Pražský hackerspace Brmlab. - Nová adresa Pod Kapličkou 20 (na želivského) Meetup kazde utery od 19h; Vchod z jihu, za dvermi doleva, 2. patro IRC: #Brmlab
PiSec v Písku.
Base48 v Brně.
Ostravská Labka - [ Labka : Hackerspace Ostrava : uvazovali jste nekdy nad tim, ze si vyrobite samici robota? ] (labka suspended)
ROH - Pražský mikrohackerspace ROH
Bordel Space (paralel polis) v praze
A nově tu máme hackerspace TAKT praha TAKTPRAHA
Here, we explore whether disposable e-cigarette cells are suitable for charge/discharge cycling, along with their response to damage. Cells harvested from disposable e-cigarettes showed impressive cycling performance, capable of over 700 cycles. When pierced with a nail, the exterior of the e-cigarette reached 270°C. This work highlights the waste of vital materials caused by the sale of disposable e-cigarettes and the urgent need for government intervention.