Dear Kid_McHutt,
You have received a new private message at STAR WARS: The Old Republic from CommunitySupport, entitled "You have received a warning at STAR WARS: The Old Republic".
To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
This is the message that was sent:
Dear Kid_McHutt,
You have received a warning at STAR WARS: The Old Republic.
Inappropriate Content
Your post was recently edited for violating the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community Rules of Conduct. Please note that this is just a friendly reminder of the Rules of Conduct - no infraction points have been added to your account!
Comments that are political, religious, sexual, or racial in nature are considered inappropriate for the forums.
We appreciate your understanding, and ask that you take a moment to review our Rules of Conduct (
Feel free to contact the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Team at Communitysupport@swtor.com if you have any questions about this message or its contents. Thank you for respecting our position and helping us create a fun and safe environment for our community.
Original Post:
OK, this is the last time i will be nice. Next time, I will vote with my wallet. I like this game, it's great, but third time in row, always in maintime (and only time I have for playing) is too much.
I don't like paying for service I'm unable to use, because some rednecks don't know Europe exists :/
---End Quote---
Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.
All the best,
STAR WARS: The Old Republic
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All the best,
STAR WARS: The Old Republic