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jmenovitě hliník se podle kanceláře senátora via plkovník USAF (nebo naopak) přidává do "chaffu" – prostředku matení radarů tak řečeného nepřítele (včetně training and testing), bylo to tu včera
https://docs.google.com/viewer?docex=1&url=http://www.gao.gov/assets/230/226441.pdf a vyčísluje tam, kolik se vysype z letadel, kolik použije námořnictvo a naznačuje příčiny zvýšené koncentrace hliníku v pitné vodě...
For example,
the Air Force reported that chaff has a potential but remote chance of
collecting in reservoirs and causing chemical changes that may affect
water and the species that use it.
Currently, the services use
pyrotechnic charges, rockets, mortars, air flows, or motors to disperse
Meteorologists can usually correctly identify chaff on radar, but automated
systems cannot now distinguish chaff from rainfall. The automated
systems record chaff as precipitation and overstate the amount of rain
archived in the database. Researchers may therefore get inaccurate results
from their studies.
However, they acknowledged that
fiberglass chaff persists in the environment and that some members of the
public perceive chaff as environmentally harmful or undesirable. They are
taking action to develop a new degradable chaff, saying they thus hope to
head off any possible restrictions on chaff use that may result in
reductions in military training.
David R. Warren, Director
Defense Management Issues :-))
přílohy a slovníček: aFiber: aluminum-coated silica glass fibers; foil: aluminum foil.
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