RUDOLF: "They didn’t have any rights to the land, and there was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not conceived and were not using . . . . What was it that they were fighting for, when they opposed white men on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence, their ‘right’ to keep part of the earth untouched, unused and not even as property, but just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal, or a few caves above it. Any white person who brings the element of civilization has the right to take over this continent."- Address to West Point, 1974
a reakce z jejího tábora: "She was right of course. In fact, none of us has any rights or liberty to anything that we ourselves are unable to keep and defend. " : prostě znásilňuj co můžeš, protože dokud se ti nikdo nepostaví, máš veškeré právo tak pokračovat..
a reakce mimo její tábor a na její citaci:
"We’ve been taught that Columbus opened the way for rapacious European settlers to unleash a stream of horrors on a virgin continent: slavery, racism, warfare, epidemic, and the cruel oppression of Indians." -- no, Columbus didn't open the way for others to do those things, he did all that himself!
a ještě si nemůžu odpustit jeden, holt ale k tomu není žádná citace:
Don't forget she got much of her American History from Hollywood films
A jeden povedený názor:
If "grossly distorting words" were a mortal sin, worthy of hell's fire, than Rand herself is sizzling away even now. In the very "Philosophy: Who Needs It" address after which she made the quote in the post, she distorts the views of a number of philosophers. The views she ascribes to Kant, Hegel, and William James are mostly distortions, and would be recognized as such by any fair-minded person. Kant, for example, does not equate selfish with evil, as Rand suggests; this is a complete distortion. Nor would Dewey have ever endorsed the injunction, "Act first, think afterward." Why is it that Rand and her followers are able to indulge in all kinds of gross distortions without a word of protest from the Objectivist faithful, yet if some critic is merely perceived (rightly or wrongly) as distorting Rand, it is as if he has committed the worst crime in the history of civilization? Is this kind of raving partisanship, this refusal to abide by the same standards one applies to others, this veritable turning the golden rule on its head (treating others much worse than one expects to treat oneself!) -- is that what Objectivist egoism means en praxis?