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    ztracené heslo?
    TORInyx :: pripominky uzivatelu
    RAINBOF --- ---
    ELIDOR: neco tam maj rozbity.

    wget 'https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungary-hold-up-g7-loan-ukraine-until-after-us-election-2024-10-08/'                                   --2024-10-09 07:28:12--  https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungary-hold-up-g7-loan-ukraine-until-after-us-election-2024-10-08/
    Resolving www.reuters.com (www.reuters.com)... 2600:9000:273e:6a00:15:5a3e:9d40:93a1, 2600:9000:273e:5200:15:5a3e:9d40:93a1, 2600:9000:273e:600:15:5a3e:9d40:93a1, ...                                  Connecting to www.reuters.com (www.reuters.com)|2600:9000:273e:6a00:15:5a3e:9d40:93a1|:443... connected.                                              HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 HTTP Forbidden                                          
    Username/Password Authentication Failed.
    ELIDOR --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    že by se nově stáhnul z TW celej obsah textu a vložil do příspěvku by nešlo?



    During the day, the invaders lost almost two companies in the vicinity of #Avdiivka and #Maryinka

    The Armed Forces of #Ukraine repelled 18 enemy attacks in the directions of Avdeevka and Mariinsky. In addition, our defenders killed and wounded almost two companies of the invaders.

    This was announced by the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of troops "Tawria", General Aleksander Tarnawski.

    “The enemy losses in killed and wounded amounted to almost two companies. 14 units of enemy military equipment were destroyed and damaged. Specifically, 1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle, 2 Supercam UAVs, 2 Zala UAVs, 1 Armored Fighting Vehicle, 120mm mortars, MTLB, Murom-M long-range visual surveillance system, 2S6 Tunguska anti-aircraft missile and artillery system and engineering equipment," the report reads
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Bylo by možné podporovat zobrazení celých "dlouhých" tweetů, které mohou psát uživatelé Twitter Blue, třeba tento?
    DRAGON --- ---
    NAVARA: do nedavna jeste bezne fungujici kluby se najednou zacnou sekat? a to nemusi byt primo ani ciste galerie, jen kdyz je tam treba vetsi mnozstvi obrazku a ani to nemusi byt zadne velke plachty? To se mi fakt nezda. A jinak ano, tech 60mbit je dostacujicich na uplne jakekoliv galerie na netu. Napriklad tohle nebo tohle se vubec neseka a je to vetsi, na nyxu kdyz je nekde cca tretina obrazku, tak se mi to kouse, ze s tim vubec nejde pracovat, jako ze to FAKT stoji...tak trosku nechapu, co se tim snazis oduvodnit :)
    format gif bych tu neresil, resim to, ze driv to fungovalo, ted sem si kvuli sekani musel nastavit 50 prispevku na stranku a seka se to i tak. A par mesicu zpet to nedelalo. Takze v cem je chyba? Nemuzu mit treba neco vypnutyho v ovladacich grafiky (uz tapu, ale fakt nevim kde hledat chybu a evidentne to nedela jenom mne, nekolikrat sem to ruzne po nyxu cetl, ze se to seka i ostatnim..)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam