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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    rozbalit záhlaví
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: no potrebovali by byt v base...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: to je sranda. zavřou je taky na 75 let jak Occupy?
    FESTER --- ---
    New Black Panthers So Disappointed With Obama They May Abandon “The Ballot” For The “The Bullet”…

    Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider 'the bullet' | The Daily Caller

    Eric Holder of course nowhere to be found.

    FESTER --- ---
    Sen. Marco Rubio on Obama: "We have Not Seen Such a Divisive Figure in Modern American History" - YouTube
    FESTER --- ---
    btw jak se delaj volby tak ty k tomu potrebujes wiki... na rozdil ode me...
    FESTER --- ---
    OMNIHASH: jasne mlzim to a za 25 let co ziji v Californii jsem pochopitelne nikdy nezazil volby..
    jdi si radsi ubalit jointa misto tvych radoby znalych kecu...
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: ne, myslim si, že o ní víš a stejně tu mlžíš/kecáš/whatever... tvůj boj.
    FESTER --- ---
    Brown Admits He Doesn't Understand Economics - YouTube

    OMNIHASH: prosimte ty me poucuj jak se voli v USA .. naky tvy linky nepotrebuji cist... vazne to vim...

    nebo si snad myslis ze o electoral college nevim ???
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: ale notak festere...chceš se hádat o takovejch píčovinách co se daj ověřit za půl vteřiny na internetu?

    United States presidential election - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    FESTER --- ---
    OMNIHASH: aha .. ty chces rici ze jsi v americe volil ze.. a ja nevolil nikdy ... ty chces rici ze jak pujdu k volebnim urnam tak na papiru budu mit napsano jako co ???
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: cožeco festere? Opravdu ti neni rozumět, ale jestli se snažíš říct, že je v USA přímá volba prezidenta, tak není.
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: jiste a ti teroristi jspu ovsemz tea party ze :)

    ops nedo snad odnekud jinde ?
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: vime, u jsem o tom referoval jinde
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Chicago terrorism charges part of NATO 'climate of fear' - World - CBC News

    zajimavy co je dneska terorismus. a neco vic o tech nastrcenejch fizlech.
    FESTER --- ---
    hahaha vazne srandovni,, z vykonu sve funkce neni zodpovedny :)
    FESTER --- ---
    President of the Czech Republic is the head of the Czech Republic . Doposud byl volen oběma komorami Parlamentu , ale napříště již bude volen přímo českými občany. So far, he was elected by both Houses of Parliament , but the future will already be elected directly by Czech citizens. Z výkonu své funkce není odpovědný s výjimkou velezrady . The performance of their duties shall not be liable except for treason

    hmmm a par blbcu bude mluvit jak se voli US preident..l

    takze primo obcan nevoli na rozdil od US az bude primo volit tak ja v US tak jsem zvedav na pomnluvy a divadlo kolem..

    se nedivim ze se vam to ted drzkuje :)
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER --- ---
    jeden z prikladu :

    DAVID LETTERMAN of course democrat ...

    DAVID LETTERMAN: I was talking to Mitt Romney earlier today, and he and his family got a big two day weekend planned. They’re going to hike to the top of his money.

    Excuse me, but who the heck is Letterman to ridicule anyone for how much money they have?

    According to our friends at Celebrity Net Worth, the Late Show host makes $50 million a year with an estate valued at $400 million.

    As Forbes estimated Romney's net worth at $230 million Wednesday, Letterman's worth almost twice the target of his derision.

    How's THAT for hypocrisy?

    definition of estate

    1. A landed property, usually of considerable size.
    2. The whole of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death.
    3. Law The nature and extent of an owner's rights with respect to land or other property.
    4. Chiefly British A housing development.
    5. The situation or circumstances of one's life: A child's estate gives way to the adult's estate.
    6. Social position or rank, especially of high order.
    7. A major social class, such as the clergy, the nobility, or the commons, formerly possessing distinct political rights.
    8. Archaic Display of wealth or power; pomp.
    FESTER --- ---
    STRANGERD: :)) oblibena argumentace tech kteri nejsou schopni vygenerovat protiargument.. have a nice day.. pozdravuj Rath
    FESTER --- ---
    a stale cekam odpoved na moji otazku co obama udelal dobreho.. vypada to tak ze se tomu vyhybas jak cert krizi :)
    STRANGERD --- ---
    FESTER: jak se hezky englicky rika, "dont argue with idiots - theyll drag you to their level and beat you with experience"... mej se tu pekne, bavit se s nekym, kdo nechape (psanej) text, nevydrzim dlouho, ani kdyz se mam ucit :))
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