and more good news
Lithium ion battery pipeline breaks the 6 TWh capacity barrier | Benchmark lithium ion production capacity could reach over 6,000GWh (6TWh) by the end of the decade, based on current plans, as companies accelerate gigafactory construction in Europe and the US.
At 6 TWh of capacity the world could produce around 109 million EVs, although this is based on all the plants coming into production and operating at full capacity.
In reality it’s likely that around 70% of the gigafactories in pipeline will come into production with an average global capacity utilisation of 70%, according to Simon Moores, chief executive of Benchmark.
Tesla’s chief executive Elon Musk said this week that a total of 300 TWh is needed to transition the world to sustainable energy via batteries for heating and transport.
na konci dekády by měla existovat kapacita na výrobu 6TWh baterek ročně. Realistický odhad je, že se postaví 70% a tyto továrny pojedou na 70% kapacity, což dává 3TWh.
Celkem na kompletní elektrizaci a OZEizaci je potřeba 300TWh.
Ale tohle jsou pouze li-ion a již nyní existují další varianty skladování energie (redox-flow atd)