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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    RUDOLF --- ---
    ELPASO --- ---
    ELECTRICKOTA: to nevim :) jen mi proste nozicka sedi vic na odstrelovaci pusku nez na m4ku no... nic vic
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    ELECTRICKOTA: no kurva izolacka rulez ne to se vi, kdyz tu mame sadlo
    ELECTRICKOTA --- ---
    ELPASO: a kam bys ho upevnil?:
    ELPASO --- ---
    atlas imho naprosto nelogicky na mosina nejde
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    ZOMBO: na mosina
    ZOMBO --- ---
    DUBAS_: To cpeš na Mosina, nebo nejde nasadit na rail?

    XYNDLL_2Q3F --- ---
    JENSENS85: Odstranil jsem příkaz, a zatím běží. thx.
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    atlas se sice spawnuje ale nejde nasadit hmm
    RUDOLF --- ---
    aura smrti

    V3S Collision Detection Be Like... (DayZ Standalone)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
    tenhle úhybnej manévr bych chtěl umět

    Spacecraft Confirmed in Dayz Standalone .54
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Okay just to sum it up.

    1. Client Crashes
    2. Attachments
    3. Private Hives
    4. FPS/Texture issues

    We had the client running for a month on 40 test machines in different iterations, the crashes memory related ones are mostly connected with deprecated launch parameters causing havoc. Rest of them are probably isolated issues with hw/sw setup and we need more input. Those willing to help please use parameter -dologs with a client to generate crashdumps. Those can be found in users/&user&/appdata/local/dayz.

    Attachments were lost as the transition for the database to new nameclasses went haywire. Those attached to weapons might get restored. But no promises yet. I`ll look at it in the morning.

    Private hives getting their characters reset is an issue we`ll investigate in the morning, no promises there either. But we`ll certainly try.

    Same goes for the FPS/texture issues. Most of the people having them had memory related launch paramters. Remove and try again.

    As always.

    PS : Anything else, validate your data.
    CUKY --- ---
    To bude asi tím, že ty hodnoty fps odčítají aby je mohli přičítat k verzi DayZ, každopádně já hlásím, že sem nikdy neměl žádné parametry na víc je to děsivost. Už i v lese se to chová jak v městech. Takže sem raději do města nešel, aby mě neshořelo PC.
    JENSENS85 --- ---
    Čau,mě pomohlo vymazat spouštěcí parametry ve vlastnostech na steamu a je to ok
    XYNDLL_2Q3F --- ---
    Je to něco z tohohle asi...

    For some users, adding the -nosplash flag (Launch option) causes issues. For some users, adding it helps. I have conflicting reports.
    Reports of poor performance in the menus and crashes
    Reports of V3S collision issues.
    Holding a gas can causes severe arthritis
    You can't drown in certain locations that you used to be able to
    AK parts are either invisible or non-existent right now. servers
    Reports of characters being shared between 1pp and 3pp
    XYNDLL_2Q3F --- ---
    Tak jsem se těšil na 0.54. No a když se přihlásím do hry mám v městě tak minutu 20-25fps (old PC i v 0.53 jsem to tak měl) ale po minutě 4-8fps. No je nás víc, tak to snad opraví...

    ONDREX --- ---
    Exclusive - The world's first and only certified* Zombie Proof Log Cabin. The zombie apocalypse is coming...
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam