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    ztracené heslo?
    RESCAPEGOPRO HERO , Contour, Drift hd, MagiCam a ostatní outdoor HD kamery a kompakty, diskuze, editace,ukázkové videa a fotky

    Diskuze o této sportovní kameře, určené především k nátáčení extrémních sportů. Všeobecná diskuze, ukázkové videa, fotky, (nyx gopro users videa a fotky).

    rozbalit záhlaví
    SUPERWEB --- ---
    DXTR: + 12% clo +21%DPH -zaruka..slusi se dodat :)
    DXTR --- ---
    CRASH_BOZEL: v USA stoji jen $400 (bez dane)
    CRASH_BOZEL --- ---
    případně jestli někdo neví o cenovém zvýhodnění nebo levnějším obchodě : ) THX.
    WERT --- ---
    CRASH_BOZEL --- ---
    Zdravim, určitě se to tu už řešilo ale pokud by to nikomu nevadilo rád bych znal názor vícero lidí na rozdíl mezi GoPro hero 3 a ostatní konkurencí. Uvažuju nad Black Edition tak chci nejdřív vědět jestli to stojí za to. Názory do pošty prosím.... Dík
    WERT --- ---
    EelVision Dive Filters | EelVision

    EelVision Underwater Color Correction Filter for GoPro HERO3 - YouTube

    WERT --- ---
    PIPLA: ted sem to pricucaval na sklo kdzy sem jel z hor, mel jsem to vevnitr a byl to dost problem, musel sem cekat nez se to zahreje drzelo to teda dost blbe :/
    Budes muset zkusit.

    MAESTRO_007: shrnuti co je smysluplny:

    720 120 Narrow
    Bingo. 120 FPS? Check. No lens distortion? Check. Clean image without aliasing? Check! If there’s any mode in the camera that screams “I’m not a GoPro!” it’s this one. It looks like a 50mm lens and is a clean image. Slow mo is rad. This mode is great for web as well. Blown up next to 1080 or 2.7K, you’ll notice the softness that comes from the Narrow FOV.

    1080 60 Wide
    Comparing 1080 30 & 1080 60, you’ll see 60FPS is ever so slightly softer than 30. It’s not something you’d ever notice even scaling the image to 720P or viewing on YouTube, but there’s a slight difference in the way it’s processed. At the end of the day, 1080-60 W is my go-to mode for 90% of filming action sports. With 60FPS you’ve got reduced rolling shutter as well due to reduced exposure time.

    1080 60 Medium
    This mode rocks. It’s very clean, doesn’t look super GoPro-ie, and is in slow mo. Consider this mode for sweet slider dolly shots, glidecam, or cranes. Try it for car mounted shots. Careful with the POV with Medium or Narrow as you’ll get shakier and more disorienting.

    1440 30 Wide
    I love this mode! First off, it’s VERY sharp and very clean. It really gives you a sense of real POV when you wear the camera on your head, chest, or bite it in your mouth. It can be a pain to deal with, as the aspect ratio is 4:3, but if you know the anamorphic 16:9 dynamic stretch tricks, it can be wonderful. If you’re filming POV to just keep to re-live life later, this is a rad mode to use.

    2.7K 30 Wide
    This mode is insane. Here’s what I like about it – sharp as a knife, full sensor wide, full 30 fps, native to the camera. The one downside is rolling shutter since it is a 30FPS mode. If you can get it mounted to something steady, at high speeds or low light you’ll notice really nice motion blur with this mode. The high resolution makes this ideal for cropping and re-framing, or stabilizing in post. I find this mode has great low-light as well.
    PIPLA --- ---
    máte někdo zkušenosti s přísavkou na autě v zimě? Když je venku pod nulou? Třeba 10 stupňů, je to ještě ok? nebo už se nejde na přísavku spolehnout? Dík.
    WERT --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: celkem veda...
    KOZEL --- ---
    RESCAPE --- ---
    uz nekdo zkousel nejakej timelapse na 4k jak to vypada ?
    HEAVYN --- ---
    tak ja uz to radsi objednal v jednom obchode, at se to tady nezvrhne ;)
    HEAVYN --- ---
    SYPFX: krom tehle vezmu i ten na gopro )
    HEAVYN --- ---
    neprodáváte někdo ten držák na prsa?
    RESCAPE --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: ja nabijim nabijeckou od garminiho gps trackeru, it works great
    KOZEL --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: ja nabijim vetsinou nabijeckou od iPadu a nemam s tim problem
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    mate ozkousenou nejakou nabijecku na tablet pripadne na telefon pro dobijeni GoPro2 primo ze zasuvky?

    mel jsem nejake pujcene a jedna se tvarila ze dobiji ok, ale gopro vybite za 20minut.... dalsi byla Ok ale neda se nikde sehnat :) (noname)

    JOPS --- ---
    jinak vyuziti GoPRO Hero 3 v telocvicne. I na volejbal to jde pouzit naprosto v pohode :)))

    AVL - 8. liga - sestrih zapasu Hudradla TD vs Orální Průzkumníci - YouTube
    WERT --- ---
    super vec!!! urcite pujde udelat i DIY

    RollPro III - Organizer Case for your GoPro Gear. - YouTube
    WERT --- ---
    RollPro III Keeps Your GoPro Camera & Accessories Neatly Organized - Bike Rumor
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