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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    medvidci me v dayz chybeli
    RUDOLF --- ---
    a tady celej

    Status Report - 3 Mar 15 | DayZ | Official website
    RUDOLF --- ---
    a prej už maj 50 kousků v známejch oblečekách

    We get together 50 different types of males and females infected, and they will be dressed in clothes you can find around so they will no longer look inconsistent with survivors. Some of them will be generic citizens, villagers but you can also look forward to different workers, clerks, policemans, soldiers, firefighters, paramedics, prisoners, patients, journalist, survivors.. and plenty of others. Soon we will be doing rehearsal with adepts for infected voiceactors and I'm quite happy where sfx direction is heading as it will delivers some shivers and goosebumps.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    zeďácká ai se prej začne pomalu iterovat, tj. nejdřív technologie, takže nejdřív žádný změny v chováná ale zvyší se počet na 5x, tj. 1500 kousků na černo. a budou se drtit úvodní průsery.

    a tuhle tech maj asi už funkční v devel branchích, takže takhle by měli fachat až to bude komplet nasazený:

    The infected are designed to be a threat for the survivors as their senses are more sensitive, they are moving fast on short distances and can be lethal in the close combat. You can encounter them mostly in the residential areas, the larger the area - the more infected are present. Areas can be purged which encourages to barricade structures and establish bases. After some time infected will be approaching the area again. As we want to promote stealth approach to encounters you can minimize chance of being seen or heard by wearing darker or camo clothes and light shoes, slowing down your movement, lowering your profile in crouch or prone, avoiding usage of lights and making noise and so on. Fortunately you can also distract them when they are wandering to unwanted destination with throwing the items witch makes noise, light or are somewhat attractive to them. You must be aware in such situation as they are quite interested what's going on around them. When you are focused they will try to hunt you down with no mercy while easily forming packs down the road. Even the doors or barricades cannot be trusted once they want to feed on you. They have fast acceleration but can slow down overtime or lost interest if you get too far after they eventually stumbled. In combat they are using different types of attack, based on distance and force, which makes the combat with them more interesting.

    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
    namalsk bude první mod:-)

    On an exciting note, as we look forward to what will be required to support Steam Workshop modding for DayZ teams have begun analysis work on both requirements for new content to be created, and legacy DayZ Mod content to be supported. On the legacy side – we’ve worked closely with Sumrak, the author of the Namalsk map for Arma 2 / DayZ Mod and have completed a basic analysis and test multiplayer session on Namalsk in DayZ.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    BURKHAR: uvěřím až uvidím video z pořádně velkýho lesa.. viděl jsem super videa z džungle, ale vždy to byli lokace s omezeným výhledem na malé mapě..

    každopádně nové lesy v SA na severu jsou hustější (než v původním černu) a z tohoto oldschool engine fakt tahaj maxima.. jsem zvědavej co dokážou s DX11 - ale to spíš až s novou mapu za pár let.
    BURKHAR --- ---
    RUDOLF: Tohle je ještě lepší:

    Forest Lighting study - Polycount Forum
    RUDOLF --- ---
    rudou pásku jsem nenašel

    RUDOLF --- ---
    ARAON: bombry už máme
    WILL --- ---
    ARAON: Třeba to má něco společnýho s jednorožcema.
    ARAON --- ---
    ZOMBO: Boned head? To zní poněkud perverzně.
    WILL --- ---
    RUDOLF: Jo, ti vypadají, že mají hodně podobný zájmy. Dává to smysl.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    btw.. dean se dal k improbable, nebo chce stavět na jejich technologii.. imho to fungovat může, ale už utírám slzičku, páč braben asi takový škálovaní s elite nedosáhne..

    The Improbable dream to radically transform online gaming (Wired UK)

    a ten deanův postík:

    ZOMBO --- ---
    BURKHAR: Znám ten pocit.

    ad šunka

    BURKHAR --- ---
    AVATAR: On ten smajlík asi zanikl, humor jsem samozřejmě pochopil a chtěl ho dál rozvinout, akorát se nikdo nezasmál. :)
    AVATAR --- ---
    ze ty uz zas experimentujes s vegetarianstvim?
    BURKHAR --- ---
    AVATAR: Tak snad si dokážou WH nakoupit dostatečně výkonný železo na showcase, ne? ;) Taky bych nemohl v práci dělat na takový šunce, kterou mám doma (resp. mohl, ale produktivita by byla 0, protože bych čekal 30x denně 5 minut loadingu).
    AVATAR --- ---
    BURKHAR: to je ucel... aby se stihaly nactitat textury.
    BURKHAR --- ---
    RUDOLF: Hezký, ale proč to nechali hrát cupitavou veverku?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam