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    ztracené heslo?
    LIQUIDFREAKPath of Exile
    EVILMIND --- ---
    GURBON: tak je z roku 2013, ale jde o ten napad :)
    GURBON --- ---
    EVILMIND: fakt? vzdyt ten strom je hrube neaktualni! :)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    ale koukam asi mam smulu, ta soutez je 3 roky stara, a vyhralo tehdy tohle... to bych nenosil :)

    EVILMIND --- ---
    SKUNK23: to první bych i docela nosil :)
    SKUNK23 --- ---

    MPEGYNA --- ---
    GORDHART: ja nemel bloklej acc, ale nakoupil jsem za goldy klice na mounty. jeden den jsem si je uzival a druhej den mi je blizz sebral, ale goldy nevratil. takze po dlouhych diskuzich se jim rekl bye bye. a nelituju. pozehnany scammer!
    GORDHART --- ---
    MPEGYNA: Já jsem takhle asi dva roky nazpátek řešil blokovanej účet na battle.net a bylo to na asi deset minut a tři maily. Proto jsem z týhle situace takovej mrzutej :D
    MPEGYNA --- ---
    GORDHART: Takto nejak jsem rok pred Warlords of Dreanor skoncil s WoW. Dodnes jsem scammerum vdecnej za usetrenej cas a hlavne penize (PoE jde hrat zdarma, WoW ne)!
    GORDHART --- ---
    HRAFNAIN: Vidíš, to mě nenapadlo. Díky!
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    GORDHART: klient zas tolik nezabira, ne? content.ggpk si zkopirujes z ty steam instalace
    NJORL --- ---
    Bud rad ze Te zbavili zavislosti. :)
    GORDHART --- ---
    GURBON: já na to asi kašlu, nemám vůbec morálku stahovat celýho novýho klienta.
    GURBON --- ---
    GORDHART: tak si jen na to vytvor nejakej extra když se jim ten tvůj nelibi. Rovnou bych jim tam i napsal ze je novej a jen k tomuhle ucelu.
    GORDHART --- ---
    GURBON: to navrhli hned na začátku a já řekl, ať to daj na ten, se kterym teď komunikuju.
    GURBON --- ---
    Teda nechapu proc si ty paka neprojedou logy z jakých IP se tam kdy kdo pripojoval. Malokdy te hackne nekdo z tvoji zeme.
    S tim mejlem budou mit ale pravdu, když chces zmenit lokaci prijde ti tam potvrzovak ke kterymu se ten zlodej musel taky dostat.
    Pak se ani nedivim ze to chtej regnout pod jinej mail. Logictejsi by ale bylo aby ten novej mail priradili ke stavajicimu uctu. Zkusil bych jim to navrhnout co ti na to reknou.
    GORDHART --- ---
    EVILMIND: Mě až po platby (včetně) to přišlo taky v pohodě. Detailní, ale v pohodě. A mí asi standalone klienta, tak jdu dál.

    Ale prsotě stahovat to celý znovu se mi nechce a přijde mi to už fakt moc.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    Nevim, az po to vytvoreni uctu, ktere mi neni jasne proc chteji, mi to prijdou celkem v pohode dotazy. Navic nejsou roboticke, coz mi prijde lepsi nez roboti, ktere leckde maji.
    Asi bych to zkousnul a proste udelal co chteji, uz jen proto, ze bych byl zvedavej, proc ten account zakladam... :)
    GORDHART --- ---

    tl;dr: Vykradli mi účet, napsal jsem to na support. Ti mi ho obratem zablokovali a k odblokování se už tři dny ptají na další a další otázky. Končí to tím, že chtějí, abych si vytvořil další účet (wtf?), na kterej se ale ze steam verze nedostanu, takže bych musel stahovat standalone verzi. Takže asi papá a šáteček.

    Kdybych jim nepsal a jen změnil hesla, nic by se nestalo a hrál bych dál.
    GORDHART --- ---
    Příběh o tom, jak jsem asi přestal hrát PoE, který hraju od bety.

    Roman Čech
    Přílohy8. 10. (před 2 dny)

    komu: support
    Hello guys,

    so this happened:

    today I logged into my character in PoE and found that all my better gear, my currency and some other stuff went missing.

    This happens, I know. But my account (account name GORDHART) is linked to steam, so im geeting worried here - what happened and is there anything you and me can do to prevent this and/or get my stuff back?

    This had to happen like a few days back, because last time I played was wednesday or thursday I think.

    Attached is screenshot of uknown friendly invite, which can be related to this stuff.

    Thanks for response, I'm really worried here, let me know if my Steam account is compromised too.

    Roman 'Gordhart' Čech

    Grinding Gear Games
    8. 10. (před 2 dny)

    komu: mně
    Hi there,

    Thank you for contacting Support about this.

    I am really sorry to hear about this. If your account has been compromised it means that your email address has also been compromised. Hackers will need access to your email to unlock your account with the unlock code that would have been sent to you. I strongly recommend that you change the password for your Path of Exile account and the associated email to unique, complex passwords that are not used for any other accounts

    Chris (the lead developer) has written some long posts regarding account security and how to protect yourself against hackers. I recommend checking them out -

    Regarding Account Security & Theft:
    Forum - General Discussion - Account Security and Theft Policy - READ THIS - Path of Exile

    Regarding Hacking:
    Forum - General Discussion - Hacked Accounts - Path of Exile

    Unfortunately, as Chris states in his posts, we are unable to offer rollbacks or restore items stolen by other players. I am truly sorry about this, as we know how frustrating it can be to lose all your hard work to hackers. We have been actively investigating all reports of compromised accounts, and we're tracking down these hackers as quickly as possible and banning their accounts.

    Again, I’m very sorry about your lost items, I have now gone ahead and locked your account to prevent any further damage. Please let us know if you have any further questions or issues.

    Kind regards,

    Roman Čech
    8. 10. (před 2 dny)

    komu: Grinding
    Hi, thanks for the fast response!

    So it is possible to log in to my account without steam? I'm not even sure which e-mail i have paired with PoE.

    Well, I'll look into it and change everything, I was worried, that sometihng on 'my steam -> steam -> PoE' line was compromised.



    Roman Čech
    8. 10. (před 2 dny)

    komu: Grinding
    Now I just changed everything, is it possible to unlock my account now?

    Thanks a lot :)



    Grinding Gear Games
    9. 10. (před 1 dnem)

    komu: mně
    Hey there,

    Thank you for getting back to us about this.

    We may be able to look at manually changing the email address on the account if you would prefer. Before we can make any changes to your account we will have to ask you to supply some information for security purposes regarding the account.

    Can you please let us know a few of your character names, as well as when you created the account? Could you also please let us know the email address you would like to have associated with the account?

    Kind regards,


    Roman Čech
    9. 10. (před 1 dnem)

    komu: Grinding

    Let the mail change to this one.

    Few character names are: TypekSeSekerou, PrilisMnohoGordhartu (both in Essence) nebo TociciCepele (from previous league).

    Have a nice day,



    Grinding Gear Games
    9. 10. (před 1 dnem)

    komu: mně
    Hey there,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Could you please tell us the city/state the account was created in and
    give us your current IP address? This can be found

    Kind regards,


    Roman Čech
    12:42 (před 23 hodinami)

    komu: Grinding

    I'm from Prague, Czech republic.

    My current IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx




    Grinding Gear Games
    12:47 (před 23 hodinami)

    komu: mně
    Hi again,

    Thank you for the response. Can you please let us know the items you keep in your second stash tab and if there are any purchases on the account?

    Thank you again.

    Best regards,


    Roman Čech
    13:02 (před 23 hodinami)

    komu: Grinding
    The second stash tab (in current league) should be labeled "E" as for Essences and they were distributed there by the color and their level. My stash in standard should be a mess as I don't play there :)

    I did purchase few microtransactions. On premium stash bundle and few mystery boxes from last league which ended up as some gloves and boots skins. And I also donated 50 points to my guild "Zabíječi z Duerlinu" o whichc I'm also a leader. :)




    Grinding Gear Games
    22:59 (před 13 hodinami)

    komu: mně
    Hey there,

    Thank you for getting back to us about this.

    To continue processing your request I will need a few more details about the transactions you've said are on the account.

    Would you please provide us with the Paypal transaction ID, if you used Paypal, or if the purchases were made with a credit card, the last four digits only of the card you used. Could you also please let us know what other payment methods may have been used?

    Kind regards,


    Roman Čech
    0:05 (před 12 hodinami)

    komu: Grinding

    I used neither of these, i bought coins with my paysafe account. (tady jsem doplnil údaje o platbách. Kdy, kolik, jaký ID transakcí a tak)

    My paysafe id number ends with 575.

    I hope this is enought for you guys.



    Grinding Gear Games
    3:08 (před 9 hodinami)

    komu: mně

    Thank you for providing us with that information! For verification purposes, could you please also create a new ‘throwaway’ account and let us know the account name of this new account? Please be sure not to use the email address you’d like for us to add onto your account. You will also need to log in to this new account at least once and create a new character.



    Roman Čech
    11:15 (před 1 hodinou)

    komu: Grinding
    Um... guys, is everything okay? This is starting to get wierd. It's like two days I'm answering every possible question you could ask and now you are asking me to create new account.

    My game is linked to steam (which is linked to blocked account), so how should I login into another account?

    Is this your normal procedure? I am the one that got robbed, so this is starting to be ridiculous.



    Grinding Gear Games
    11:19 (před 1 hodinou)

    komu: mně
    Hey there,

    The throwaway account is for additional verification purposes and you should be able to make an account on the official Path of Exile website here: https://www.pathofexile.com/ without needing the use of Steam.

    I understand your frustration and I hope to have this resolved for you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,


    Roman Čech
    11:25 (před 1 hodinou)

    komu: Grinding
    Account is done but I'm not able to login into game and create character as you requested since my game is linked to steam (and to blocked account)

    account name: thisisreallyridiculous



    Grinding Gear Games
    11:32 (před 1 hodinou)

    komu: mně
    Hey there,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Could you please download the stand-alone client, login and create a character? Please then let us know the character's name.

    Once again I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.

    Kind regards,


    Roman Čech
    11:38 (před 1 hodinou)

    komu: Grinding
    Is this some kind of New Zealandic humor?


    Grinding Gear Games
    11:42 (před 1 hodinou)

    komu: mně

    I really do apologise for the inconvenience, but we need to ensure that we are restoring the account to the correct person.

    Kind regards,


    Roman Čech
    11:55 (před 47 minutami)

    komu: Grinding
    This is really ridiculous. I even gave you payment details with dates and payments IDs. What more could you possibly need to verify it?

    I've been playing PoE since beta, it's the one game I've been enjoying for like a few years now and I've never thought that I will be dealing with this type of bullshit from company like you.

    Sad thing is that if I didn't tell you anything about the stolen crap, I could be playing right now.

    I'm not downloading it so you could ask another silly request from me. No. I have enough.
    GORDHART --- ---
    EVILMIND: Ne. Jen jsem chtěl odblokovat účet, kterej mi zablokovali potom, co jsem jim napsal, že mě okradli.

    A asi jsem tu hru právě přestal hrát, protože to, co ten support předvádí je prostě z jinýho vesmíru.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam