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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    ZOMBO --- ---
    DUBAS_: novej r******r nebyl potřeba k Chernarusi+, proč k Namalsku? Kvůli kreslení do sněhu?

    Namalsk by měl představovat modelovou mapu k otestování nástrojů, který jim Sumrak pomáhá připravit.

    Tohle napsal Biran v březnu letošního roku: "On an exciting note, as we look forward to what will be required to support Steam Workshop modding for DayZ teams have begun analysis work on both requirements for new content to be created, and legacy DayZ Mod content to be supported. On the legacy side – we’ve worked closely with Sumrak, the author of the Namalsk map for Arma 2 / DayZ Mod and have completed a basic analysis and test multiplayer session on Namalsk in DayZ. The road to supporting a proper ecosystem on Steam Workshop will take time – but our goal is to have a strong set of tools, documentation, and examples by the time DayZ hits 1.0 and leaves Early Access. We’ll be reaching out to more DayZ Mod content creators over the coming months to gather feedback, and discuss exactly what modding DayZ will look like."

    Status Report - 3 Mar 15 | DayZ | Official website

    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Arma III Breaking point Episode I
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    DUBAS_: vsak nemel Adam pozvanku na nyx, ze by k tomu neco klidne rekl?
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    Na Gondole už to cpou? To by se jim mohlo líbit, ještě to trochu zpomalit, ten vývoj..
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    RUDOLF: no to je gol, to ma adam radost sam mi rikal ze na namalsku bude pracovat az odladej samotny dayz sa a vychytaj mouchy

    to ze pridavaj dalsi hadry atp ok ale roubovat na tohle dalsi mod to uz je moc

    leda ze ma adam volnou ruku a pise si vlastni veci s novym renderrrerrem a jede si solo linku vedle sa
    RUDOLF --- ---
    btw.. na Namalsku jako testovacím modu SA se stále pracuje.. např. Some mods are already being worked on (Namalsk, including the ability to extract water from snow).

    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Zkoušeli jsme Epoch, démoni a Ai protivníci super, stavění základen a bankomaty taky paráda. Breaking point mě zase vrátil do ARMA II DayZ Mod...

    RUDOLF --- ---
    ZOMBO: já narozdíl od hráčů A3, mám Altis velmi rád:-)
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: Takový neimerzivní prostředí? Od toho tu jsou mapy Army 3...

    RUDOLF --- ---
    já bych chtěl příští SA v Africe!

    Making Wearables From E-Waste
    RUDOLF --- ---
    ZOMBO: ještě žhavý z rendereru..

    koukám že ten ddos furt trvá..

    a evženovo info k posunutí exp releasu, vlastně dobrý info - když něco shazuje klienta, tak to bude nějaká core věc v engine - me gusta:-)

    Current blockers for internal build include :
    Memory crash (client crashes about hour of running)
    Couple client crashes with no solid repro
    Invisible crew for cars (due to refactor of certain optimizations)
    Swap item duplication (due to same reasons)
    Issues with binarization of data for map because of changes made to support increase number of objects on the map 2million - 8million.
    And more of course.
    However its development so we are working on it.
    EDIT : The thing about sharing everyday progress is, that some things might not be true in few hours, while others persist. You want to try different approaches to find the best possible. Now were aiming for a more stable experimental releases and much more polish done on them.

    a jak mergovali kód, který nemohli hned otestovat v QA:-)

    The build didn't get pushed solely for the HDD PSU failure of the core Jenkins server. It was cascade of events that happened over couple days. We lost time because we couldn't test stuff properly. And before all the things got in place (binarization issues, svn issues, hardware issues, data structure). We lost 5 days fixing all of it. Even though devs haven't stopped. The fixes could not get tested accordingly so the bugs that appeared after we got the build for the QA engineers they were behind on schedule.
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Armor/Clothing Guide for DayZ Standalone
    RUDOLF --- ---
    HOUGAN: Špión přeci.

    Fotky jsou z netu.
    HOUGAN --- ---
    RUDOLF: Moc pekne akorat na tom jednom screenshotu to vypada jak kdyz popravujete clena teamu diky pasce ;)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    a nějaká romantika

    RUDOLF --- ---
    war, war never changes

    RUDOLF --- ---
    DESTROYER: něpamňáju!

    DayZ Standalone | Hard Work (a Farmer John short)
    DESTROYER --- ---

    z ustavu :)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
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