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    ztracené heslo?
    _FREZA_Signal to noise, dust to dust.
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    He wants us to trust that a 400-ml bottle of liquid is dangerous, but transferring it to four 100-ml
    bottles magically makes it safe. He wants us to trust that the butter knives given to first-class
    passengers are nevertheless too dangerous to be taken through a security checkpoint. He
    wants us to trust the no-fly list: 21,000 people so dangerous they’re not allowed to fly, yet so
    innocent they can’t be arrested. He wants us to trust that the deployment of expensive full-body
    scanners has nothing to do with the fact that the former secretary of homeland security, Michael
    Chertoff, lobbies for one of the companies that makes them. He wants us to trust that there’s a
    reason to confiscate a cupcake (Las Vegas), a 3-inch plastic toy gun (London Gatwick), a purse
    with an embroidered gun on it (Norfolk, VA), a T-shirt with a picture of a gun on it (London
    Heathrow) and a plastic lightsaber that’s really a flashlight with a long cone on top
    (Dallas/Fort Worth).


    The current TSA measures create an even greater harm: loss of liberty. Airports are effectively
    rights-free zones. Security officers have enormous power over you as a passenger. You have
    limited rights to refuse a search. Your possessions can be confiscated. You cannot make jokes,
    or wear clothing, that airport security does not approve of. You cannot travel anonymously.
    (Remember when we would mock Soviet-style “show me your papers” societies? That we’ve
    become inured to the very practice is a harm.) And if you’re on a certain secret list, you cannot
    fly, and you enter a Kafkaesque world where you cannot face your accuser, protest your
    innocence, clear your name, or even get confirmation from the government that someone,
    somewhere, has judged you guilty. These police powers would be illegal anywhere but in
    an airport, and we are all harmed—individually and collectively—by their existence.

    Bruce Schneier, http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/03/harms_of_post-9.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Vlastenectví je poslední útočiště chátry: kdo nemá mravní zásady, obvykle se zahalí
    do praporu, a parchanti se vždy dovolávají čistoty své rasy. Národní totožnost je poslední
    zbraň vyděděnců. A smysl pro ni se zakládá na nenávisti, na nenávisti k těm, kdo totožní

    Umberto Eco, Pražský hřbitov
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.

    Samuel Johnson, http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2012-March/065535.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---

    You cannot make a reliable system by *extending* an unreliable system.
    You cannot get a simple system by adding simplicity to a complex system.

    Richard O'Keefe, http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2012-March/065089.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [... on various kinds of wealth ...] However underlying them all is "work" to both
    accrue the wealth and to utilise it to transform raw materials or ideas into marketable
    goods or services. As such "work" is just an abstraction of energy.

    Thus I would keep my eye on the essential resources of non finite energy and finite
    raw resources, and their efficient utilisation, which is the real measure of mankind's
    growth not the faux notion of an "economy" based on the growth of financial wealth
    at the expense of either non renewable or dificult to renew resources, expressed
    through a percieved value of a black tulip.

    Clive Robinson, https://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001342.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [DE] Wir fordern etwas Abwechslung in uns'rer Umlaufbahn
    endgültige Befreiung von Newton's Schwerkraftwahn
    keine Gravitätlichkeiten, Fliegen fällt sonst schwer
    Schluss mit Kontinentendrift, Pangea wieder her

    [EN] We demand some change in our orbit
    absolute liberation from Newton's gravitational mania
    no gravitational bodily harm, or else flying’s a heavy task
    Put an end to continental drift, bring back Pangaea

    Einstruerzende Neubauten, Was Ist Ist, http://www.neubauten.org/ende-neu
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    But the real reason to make the distinction is, after all, because words matter. Two different things
    deserve to have two different names, and it only confuses matters to use the same word for both.

    Robert Harper, http://existentialtype.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/words-matter/
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [DE] Wir fordern auch die Buchstaben zurück ins Alphabeth
    Damit Unsereins im Babylon-Gestammel sich versteht

    [EN] We demand letters are put back in the alphabet
    so the likes of me can think amid the Babylonian babble

    Einstruerzende Neubauten, Was Ist Ist, http://www.neubauten.org/ende-neu
    (Anglicka verze je nejspis trochu blbe, ne?)
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    They have proven quite effectively
    that bumblebees indeed can fly
    against the field's authority

    They invent each other ever anew
    still they won't have a different view
    of everyone or anything

    Einstruerzende Neubauten, Youme & Meyou, http://www.neubauten.org/perpetuum-mobile
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Do I contradict myself?
    Very well then I contradict myself,
    (I am large, I contain multitudes.)

    Walt Whitman, http://www.daypoems.net/plainpoems/1900.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    All of my opinions are consistent, but I cannot present them all at once.

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On The Social Contract
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    I grew in the sea and poverty was my wealth, then I lost the sea, then all luxury seemed grey,
    poverty intolerable. Since then, I wait. I wait for the return voyage, the house by the sea, the clear
    light of day. I wait, I struggle to be polite. People see me pass in elegant cultured streets, I admire
    the views, I applaud like everyone else, I shake hands, it’s not really me speaking. People praise
    me, I daydream a little, I’m offended, but show almost no surprise. Then I forget and smile at
    whoever insults me, or I greet those I love too courteously. What’s to be done if I can only
    remember a single image? Finally they urge me to say who I am. Still nothing, still nothing.

    Albert Camus, http://www.philosophymagazine.com/others/MO_Heisenberg_PhysicsPhilo.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    The first principle is that you must not fool yourself--and you are the easiest person to fool.
    So you have to be very careful about that. After you've not fooled yourself, it's easy not to fool other
    scientists. You just have to be honest in a conventional way after that.

    Richard Feynmann, Cargo Cult Science, http://www.lhup.edu/~DSIMANEK/cargocul.htm
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Já vím, co potřebuji. Nijak mi nepomohou půvaby tohoto světa, ani pozemská království. [...] Blíží
    se moje zrození. Nechte mne přijmout čisté světlo. Moje pozemská touha byla ukřižována, nemám
    již v sobě oheň, abych miloval hmotu. Je však ve mně živá voda, která v mém nitru šeptá: „Pojď k Otci“.

    Ignác z Antiochie, List Římanům, http://novydvur.cz/cz/guests.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Fuck your cute hustle and disinformation campaign against legitimate dissent. Same old shit, working for the enemy.

    John Young, Jan 2007, http://cryptome.org/wikileaks/wikileaks-leak.htm
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Zacnu davkou ze sveho notepadu, z toho snad bude jasne o co jde... nejaka pravidla atp. si mozna vymyslim pozdeji, mazat se ale bude temer jiste.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam