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    ztracené heslo?
    PANKAACShadow Era-online TCG
    PANKAAC --- ---
    FIN: Hrajete v tý Zhaně Mourning Blade? Po Tidal wawě mě útok za 5 moc nepotěšil...
    PANKAAC --- ---
    FIN: Jo,ta Cobra do Zaladara bude fajn ,5ka do zadu,fér.
    Jak říkáš,ostatní 2 budou bez protektora lehko sundatelný,s ním? Uvidíme.
    Každopád,teď hraju 3x Poor quality a nestačí to... :(
    FIN --- ---
    no, čím déle to pročítám (ty nové karty), tak docházím k některým závěrům...

    033: Zoe Silversmith - Human Ally C 3CC 2/4 2CC: Target weapon gains 1 durability.
    tady se někdo zbláznil a posral k tomu, fakt. už takhle jsou hrdinové se zbraněmi výrazně silnější než creature decky, ovšem tohle je snad úlet po nadměrné konzumaci prudce toxických halucinogenů - přikryješ to protektorem a... nekonečná zbraň? protože dvě "many" tapneš prostě vždycky.

    056: Cobra Demon - Shadow Ally C 4CC 1/5 Defender. Any ally damaged by the Cobra Demon is poisoned. 1SE: target ally takes 1 damage.
    velice silné a dobře použitelné. protože, proč si to nepřiznat, pouhá fritka už nemusí stačit, zatímco fritka "sklízím stůl a hrdinu koušu taky" + poison a fire enchamenty je drsný zabiják. ta kobra možná bude jediná potvora do takového decku.

    059: Wulven Tracker - Shadow Ally - Wulven R 4CC 2/4 When Wulven Tracker deals damage, draw a card.
    fuj. automatické dolizování karet. silné v každé hře. to se někdo nepoučil?

    a pak ty zbroje... fantasmagorie. potvorové decky mají vážný problém.
    FIN --- ---
    RAVNOS: no vida. to jsem přehlédl :-) tím se nám z transcedence stává zdaleka nejzajímavější karta ve hře :-) jdu zas jednou postavit zaldara :-)
    RAVNOS --- ---
    nuda no.. som cakal,ze sa nejak vybalansuju 1man show a allies decky, ale ani moc nie. asponze osekali darkclawa a toho shadow Wa ..

    jeee a honor the dead bude konecne fajn.

    budem sa ja drzat elementalov, stale je to asi najviac zaujimavy class na hranie. este aj transcendence mi zlacnili.
    FIN --- ---
    vzorovej voser deck, právě jsem ho postal a zkouším

    2 aldon
    4 sandworm
    2 aeon
    3 healing touch
    4 tidal wave
    3 ice storm
    4 destroy item
    1 ressurection
    4 smite
    4 retreat
    2 poor quality
    2 king's pride
    2 voice of winter
    2 wizent's staff

    nesmírně nudné, nesmírně teplé, docela funkční a hudba budoucnosti

    ach jo
    FIN --- ---
    a kde alíci jsou: v prdeli. drtivá většina stávajících ano.
    FIN --- ---
    WAMP_ELF: z hloubi srdce je nenávidím a máš naprostou pravdu. jenže si prohlédni

    033: Zoe Silversmith - Human Ally C 3CC 2/4 2CC: Target weapon gains 1 durability.
    158: Master Smith - Neutral Ability C 4CC Return any weapon or armour from your graveyard to your hand.
    171: Black Garb - Armor U 3CC 2/1 R Any ally dealing damage to your hero is destroyed.
    172: Dome of Energy - Armor U 3CC 2/2 M/E Allies that deal damage to your hero permanently lose 1 base attack.
    174: Moonlight Bracers - Armor U 3CC 2/2 Wu/H When Moonlight Bracers are destroyed, if you have a weapon in play it gains 1 durability.
    176: Armor of the Legion United - Armor R 5CC 3/2 Wa/P Allies you control take 2 less damage from abilities.
    179: Crescendo - Armor E 6CC 6/1 M/Wu At the start of each turn, Crescendo gains 1 defense. At the end of your turn, if Crescendo has 5 defense, destroy Crescendo and all enemy allies.

    připočti si dva allíky dávající blaze a poison a je nám úplně jasné, jak pak ta hra bude vypadat
    PANKAAC --- ---
    FIN: Tak sem nakonec ty Aeony vyndal... :)
    WAMP_ELF --- ---
    FIN: nesnášim tyhle balíky, nudná dlouhá hra a jejich majitelé jsou zpravidla na pěst..
    FIN --- ---
    prdlajs aeony. nadchází věk sandwormů a 4 resurekcí, abys je 16 otočil. trust me.
    FIN --- ---
    ale i tak. když to vidím, tak se mi to vážně nelíbí.
    FIN --- ---
    PANKAAC: no tak dobrá by mohla být direct fritka s novou májou

    015: Majiya - 4SE: Draw a card. You may deal 3 damage to target ally.

    která konečně bude k něčemu. a pak jericho:

    007: Jericho Spellbane - 4SE: Target friendly hero or ally has all enemy attachments and negative effects removed, or target attachment is removed.

    nebo zhanna s tím, že:
    budeš hrát 4 disenchanty
    budeš hrát 4 poor quality
    budeš hrát 4 tidal wavy a smetat stůl
    budeš hrát 4 ice stormy a smetat stůl
    pak armory a zpomalovací hůlku a lízací hůlku
    budeš hrát 4 "udělám ti 3 dmg" a tím zabíjet protivníka
    dál pak cursy
    a několik léčení a resurekcí na vlastní potvory
    a jedině aeony nebo jiný velký frajery

    prostě hrozná nuda, která se celá protočí, bude děsně zdržovat, léčit a vůbec jen ničit zbroje a zbraně a tak
    PANKAAC --- ---
    Tipnul bych si,že Zaladar posílí,páč jedinej eště dává do hráče a vyjdou mu pěkný kusy.Ale uvidíme,zbraně toho dostali opravdu dost.Teď vůbec netušim,co teda budu hrát.

    PANKAAC --- ---
    FIN: Jo,napadlo mě to samý. :(
    FIN --- ---
    zvolna to pročítám. imho se vývojáři bláznili a dost tím tu hru poserou. již teď jsou zbraně přesílené jako blázen a potvorové decky výrazně ztrácejí. a co nevidím: prodlužovačky životností zbraní a zbroje ničící instantně alíky... fakt blbej nápad. to ani neutrální ničičky nezachráněj.
    PANKAAC --- ---
    Ale jo,spoustu změn,řekl bych ,že k lepšímu a novejch karet taky dost.Je čas grindovat zlato. :)
    PANKAAC --- ---
    A vůbec,ať máte co číst. :)

    ================================================== =============
    Hero changed:
    ================================================== =============
    006: Eladwen Frostmire - 4SE: Target ally takes 4 damage and is Frozen for next 2 turns.
    007: Jericho Spellbane - 4SE: Target friendly hero or ally has all enemy attachments and negative effects removed, or target attachment is removed.
    010: Serena Thoughtripper - 3SE: Your weapons gain +2 attack until the end of your tun. If Serena deals combat damage to a Hero, that player discards a card at random.
    012: Logan Stonebreaker - 4SE: Until your next turn, your weapons gain +1 attack and any ally dealt damage by them is destroyed.
    013: Banebow - 3SE: Flaming arrow does 2 damage to up to 2 different targets. This damage cannot be reduced by ally or armor abilities.
    014: Baduruu - 4SE: If you played a weapon this turn, renew resources equal to its cost, and raise its attack by 1.
    015: Majiya - 4SE: Draw a card. You may deal 3 damage to target ally.
    017: Darkclaw - 3SE: Until the start of your next turn, your weapons gain +2 attack and all damage to Darkclaw is halved (rounded down).

    ================================================== =============
    New cards:
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    028: Kurt Whitehelm - Human Ally C 4CC 3/4 -1 ability damage, +1 attack when you have at least 2 other allies in play.
    033: Zoe Silversmith - Human Ally C 3CC 2/4 2CC: Target weapon gains 1 durability.
    034: Katrin the Shieldmaiden - Human Ally C 2CC 0/4 1CC: Target ally gains +2 health. This ability may not be used again whilst that ally is in play.
    035: Priest of the Light - Human Ally C 3CC 2/3 When Priest of the Light comes into play, your opponent loses 1 Shadow Energy and you gain 1 life.
    056: Cobra Demon - Shadow Ally C 4CC 1/5 Defender. Any ally damaged by the Cobra Demon is poisoned. 1SE: target ally takes 1 damage.
    057: Molten Destroyer - Shadow Ally U 5CC 4/5 Molten Destroyer deals 1 fire damage to any enemy that deals damage to it. Allies damaged by it in combat are set ablaze.
    059: Wulven Tracker - Shadow Ally - Wulven R 4CC 2/4 When Wulven Tracker deals damage, draw a card.
    060: Ogloth the Glutton - Shadow Ally [Unique] E 6CC 3/6 Ogloth gains +1/+1 each time an ally is destoryed. 3CC: Destory target ally with casting cost less than Ogloth's current attack.
    ************************************************** *************
    150: Sacrificial Lamb - Shadow Ability R 4CC Sacrifice an ally. Draw cards equal to that ally's cost, to a maximum of 3.
    152: Drain Power - Neutral Ability C 3CC Target hero loses 1SE and can not activate its hero ability until the start of your next turn. (SE may still be spent normally on other cards and items. Does not affect Shadow Energy gains.)
    153: Urgent Business - Neutral Ability C 3CC Until the end of your next turn, heroes may not attack.
    156: Severed Ties - Neutral Ability C 4CC Destroy target attached card. Lose 2 life.
    158: Master Smith - Neutral Ability C 4CC Return any weapon or armour from your graveyard to your hand.
    159: Melt Down - Neutral Ability U 3CC Destroy an item you control. Draw two cards.
    160: Ley Line Nexus - Neutral Ability R 5CC Destroy target item with cost 5 or greater. Draw a card.
    ************************************************** *************
    171: Black Garb - Armor U 3CC 2/1 R Any ally dealing damage to your hero is destroyed.
    172: Dome of Energy - Armor U 3CC 2/2 M/E Allies that deal damage to your hero permanently lose 1 base attack.
    173: Plate Armor - Armor U 3CC 2/2 Wa/P 0: Target ally gains 1 health.
    174: Moonlight Bracers - Armor U 3CC 2/2 Wu/H When Moonlight Bracers are destroyed, if you have a weapon in play it gains 1 durability.
    175: Mocking Armor - Armor R 6CC 2/4 Wa/E Your hero gains Protector.
    176: Armor of the Legion United - Armor R 5CC 3/2 Wa/P Allies you control take 2 less damage from abilities.
    177: Twice-Enchanted Robes - Armor R 5CC 2/3 M/P When your hero takes damage, draw a card.
    178: Shadow Armor - Armor R 6CC 4/2 E/Wu Whenever an enemy ally is killed, gain 1 Shadow Energy and take 2 damage.
    179: Crescendo - Armor E 6CC 6/1 M/Wu At the start of each turn, Crescendo gains 1 defense. At the end of your turn, if Crescendo has 5 defense, destroy Crescendo and all enemy allies.
    180: Spealleater Bands - Armor E 6CC 5/1 R/H Your hero takes no damage from abilities.

    ================================================== =============
    Cards changed:
    ================================================== =============
    022: Dirk Saber - Reduce Casting Cost to 2, reword to say "Ambush"
    023: Sandra Trueblade - Revise ability to "When Sandra is summoned, destroy an enemy resource if they have equal to or more resources than you"
    039: Earthen Protector - Change stats from 4/4 to 4/5 Same effect.
    040: Aeon Stormcaller - [Unique] Protector. 3CC: Target other ally gains +1/+1 permanently.
    058: Brutal Minotaur - Increase health to 6
    070: Blood Frenzy - Increase Casting Cost to 3
    082: Poison Arrow - 2CC: Target ally is Disabled for 1 turn and poisoned.
    083: Flaming Arrow - costs 3cc and deals 2 damage to ally (cannot be reduced by ally or armor abilities) and target is ablaze. [Experimental change]
    084: Rapid Fire - drop cost to 4 [Experimental change]
    087: Careful Planning - Costs 2 to play. Add wording "1: Move the top card of your deck to the bottom."
    089: Net Trap - "The next enemy ally to be summoned is disabled for three turns."
    091: Healing touch - Allow this card to also remove negative "states" that it may have: freeze, ablaze, poisoned, disabled – if it doesn't already.
    098: Plague - Change to 4cc: Destroy one resource. Opponent loses 2 resources to a minimum of 2. [Experimental change]
    105: Stop Thief! - Reduce Casting Cost to 4
    106: Assassin Training - revise ability to "0: Allies you control have Ambush until the end of your turn."
    107: Ill-Gotten Gains - Reduce Casting Cost to 4
    109: Mugged! - 3CC: -1 attack to ally, disabled for 1 turn, draw a card.
    110: Nightshade - HP increased to 2
    120: Pack Alpha - 4CC: Target Wulven ally has +2 attack and +3 health. If Pack Alpha is destroyed, allies you control gain +1 health.
    125: Transference - drop cost to 2
    131: Cover of Night - drop cost to 3
    137: Radiant Sunlight - drop cost to 2; change effect to "Target Hero loses 2 Shadow Energy"
    140: Honored Dead - spot 3 dead allies in graveyarf instead of 5
    142: Here Be Monsters - Revise ability to "Destroy an enemy resource if they have equal to or more resources than you. Draw a card."
    161: Nova Infusion - Revise text to "Ongoing: At the start of your turn, your Hero takes 1 damage and removes all negative effects." (The new part of the effect is the same as Regeneration.)
    166: Night Prowler - If your Hero deals combat damage to an opposing Hero, you take 1 card from their hand at random.
    169: Gravedigger's Cloak - change to 4cc; reduce activation cost to 2SE
    186: Guardian's Oath - Revise ability to "Your Hero gains Defender. Guardian's Oath has +1 attack when defending."
    187: Beetle Demon Bow - Reduce ability activation cost to 2SE
    189: Wrath of Summer - 1SE: Target ally receives 1 fire damage and is set ablaze.
    198: Anklebreaker - All allies damaged by Anklebreaker are reduced to 1 base attack and are disabled for 1 turn.
    199: Fangs of the Predator - Drop cost to 5cc
    PANKAAC --- ---
    hmmm.Takže i Sandra se možná dočká uplatnění.
    A taky dobrá změna-Dirk Saber - Reduce Casting Cost to 2, reword to say "Ambush"
    FIN --- ---
    hm. některé změny se mi zdají rozumné, některé dokonce velice rozumné...

    015: Majiya - revise ability to "4SE: Draw a card. You may deal 3 damage to target ally"

    ovšem někdy mi přijde, že se někdo zbláznil...

    023: Sandra Trueblade - Revise ability to "When Sandra is summoned, destroy an enemy resource if they have equal to or more resources than you"
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam