CYRIL: rad bych zmenil svuj pohled... treba nejen na instagram... bohuzel asi vidim jen ty spatny stranky a ty klady ignoruju... muzete mi prosim rict v cem je instagram dobrej? ... ciste jako software/aplikace/web... ne to ze je uzasny s kamaradkama sdilet rani duck face ci foto svyho bio vege zradla a selfie v gucci store...
....You must keep your computer ON for uploads to take place. If it is asleep, it will wake up for the upload. If it is shut down or hibernating, it will not wake up. If your computer cannot contact our servers within 30 minutes, the upload will expire and it will never occur. Check your power settings to make sure you are on High Performance. All uploads will occur +/- 10 minutes from the specified time..... ???