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    ztracené heslo?
    AMICRONAyn Rand
    _BENNY --- ---
    FRONEMA: ad Bad guys & good guys - mozna nasili, ktere se ale skupinove odhlasovalo ( = to je ta demokracie). hrdina Ayninych romanu, individualista, o nicem hlasovat nebude, nikoho se nebude na nic ptat a proste si vezme co chce. imho tezko z knihy vyctes opak.
    FRONEMA --- ---
    _BENNY: no to bych asi mohla, ale myslim ze by to byla typicka rozplizla diskuze ktera by neskoncila nicim dobrym.
    stejne bys mohl rozebrat i Hobita. nasel bys tam propagaci koureni, zajem o mrzky mamon a urcite dalsich par veci.

    nejdivnejsi je bod Bad guys get their way through democracy; good guys get their way through violence.
    Kdyz Equalization of Opportunity Bill a dalsi veci se kteryma z vlady prichazi nejsou nic nez nasili. Reardenovi patenty ziskavaji pomoci vydirani atd atd.
    _BENNY --- ---
    FRONEMA: kazdopadne je to ozdrojovane, pripojeny jsou citace, odkazy na puvodni texty, klidne muzes polemizovat ;)
    FRONEMA --- ---
    _BENNY: teda to je vazne *hodne* tendencne napsany.
    _BENNY --- ---
    10 (insane) things I learned about the world reading Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” - Salon.com
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    VANEK --- ---
    Gotta love her:
    Famous Novelists on Symbolism in Their Work and Whether It Was Intentional | Mental Floss
    My definition of symbolism as used in this questionnaire is represented by this example: In The Scarlet Letter there are four major characters. Some say that Hawthorne meant those four to be Nature, Religion, Science or other similar symbols in disguise. They apply the actions of the four in the story to what is presently happening or will happen to Nature, Religion, Science, etc.”
    Ayn Rand: “This is not a ‘definition,’ it is not true—and therefore, your questions do not make sense.”
    GENERALLZ --- ---
    Padesát let po atentátu v Dallasu je Kennedy stále pokládán za skvělého a nadějného státníka. Co na to Ayn Randová? Doporučuji k poslechu: The Fascist New Frontier By Ayn Rand
    VANEK --- ---
    _BENNY: title="In a cavern deep below the Earth, Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Ann Druyan, Paul Rudd, Alan Alda, and Duran Duran meet togther in the Secret Council of /(\b[plurandy]+\b ?){2}/i." alt="Ayn Random" (uhm? aha, regexp)
    _BENNY --- ---
    VANEK --- ---
    Párkrát jsem se usmál:
    John Hodgman: Ask Ayn Rand : The New Yorker
    _BENNY --- ---
    VANEK --- ---
    ZOMFG jakto, že nenastala anihilace?
    Tomáš Tožička: Kapitalismus etických egoistů - Deník Referendum
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