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    AMICRONAyn Rand
    Forum o spisovatele Ayn Rand a jeji filozofie Objectivismus. Hodne dulezita a zajimava tema, bohuzel skoro vubec neznami v Cechach. Knihy the Fountainhead (Zdroj), Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, We the Living, The Virtue of Selfishness atd. http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objektivismus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand (neni clanek v cestine...tsk tsk)
    rozbalit záhlaví
    _BENNY --- ---
    _BENNY: tak jsem konecne zkoukl treti dil filmu Atlas Shrugged

    Atlas Shrugged III: Who Is John Galt? Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Ayn Rand Sequel Movie HD

    kdyz pominu tu skutecnost, ze kazdy dil tocil jiny reziser s uplne jinymi lidmi (v prvnim dile bylo Dagny cca 35, v druhem dile 50 a ve tretim 25 let) a vezmu v uvahu jak moc spatna byla zbyla tretina knihy (rikal jsem si jak reziser hodla vyresit ten Galtuv 70ti strankovy monolog, behem jehoz psani mela Ayn zrejme svuj amfetaminovy peak), hodnotim to jako uspech. vlastne neuveritelny uspech. nedovedl bych to asi, muset sam vychazet ze stejne predlohy, vymyslet lip.
    _BENNY --- ---
    Atlas Shrugged Part II Trailer - YouTube
    _BENNY --- ---
    Přežije civilizace? Rozhodne se v příštích 20 letech (Yaron Brook) | Týden.cz
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    Jestlipak víte, že u příležitosti zasedání Mont Pelerin Society do Prahy zavítal i ředitel Ayn Rand Institute pan Yaron Brook?
    FRONEMA --- ---
    pro ty kteri snesou trochu humoru z atlasu:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seKhVJDOzlQ
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    to jsou jen pouhé pomluvy.
    VANEK --- ---
    GENERALLZ: Ryan prý je velký randita.
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    Ayn Randová v roce 1972: "“If there were some campaign organization called ‘Anti-Nixonites for Nixon,’ it would name my position … The worst thing said about Nixon is that he cannot be trusted, which is true: he cannot be trusted to save this country. But one thing is certain: [George] McGovern can destroy it.”

    Nesedí to i dneska na kampaň Obama vs. Romney?

    GENERALLZ --- ---
    An Introduction to Objectivism Part1 - Lecture by Leonard Peikoff - YouTube
    EDEN --- ---
    GENERALLZ: vyborny clanok
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    Leonard Peikoff brilantní jako vždy. "Wealth has to be created. It doesn't grow on trees and there's a limitless amount. One person's creation is not taken from another. It is a Marxist myth that yout get rich at the expense of the por. If they're poor, how did you get the money from them to begin with?" (od 0:38)
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    Debate 1984 (Part 6) Capitalism Vs. Socialism - YouTube
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    Ayn Rand's First Appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, 1967 - YouTube
    VANEK --- ---
    GENERALLZ: Aha, to mně v té ostatní mase uteklo.
    Teď kdo od koho opisuje; dohledávat tu americkou knížku se mi nechce.
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