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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    AVATAR --- ---
    ZOMBO: a to kde je k videni?
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Servery bez cheaterů a 60 FPS tě ohromí, Rudo, ale tohle, to tě dojme. To není mapa, to je zahrádka!

    RUDOLF --- ---
    Hey guys! I got in about 5-6 minutes after launch, hopped on a PvP server, and started to play. First things first, overall, the game is freaking fantastic. Once you guys get in, you'll see. Very, very good first impressions. That being said, here are the major bugs I experienced (Since the bug tracker isn't set up right yet) -
    Zombie/Wolf Clipping - A few times, usually with running zombies and wolves, I've noticed a zombie or wolf will clip through a door. There were MANY more times this did not happen. Maybe 1/50 zombies that I tried to block out with a door would eventually clip through it.
    Player invisibility - This is a BIG one. It looks if you hop in a vehicle, and drive around, if you run into a player on foot while still in your vehicle, they cannot see your vehicle. You're completely invisible. I experienced both sides of this, I drove up to my friend, and he did not see or hear my cop car with sirens on. As soon as I hopped out, he saw me immediately, then he saw me instantly disappear when I got back in. He also saw a deer fly into the air after I hit it, seemingly from nothing. I also had a player drive up to me and start talking, but I could not see him. He hopped out, and appeared infront of me.
    Potential server crash? - Not sure on this one, could be a coincidence. I drove a cop car into a bear that was charging me, it died, flopped on the hood of my car, and the entire server crashed. This may have been the servers just coming down for fixes though, I'm not sure.
    Those were the three big bugs I ran into. Crafting works great, starting fires and cooking stuff works great, bow and arrow is awesome. Ammo is very scarce. I had 4 pistols and 0 pistol ammo for a while. Me and a friend went into a police station, and geared up. We had a shotgun, assault rifle, and two pistols. What we thought was a ton of ammo. There were about 30 zombies outside, and we blasted our way out. Very quickly, we were out of ammo and screwed. I like the balancing of this so far.
    Hope you guys can all get in tomorrow! I pretty much played PvE and it was AWESOME, can't wait to get in with other players around too! The game was HARD to survive with just me and a friend against the NPC's.
    Edit- (Also, I'd appreciate it if you didn't just spam my thread with G99)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
    až nahoděj servery, tak si třeba polepšej.. ale, měli dobrej start, bohužel jsem nedohledal info kolem startu SA.. jestli to bylo 13k hráčů každopádně nejvyšší historickej vrchol SA je 43k hráčů najednou a průměr asi těch 20k ..

    H1Z1 · AppID: 295110 · Steam Database

    RUDOLF --- ---
    jo, tak to je ten kokot ze streamu..

    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF: btw.. reddit.. bohužel SWG mně minulo, jen po něm pár lidí pláče.. tak nevím jestli je to ono

    It's literally the same company and GUY that ruined Star Wars Galaxies.
    And that's in the grave.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    WILL: njn.. ale ono je jedno, on to ještě nikdo nehrál:-) jen je všechny nasral jeden stream.. tak počkáme týdem..

    I paid for an early access game. I did NOT pay for an early ABSOLUTELY NO access game.
    WILL --- ---
    RUDOLF: Teď jsem s tím sem šel :)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    SUMI: ty voe

    Sony Offline Entertainment presents... login simulator 2015

    RUDOLF --- ---
    h1z1 recenze jsou lol:-)

    My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, "If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately." Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- "Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this game gave me cancer anyway.

    já teda upřímně myslel, že za peníze se zbraně dropovat nebudou, že to bude mít obroušenější hrany a že auta a basebuilding v základu získaj svý fanoušky.. imho to jen jen první vlna recenzí.. s hnusejma animacema zedů jsem počítal.
    SUMI --- ---
    Lol, recenze na h1z1 jsou výborný. :-D
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    RUDOLF: ještě by to chtělo udělat nějaký moušnkapčr toho jelena, no...Nevím ale jestli se jim do toho bude chtít, bez Deana.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DayZ Experimental 0.53 New Animal AI
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    Na experimentál SA ještě nejsou fční servery asi co?
    BLACKOUT --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Jo :D tiez som kontroloval steam, ci po kliknuti na H1Z1 ma nepresunulo do WarZ sekcie.

    Favorite part about the game is the reviews.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BLACKOUT: bohuzel jsem pustil stream v momente kdy chlap komicky pobihal s baterkou kolem zabugovany zombie, aby prislo hrozivy dejavu z bety WarZ, takze jsem se znovu podival jestli sleduju na twitchi spravnej kanal...
    BLACKOUT --- ---
    ZOMBO: Neni H1Z1..... WarZ 2?
    ZOMBO --- ---
    HALCYON: Taky není můj, ale podepisuji v plném rozsahu: "I need H1Z1 to work goddamn it. So all the squeakers and assholes can infest their servers."
    ZOMBO --- ---
    EXP 0.53 je ke stažení (zatím bez serverů).
    Eugen Harton on Twitter: "Experimental client update available for preload."

    Configs for new weapons in gear_tools.pbo
    "Lead Pipe", "Steak Knife", "Hay Hook", "Flanged Mace (palcát)", "Broom" and "Canoe Paddle"

    Never go full Vávra...

    .53 1/15 Unofficial Experimental Changelog : dayz
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