Top 10 Transhumanist Pickup Lines
By: Rachel Haywire
Published: July 11, 2012
1. “Wanna come back to my place and start the new species?”
2. “I ordered some of my DNA and was wondering if you wanted to order yours too so you could blend it with mine.”
3. “Let’s upload our minds together naked.”
4. “Wanna get our bodies frozen together so we can be immortal like ice ice baby?”
5. “I bet you are quite the homo superior in bed.”
6. “I have never seen a human look this good. You must be one of those sex robots.”
7. “Is that an augmentation in your pants or are you just happy to see me?”
8. “Not to be crass but you have a fine looking cyborg ass.”
9. “You know what I think the Singularity is? You and me baby.”
10. “Wanna come into my VR simulation and taste my love?”