atmospheric conditions. These observations are accompanied by complaints of biological specimens and web formations that appear to fall from the sky. Many instances of qualified lab analysis reveal high concentration of aluminum, barium and other elements that are consistent with DoD electromagnetic experiments
    1995: Raytheon buys E-Systems and old APTI patents. The technology is now hidden among thousands of patents within one of the largest defense contractor portfolios.
    1995: Congress budgets $10 million for 1996 under “nuclear counterproliferation” efforts for HAARP project.
    1995: Test of patent number 5,041,834 to generate an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror (AIM), or a plasma layer in the atmosphere. The AIM is used like the ionosphere to reflect RF energy over great distances.
    1994-6: Testing of first-stage HAARP (euphemistically named High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) equipment continues, although funding was frozen.
    1996: HAARP scientists test the earth-penetrating tomography applications by modulating the electroject at Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF)
    1998: Projected date for fully-operating HAARP system.
    2009: Operation HAMP – Department of Homeland Security operation to Modify and Steer Hurricanes with Geoengineering Aerosols
    2012: Celebrating 50 years of Success. A Compilation of highlights from the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Rapid City.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology « GeoEngineering Exposed
    KUKIDE --- ---
    tohle považuješ taky za gravitačnílny?
    MATT --- ---
    Gravity Waves Are Not Something You Only Hear About On Doctor Who - Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal - AGU Blogosphere
    KUKIDE --- ---
    a jedna televizní věc o Geoinženýringu:
    Lateline: Geoengineering To "Combat Climate Change" 11-22-12 - YouTube

    a mě pořád nejde do hlavy ten kontrast s tímhle co už jsme tu uváděl:
    "Cirrus clouds cover up to 25% of the Earth and have a net heating effect."
    KUKIDE --- ---
    a jedno video z USA:
    Lines in the Sky Alarm Bay Area Locals - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    What Is In Our Skies, Part 1 - Introduction - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    LiveLeak.com - Most Amazing ChemTrail Ever!
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Letadla na prášky | ČILICHILI Online
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Rothschild’s, And The Geoengineering Empire » Rothschild’s, And The Geoengineering Empire | GeoengineeringWatch.org
    KUKIDE --- ---
    tak a to tu je pohromadě :)
    Chemické analýzy z Nórska odhaľujú možné mechanizmy
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Summary on the real purpose of chemtrails
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