DESTROYER: Taky dobrý ty komentáře pod videem ohledně"PR" Bohemky :-D
welRUS334 před 4 dny
try to criticize them on any social media and they just block you, not to mention half of their timeline is just retweets of autistic screenshots
Calbinaterspřed 4 dny
Hicks blocked me on twitter for saying this "the game is unplayable right not due to the frame drops when you get in a gunfight"
iElitepřed 2 dny
I've been banned on twitter for asking why there had only been one update the entire year of 2016. Then on Reddit they told me I'm stupid and don't understand how a game works. Thousands of hours in the mod, 600 on the standalone, yet I can't criticize the development of the game that got me into PC gaming in the first place.