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    ztracené heslo?
    POAČeská i zahraniční psychiatrická léčba
    LIESKO_VEC --- ---
    myslim, ze tady zavanulo piskem
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Reflektujte to
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Mental health and happiness depends on a healthy brain, which depends on a complex of subtle ecological factors, just like a healthy garden or any other living thing. Psychiatric drugs "solve" problems crudely, like bullets from guns, always by damaging something in the brain. But psychiatrists who don't prescribe the drugs find themselves outside the box and in trouble. Who can blame them? Who is to blame for this destruction? With exceptional insight, the author has done a fine piece of detective work on the enormous crime of today's psychiatric medication prescribing.

    Amazon.com: Drug-Induced Dementia: a perfect crime (9781438972312): MD Grace E. Jackson: Books

    Grace Jackson is a no-nonsense redhead who won't give up. She walked out of a good career as a Navy medical officer (psychiatrist) so she could speak freely about the obvious harm being done by psychiatric medication. A recovering psychiatrist myself, I know her from meetings we have attended. If you think this book is too heavy with technical details, I say that she knows that this is what makes her argument unassailable in its truth, so we readers must put up with it. What she says is true -- all of it. She is a beautiful person.
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment

    J. Moncrieff

    Amazon.com: The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment (9780230574311): J. Moncrieff: Books

    myth of chemical cure.pdf (1273112 B)
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Terapeuticky efekt neuroleptik po dlouhodobejsi expozici ("zaleceni") je poskozeni mozku. Je fakt, ze to muze zvysit prah pro psychozu, za cenu poskozeni vyssich struktur cns, opak je spis pravdou (neuroleptic misery), tusim ze i statisticky pokud se nemylim (tretinove pomery 1:1:1), resp. snizi to kvalitu zivota. To je ten "benefit".

    Samozrejme prinos neuroleptik u te jedne tretiny je v tom, ze pokud ma nekdo fyzicky vysinuty mozek vyzadujici dlouhodejsi lecbu nez je treba jedna injekce (toxicka psychoza, tezka disorganizovanost), daji cloveka dohromady. Pokud je vsak uz v poradku, dalsi prodlouzena expozice, byt je to jen udrzovaci lecba, si vybira svou dan (neuroleptic induced dementia, tardivni demence, se muze projevit po letech po expozici a po letech po posledni psychoze).
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Stane se, ze se clovek i "psychicky zrani", neuroleptika taky pomohou. Neuroleptika jsou nenahraditelne, uzitecne, ale jen akutne. Cely ten argument se tyka dlouhodobejsi, zbytecne expozice, ktera ma dementogenni ucinek: to je anti-vedecky podvod biologicke psychiatrie, jde o zisk.
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---

    This book exposes the traditional view that psychiatric drugs correct chemical imbalances as a dangerous fraud. It traces the emergence of this view and the way it supported the vested interests of the psychiatric profession, the pharmaceutical industry and the modern state. Instead it is proposed that psychiatric drugs 'work' by creating abnormal brain states, which are often unpleasant and impair normal intellectual and emotional functions along with other harmful consequences. Research on antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilisers is examined to demonstrate this thesis and it is suggested that acknowledging the real nature of psychiatric drugs would lead to a more democratic practice of psychiatry.
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Cely argument se tyka chronickeho, dlouhodobejsiho nasazeni neuroleptik. Akutni ucinek (dny, maximalne par tydnu) nikdo nepopira.
    DARJEEL --- ---
    The Lancet: The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatry

    FESAKFLOYD: ne, to je na tu druhou knihu
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    DARJEEL: jeste ne. poslu ti je az je budu mit.
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    DARJEEL --- ---
    no ale ačkoliv jsou extrapyramidální efekty nižší u druhé generace, stojí to stejně za hovno:

    Acute antipsychotic-induced akathisia revisited -- Poyurovsky 196 (2): 89 -- The British Journal of Psychiatry
    DARJEEL --- ---
    FESAKFLOYD: mmchdm:

    Moncrieff has written a well-researched essay that presents one side of the argument. This argument is important
    and deserves to be heard, but her review of the literature is selective: it highlights findings of no difference and dis-regards those that show treatments to be of benefit. Cherry-picking data to back her hypothesis weakens her argument, as she falls victim to the same tactics that she so deplores in pharmaceutical companies’ promotional literature.
    DARJEEL --- ---
    FESAKFLOYD: máš ty knihy?
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    a must read pro vsechny zainteresovane
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Amazon.com: Drug-Induced Dementia: a perfect crime (9781438972312): MD Grace E. Jackson: Books
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Amazon.com: The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment (9780230574311): J. Moncrieff: Books
    FESAKFLOYD --- ---
    Myth of the antipsychotic

    The psychiatric profession is ignoring evidence that treatment with antipsychotics can be harmful, according to a new book

    Myth of the antipsychotic | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

    "At the heart of years of dissent against psychiatry through the ages has been its use of drugs, particularly antipsychotics, to treat distress. Do such drugs actually target any "psychiatric condition"? Or are they chemical control—a socially-useful reduction of the paranoid, deluded, distressed, bizarre and odd into semi-vegetative zombies?"
    POA --- ---
    byly smazány tři příspěvky... děláím to velice nerada.. mnozí mne v tomto už znáte

    žádám všechny o to, aby se vzájemně nenapadali... děkuji za pochopení
    POA --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: vzhledem k odůvodněné žádosti o smazání tvého příspěvku mám k tobě osobní otázku:

    setkal ses někdy ty osobně coby pacient s psychiatrem nebo se dlouhodobě léčíš? Nebo jsi na druhé straně a jsi s psychiatriií profesionálně propojen?

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