Obama vazne nevi ci chce a po tydnu si protireci
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Forget the Buffett Rule, Obama Wants It to Be Reagan Rule : Roll Call News
President Barack Obama offered Wednesday to call the Buffett Rule the Reagan Rule, citing President Ronald Reagan’s push to close tax loopholes for millionaires.
“If it’ll help convince folks in Congress to make the right choice, we can call it the Reagan Rule instead of the Buffett Rule,” Obama said at a White House event flanked by millionaires — and their secretaries — supportive of a 30 percent minimum tax on income of more than $1 million.
“I’m not the first president to call for this idea that everybody’s got to do their fair share,” Obama said. “Some years ago, one of my predecessors traveled across the country pushing for the same concept. He gave a speech where he talked about a letter he had received from a wealthy executive who paid lower tax rates than his secretary and wanted to come to Washington and tell Congress why that was wrong.”
Obama continued, “That wild-eyed, socialist, tax-hiking class warrior was Ronald Reagan. He thought that in America, the wealthiest should pay their fair share, and he said so. I know that position might disqualify him from Republican primaries these days.”
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Obama talks taxes, Republicans energy in weekly addresses – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
While the federal income tax deadline looms, President Barack Obama used his weekly address to argue for the so-called Buffett Rule, a provision that millionaires and billionaires should pay a tax rate no less than that paid by middle-income families.
The proposal, named for billionaire Warren Buffett who has urged Congress to ask more of the wealthy, enjoys high support in polls, and the president said, “We just need some Republican politicians to get on board with where the country is.”
“So we’ve tried this trickle-down experiment before,” Obama continued, critical of the Bush-era tax cuts and previous tax policy. “It doesn’t work. And middle class families have seen too much of their security erode over the past few decades for us to tell them they’re going to have to do more because the wealthiest Americans are going to do less.”