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    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
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    neuveritelna krava ta Pelosi :

    Pelosi wishes poor people could earn more so that they could pay more in taxes

    Nancy Pelosi | Earn More | Pay More | The Daily Caller
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    Boxer – If you’re a self-respecting human being you have to vote for Obama

    Sen. Barbara Boxer: Vote Obama if you are self-respecting human being - YouTube

    Well, she just alienated the entire left-wing base.
    Let’s tick off the list -

    People who:
    Shit on cars
    Wipe their asses on the American flag
    Eat dogs
    Have EBT cards as their family crest
    Suck genitalia for drug money
    Have chiggers
    Drop out
    Have no clue who their congressman are
    Protest for bankrupt governments to spend more
    Sneak into the country
    Tell pimps how they can hide their underage hookers
    You can add to the list

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    Mark Levin: Obama Is An Imperial President | RealClearPolitics
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    Al Sharpton’s 2004 Campaign Owes Nearly $1 Million To The Federal Government, Creditors…
    More Money, More Problems | Washington Free Beacon
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    Allen West: Obama Has Been “An Abject Failure In Everything That He Has Done”…

    RepWestteaptyspeechapril152012.MOV - YouTube

    Pretty much the only thing Dear Leader excels at is failure.

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    Top 10 miscarriages of the Justice Department - HUMAN EVENTS
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    Bravo demokrati bravo...

    Yes, Los Angeles Is Going Broke by Tom Gray - City Journal
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    Classy: Pro-Union Leftist Protesters Mock National Anthem Before Start of Wisconsin Tea Party Rally…
    Protesters Mock National Anthem Before Start of Wis. Tea Party - YouTube

    Fuck levicacky unions
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    Geithner je lunatic

    Geithner Says Energy Costs For Families Have Not Risen In Past 5 Months - YouTube
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    Former Dem. Congressman Kennedy Alleges 'Quid Pro Quo' for Access to White House | The Weekly Standard
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    US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger - YouTube
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    Sweden Moves to Abolish Gender
    If you’ve wondered just what the hell liberals are trying to turn the human race into, Sweden may be the place to find out:

    In 2010, the World Economic Forum designated Sweden as the most gender-equal country in the world.

    But for many Swedes, gender equality is not enough. Many are pushing for the Nordic nation to be not simply gender-equal but gender-neutral. The idea is that the government and society should tolerate no distinctions at all between the sexes.

    To achieve this bizarre and unnatural objective, Swedes are pushing social engineering to extremes that range from silly to horrifying. A few examples:

    The idea is that names should not be at all tied to gender, so it would be acceptable for parents to, say, name a girl Jack or a boy Lisa. A Swedish children’s clothes company has removed the “boys” and “girls” sections in its stores, and the idea of dressing children in a gender-neutral manner has been widely discussed on parenting blogs. This Swedish toy catalog recently decided to switch things around, showing a boy in a Spider-Man costume pushing a pink pram, while a girl in denim rides a yellow tractor.
    Moonbattery » Sweden Moves to Abolish Gender
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    FESTER: a tim padem se vseobecne ocekava ze Obamacare bude strike down 4-5
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    _BENNY: obamacare na tom ted vypada dost mizerne po tom jak napadl Supreme court.. jsou tam 4 liberalove 4 konzervativci a jeden swing a to Kennedy..

    Newsvine - Holder Delivers Three-Page Letter, as Demanded by Judge Over Obama Comments

    jiste je to pro right wing klub pac left wing kluby me vecne banovali
    Levicakum se nelibi opozice aq jiny nazor, proto byl zalozen tento klub.. pokud zde prijde levice nemam namitky a vyhazovat a banovat neplanuji pokud to neni vylozene vulgarni a osobni napadani...
    _BENNY --- ---
    mno, sice to tu vypada jako jasne pro-right klub, ale i tak se zeptam a prosim o neideologickou odpoved :) v jakem stavu je prave ted USA ohledne povinneho zdravotniho pojisteni?
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    Eric Holder, New Black Panther Party Homeboy

    The New Black Panthers’ Unpunished Threats - John Fund - National Review Online
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