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    ztracené heslo?
    SMARIOJahrider , Filip Dryje a další vomrdávači na scéně
    SOLDIK --- ---
    AKISAN: v takove pripade byt tebou drzim pusinku, nebo napisu ze to bylo zertem.
    AKISAN --- ---
    SOLDIK: tentokrat si to fakt nepamatuju, kdo to na vystavisti placnul,,, "Hele Soldik dostal Jaha do teplaku".... datz all...ale smali sme se tomu takze to asi bylo mysleno cernym humorem.
    SOLDIK --- ---
    AKISAN: kdo to rikal, hned se ho na to zeptam jak na to prisel a nerikej ze to nemuzes rict jako obvykle.
    AKISAN --- ---
    SOLDIK: tos nebyl ty? ja slysel ze jo :oD
    CROME --- ---
    BOLDRIK23: "nekdo" Boldrik pls, muzes udelat beneficni koncert na politickeho vezne Jaha vole
    [ PAYAMAN @ Jahrider a další vomrdávači na scéně ]
    SOLDIK --- ---
    BOLDRIK23 --- ---
    No upřímně mu to nepřeju...kdyby mu byl dokázán podvod bylo by to košer, jestli někdo udal jeho zahrádku je to svinstvo i když je to debil co se tím chlubí...
    AKISAN --- ---
    PAYAMAN: jeste ze se ve me nic nehlo a poslal sem ho na liru do píči kdyz ke me bezel s rukou....
    DRUMID23 --- ---
    ERIKK: :D
    přesně tak. Tohle je důkazem, že rčení " na každou svini se vaří voda" je pravdivá :)
    ERIKK --- ---
    a neni to jedno? :D jeslti ho nekdo udal nebo ne ... hlavne ze to dobre dopadlo ;)
    _PLWI_ --- ---
    ICARUS: tak jako vis co, podle toho co tu probehlo, tak po Highvandru se yacal formovat nejakej spolek co bz mu mel yatnout tipec pomoci yalobz, nebo tak neco. Tohle bylatutovka, ney se smolit s nakou zalobou. Proste had kousnul, takhle bych to videl ja
    KADLINO --- ---
    PAYAMAN: Od koho je tenhle post?
    PAYAMAN --- ---
    Highland Guerilla Grow 2016
    PAYAMAN --- ---
    JAH_N_BASS: takhle podvedených bude více
    pro nefejsbukaře
    All artists and promoters do not work together with
    JAHRIDER aka Michal Ludvig aka Michal Nekvapil aka Viktor Hollmann
    and DJ CRACKENN aka Michael Havrda!!
    Both of them are not only unserious promoters they are even thieves and just a big bag of shit!!!
    As Jahrider is in jail now I will never see my money and Crackenn will say that he has nothing to do with this situation.....I did not want to go this way but now I will make this issue public.
    In June/July I was booked for 2 festivals in czech. First one was Highlander (Promoter Jahrider) and second one was Beats for Love (Stagemanager Crackenn).
    Highlander was a disaster - Not much ppl and a crap organisation. Jahrider couldnt pay me and promised to give me my money at the B4L Festival 1 week later. In the days between the festivals I had to pay all accomodation by myself although the agreement was that I only take 200€ fee for Highlander and everything else gets paid for 4 ppl.
    On Monday I should have played in Prague (for free!!! Jahrider said its a free party and there is no money for the artists only accomodation). At the club I was informed that Jahrider wasnt the promoter and the real promoter also got tricked by him. They wanted to let me stay in a hostel with 8 other ppl in the room so i canceled the gig and looked for a proper hotel.
    On Tuesday I linked up with the second "promoter" Crackenn and that guy didnt have any money in his pocket so I paid him food and drinks in his hometown. He couldnt even afford his train ticket to get to the B4L Festival so I gave him 50€ and took him to Ostrava in my car. I had to wait 2 days till he gave me back my 50€ and I just got my 300€ fee (from the B4L organisation crew) - although Crackenn promised to take care about all my extra costs! Worst thing is that he probably took the money from Jahriders fee and didnt pass it on to me. He told Jahrider that he gave the money to me but that never happend!!!
    After the festival i didnt see both guys anymore and i had to go back to Germany. Since that time both guys are lying to me telling that there are troubles with the bank, paypal doesnt work or they cant afford the costs as Western Union transfer! I dont really know who has or took my money (we are talking about a silly amount of 200€ fee - I knew I would never get the extra money back that I had to spend because of the unproffesional organisation)..... in the meantime I gave them enough chances to give me my money so now they can keep it if it makes them happy!
    In August Crackenn sent me 30€ (!!!!) as first payment- since then i never heard anything from him and I will pass that money on to a organsation for mentaly retarted people like him!
    I want to let other artists know what kind of ppl those guys are and ruin their fuckin "names" and "reputation"!!
    You idiots tried to fuck around with the wrong guy!!!
    Pls share this post on your wall or in groups to spread the word and link your friend artists in the comments!
    Zobrazit překlad
    FREEDA --- ---
    AKISAN: To je pro nás gurmány absolutní trest :(
    AKISAN --- ---
    INK_FLO: já bych ho zavřel už zato, jak to spálil......
    JACK32 --- ---
    Chtel jsem upravit misto toho smazal ..tak jeste jednou Jah se udal sam..Nikdo ho nenapraskal..S podmínkou pachal ty same trestne ciny a jeste daval fotky a videa na NEZABEZPECENY ucet na fb..Bud ho sledovali,nebo mel gps souradnice ve fotkach cert vi...Nicmene blb blbem zustane..a jak si kdo ustele...
    SUMPTN --- ---
    JACK32: Proste frajer si myslel ze je v kanade a ted je z nej mucednik jahuv
    BRKODLAK --- ---
    stačí vidět jeho fb
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