btw.. současná nestabilita některých klientů je způsobená tím, že v době přechodu mezi systémy, běží části obou systémů.. tj. dva fyzikální systémy, navigační (asi AI), ovládání (zedů i hráče), dva skriptovací systém, dvoje UI a že jim už nestačí RAM v 32bit klientu.. btw.. na internal používají 64bit klienta..
There are loads of variables. From KBs installed on windows, to state of system dlls, drivers etc. Basicaly currently were on the limit with memory unless we switch to x64 client (we have x64 server/client internaly). But that might cause other problems. So not worth it atm. The real solution is to remove the deprecated systems of engine completly. As said we are running two physic system, two navigation systems, two controllers, two scripts, two UIs. The transition state is at its worst sadly. Its hard to keep a game playable and do our tech mojo and move to new underlying parts. But we are dedicated to making it happen, and let you play at the same time.