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    ztracené heslo?
    KAROLINA182Postpress, zušlechťování tiskovin
    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    Valhalla Business Card aneb vizitky za 27 Korun kus :)

    DESCRIPTION: Business Cards
    CLIENT: Self-promotion
    DATE: January 2011
    DESIGN CREDITS: Scott Hultgren
    PRINT CREDITS: Quality Letterpress (San Diego, CA)
    TYPE CREDITS: ITC Avant Garde Gothic, Adobe Garamond Pro

    DIMENSIONS: WIDTH × HEIGHT × DEPTH: 3.5 in × 2 in
    PRINT METHOD: Letterpress, Foilstamp
    PAPER STOCK: Reich Savoy, Brilliant White, 236lb

    I don’t know much about Scandinavian mythology, so maybe it’s because Valhalla is also the name of one my favorite bars here in Austin, or that it’s referenced in Led Zepplin’s “Immigrant Song,” but this name just oozes cool to me. The blind hit gives these cards a textural element, and the weight is substantial enough that people will want to hold on to it, which is in fact, the point of a business card.

    I always try to have memorable business cards and always try to make my new one better than the last. My theory is that if it’s a cool card the people will keep it around, rather than putting it in the circular file. I’ve always liked letterpress cards and decided to give it a shot for my newest cards. The time from “I need new business cards! What if I did a letterpress version” to completed cards, in my hands, was only about two weeks which included a trip down to meet with Tim (super-amazingly awesome to work with) and see what could be done.

    I tried to keep the design really simple and utilize the letterpress capabilities a lot. I like the card and think it works good without the blind tree / line / etc hit on the front (or design and conquer on the back) but when that’s evident, it really brings the card to the next level.

    One cool, interesting thing I like is that I was able to use my original “design and conquer” as a blind hit on the backside with my viking icon in the same location as the front of the card. Theoretically, you’d be able to see the icon popping out a bit more since he’s hit on the front and left alone on the back but with such thick paper it didn’t show. Still cool to know though.

    Even with the incredible deal Tim at Quality Letterpress gave me, letterpress isn’t cheap but it’s oh-so-awesome! This paper came in at about $9 per 26×40 sheet but it looks and worked amazing. For the blind hits, I wish I had done the regular Adobe Garamond Pro - Italic instead of the Semibold. I think the thinner font weight would have made it a bit more legible since there’s no ink to help set it off. All in all though, I’m very happy with the cards and the few I’ve received great feedback from handed out so far.

    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    L. Condoms

    L. Condoms | BLDG//WLF

    L. is a condom company with a cause: to empower women globally by supporting the human right to safe sex. For every condom you purchase, one is distributed in a developing country. L. not only provides those in need with safe sex options, but also educational programs in order to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS within communities highly affected by the disease. The initial packaging is designed to spread the message within developed countries in order to facilitate the “1 for 1? mission of the company, through the “SEX – CAUSE – WORLD” message, and bold shelf presence.

    Designed by Adrian Gilling.

    KEPASO --- ---
    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    Fantastic Print Design Portfolio by Vellut, a Studio from Spain.

    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    The Urban Code of China
    Dieter Hassenpflug
    Published by Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel

    Behance project
    Buy Online

    When reading the Chinese city, which this book sets out to do, it is not the well-known cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi an that are in the focus of attention, but rather the essentially Chinese of the Chinese city, those characteristics or attributes that are more or less shared by all Chinese cities. The spotlight is on their spatial grammar, their syntax, in short: their code. Only by deciphering their common traits a view to the underlying structure of Chinese cities is opened, and we can begin to reasonably evaluate and classify the diversity of impressions. Deciphering the code of the Chinese city also enables the author to read new Chinese towns designed by Western architects. Thus, readers are provided with valuable insight on China s booming urbanization and urban development.

    Dieter Hassenpflug
    1. Edition 2010, 176 Pages
    101 color, 1 b/w Illustrations, Soft cover
    ISBN: 978-3-0346-0572-4

    VIRUS31 --- ---
    Print inspiration
    jen tak na podivani


    _KOFILA_ --- ---

    Maaemo is an 100% ecological gourmet restaurant in Oslo, Norway.

    Bureau Bruneau

    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    Travel + Leisure Design Awards 2011 Mailer

    Travel + Leisure Design Awards 2011 mailer
    Travel + Leisure
    November 2010
    Jill Sabato
    Vertical Production Group

    10 days
    Uncoated Finch

    Travel + Leisure Design Awards 2011 Mailer - FPO: For Print Only
    The goal of this mailer was to promote the Annual Travel + Leisure 2011 Design Awards issue. Typically for this project I like to create something that is fun and not the traditional “sell sheet” to grab attention and to make the experience more interactive. I aim to have the piece double as a keepsake that clients will hold on to and maybe even keep on their desk.

    The production on this required a bit of planning, so I contacted my vendor while it was still being designed in order to get the balsa wood in time (i know timing can be an issue with special materials). Luckily I have a great vendor who always helps to make my ideas become a reality in time and on budget.

    The main challenge was the screen printing. Originally the type was meant to be smaller - but I needed to make it larger + thicker because of the way it took to the wood and the variations in the texture from piece to piece. Also the vendor expressed there was some difficulty in the die cutting of the wood, but in the end they got it right after a few tries.

    Also, one last thing I kept in mind (after some problems on past projects) was the condition of the piece after it had gone through the mail. I mailed myself several samples of the balsa in envelopes (some padded, some not) to make sure the piece would not crack or bend in the mail. Luckily the padded envelope did the trick and I added a do not bend line on the mailing label.

    VIRUS31 --- ---
    Filthy : Lovely Stationery . Curating the very best of stationery design

    Designed by Filthy http://www.filthymedia.com/ | Country: United Kingdom

    “We strongly believe in the value of print, so as a print-based designs studio, we feel it’s important that our stationery is a showcase of what we can do within the medium.

    We created a bespoke logo that was then embossed across all of our stationery, creating a latex texture on uncoated paper. We used a color palette set in black & white, with a hint of turquoise to demonstrate the attention to detail we like to achieve with all of our projects.

    All printing and finishing produced by Generation Press.” http://generationpress.co.uk/

    SHADOWALKER --- ---
    KAROLINA182: Aj! A to, že si mám najít žákovskou je rafinovaná forma trestu, že? ;)
    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    SHADOWALKER: asi ti napíšu pochvalu do žákovský, jsi nějaká moc vzorná :))))
    SHADOWALKER --- ---
    KAROLINA182: :) Zrovna to sem jdu dát.
    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    Od zítra Polygraf a cyklus Grafické fórum (Průmyslový palác, Střední hala).
    Pozvánka na veletrh Reklama, Polygraf / archiv / Font
    Úvod - Reklama Polygraf

    Středa 23. 3. 2011
    10.15 – 11.15

    Simulace tiskových dat na monitorech EIZO – softproof v praxi
Aktuální možnosti softproofu – dosahovaná přesnost a její kontrola ve specifickém barevném prostoru. Softproof v praxi na lokálním pracovišti. Využití softproofu v systému dálkového softproofu, princip a příklady realizací. Součástí přednášky je praktická ukázka tisku a porovnání s její obrazovou reprodukcí na monitoru.
Antonín Charvát, Avnet

    11.30 – 12.30

    Řízení kvality a výrobního procesu

    Prezentace na téma kvality tisku a tiskových dat ve formátu PDF.
Zdeněk Paseka, PSO/UGRA

    13.00 – 14.00 

    Praktická ukázka ColorMunki Design/Photo – kalibrace monitoru, tiskárny a měření barev
Přednáška na téma, jakým způsobem se pomocí produktů ColorMunki Design nebo Photo kalibrují monitory a tiskárny.
Pavel Maňas, Quentin

    14.15 – 15.15

    Adobe InDesign CS5

    Jak snadno lze obsah z InDesignu CS5, původně určený pro tisk, publikovat v elektronických médiích: Web, iPad a další elektronická zařízení.
Amos Software/Adobe

    15.30 – 17.30

    Grafický design
Filip Blažek, Unie grafického designu

    Čtvrtek 24. 3. 2011
    10.15 – 11.15

    Produkční tisk řešení HP a EFI
    Jak rychle a efektivně si můžeme ekalibrovat velkoformátovou tiskárnu HP DJ Z5200 (44“) pomocí nového produktu EFI Colorproof/Fiery XF 4.5.
Pavel Maňas, Quentin

    11.30 – 12.15
Jak na korektury
    Přednáška přinese pohled do zákulisí příprav webu JakNaKorektury.cz, který široké veřejnosti formou videoklipů a screencastů stručně a názorně vysvětlí, jakými způsoby se efektivně realizuje vyznačování a předávání korektur.

    Jan Tippman, Unie grafického designu

    12.30 – 13.30

    Adobe Photoshop CS5 a Illustrator CS5
    Jak nové grafické aplikace řady Adobe Creative Suite 5 napomáhají urychlit a usnadnit práci těm, kdo je opravdu znají.

    Amos Software

    13.45 – 14.45
    Simulace tiskových dat na monitorech EIZO – softproof v praxi
Aktuální možnosti softproofu – dosahovaná přesnost a její kontrola ve specifickém barevném prostoru. Softproof v praxi na lokálním pracovišti. Využití softproofu v systému dálkového softproofu,
princip a příklady realizací. Součástí přednášky je praktická ukázka tisku a porovnání s její obrazovou reprodukcí na monitoru.
Antonín Charvát, Avnet

    15.00 – 16.00

    Finální úprava tiskovin – termolaminace, UV lakování a parciální lakování
Novinky a trendy v zušlechťování tiskovin. Trendy v technologii zpracování, speciální efekty, nové materiály. Finální úprava tiskovin jako součást „in-line“ výrobních linek.
Jana Slováková, Komfi

16.15– 17.15
Redakční systém WoodWing
Jak redakční systém zefektivní výrobu periodik a publikování v nových médiích.
Amos Software

    Pátek 25. 3. 2011
    10.15 – 13.30

    Ofsetový a digitální tisk
    Kombinace ofsetového a digitálního tisku v jedné tiskárně. Ekonomika jednotlivých technologií. Digitální tisk pro umělecké publikace. Dotisk publikací a prospektů prostřednictvím digitálního tisku. Personalizace prostřednictvím digitálního tisku.
Eva Kaiserová Levné knihy, Jiří Zápotocký Xprint, Přemysl Černý Art D, Robert Domnosil BOOM TISK, Miroslav Klos FINIDR, Martin Křikava, Michal Toman OCÉ ČR, Petr Jetel Canon

    13.45 – 14.30
    Rychlá a jednoduchá vazba V2 a V8 a digitální ražba desek knih

    Češi to rádi pevné – velká obliba tuhých vazeb na českém trhu a spojení jejich výroby s digitální technologií. Moderní technologie dokončujícího zpracování pro poloprofesionální výrobu knih.

    Martin Jamrich, Svět tisku
    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    Awesome Business Card Ideas | Oh So Beautiful Paper
    Business Card Ideas and Inspiration | Oh So Beautiful Paper

    These busi­ness cards from Fox Rain com­bine two dif­fer­ent print­ing tech­niques on two dif­fer­ent papers.
    The top layer was let­ter­press printed by Shel­ley Weir of Sweet Peony Press with sil­ver ink on a dark brown wood­grain paper.
    Designer San­dra Liu then adhered the top layer to a bright white cot­ton stock hand stamped with the company’s infor­ma­tion.

    Pretty new busi­ness cards from Molly at Paisley Quill

    …and Julie at Cartoules Letterpress

    The let­ter­press halftone images give these cards from Tactic Marketing a bit of tex­ture and some cool per­son­al­ized detail (via Lovely Stationery and FPO)

    I can’t get over the incred­i­ble detail and fine (yet lay­ered) lines in these let­ter­press busi­ness cards, printed by Boxcard Press for designer Christina Clugston

    col­or­ful edge paint­ing on these busi­ness cards for Shayama Golden via Francesco Mug­nai

    ah-mazing dip-dyed busi­ness cards – another genius idea from Jordan Ferney

    laser engraved wood veneer cards from Staci Paul and FPO

    pan­tone chip busi­ness cards by James Prunean via Lovely Sta­tionery

    Chris Pias­cik
    img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4004/4480899580_46c6cae98b_o.jpg">

    Colt Bow­den via FPO

    illus­trated let­ter­press and foil stamped busi­ness cards by Dolce Press

    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    Infinite Possibilities
    Eight Hour Day » Infinite Possibilities Print

    Well wishes for an exciting and prosperous 2011,
    this letterpress print is meant to inspire through the
    beauty of custom type. Edition of 200 prints. Pressed
    at the lovely Studio on Fire.

    Mixtape Wedding System
    Mixtape Wedding System | Studio On Fire

    Micah & Ruth
    Adam Ramareth (Lark Design)

    BUBBLE --- ---
    VIRUS31: jj to jsem myslel...odkaz na zdroj kterej můžu případně sdílet dát, což u samotných pics a textu nejde...dík
    KAROLINA182 --- ---
    BUBBLE: souhlasím, akorát tohle píšou jen na jednom webu.... když to tam je, tak to sem hodím. Občas vidím něco hezkého, ale nemá to žádný popis nebo odkaz....tak proto občas jen obrázky... ale budu se snažit :)
    BUBBLE --- ---
    KAROLINA182: tohle je imho ideální formát příspěvku. Hodně obrázků + technickej popis jak to bylo dělaný. Ještě kdyby u toho byl odkaz na stránky autorů, nebo na zdroj...
    ERGOSUM --- ---
    S příspěvky spokojen. Jen bych prosil přidávat "všude" linky.
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