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    VSOUKOLOHLOREnergetika a energie v politické a hospodářské perspektivě
    Vše o politickém a ekonomickém dění v energetickém sektoru. Klub usiluje o to diskutovat téma energetiky v širších, nikoliv jen úzce technologicky a vědecky zaměřených (jakkoliv ani ty nejsou zakázány), souvislostech. Témata a kauzy typu: energetická bezpečnost, státní energetická koncepce a surovinová politika ČR, ČEZ, MUS, OKD, Bakala, Komárek, Tykač, Gazprom, územní limity, německý odstup od jádra, kanadské roponosné písky, rizikový managment, negativní externality energetických zdrojů, ropné havárie, válečné konflikty ohrožující dodávky energie, vliv spekulantů na cenu surovin apod.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    German energy market caps turbulent August with 68 hours of negative prices – pv magazine International

    Rabot Charge noted that 57% of grid electricity came from renewable sources in August, slightly below the annual average of 62%. This reduction in renewable energy share contributed to the higher average electricity price in August compared to July.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    tohle je taky zajímavé
    Share of electricity generated by low-carbon sources - Our World in Data

    SHEFIK --- ---
    China generating enough clean energy to match UK’s entire electricity output | Renewable energy | The Guardian
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    SHEFIK: Aha:

    Prices for public charging or battery swapping are regulated, typically using the industrial electricity price plus a maximum service fee with time-of-use price differentials. Each province sets its own public charging price. Prices range from RMB 0.4/kWh to RMB 2/kWh, with RMB 1.5/kWh ($0.23/kWh) as a typical mid-price. Home charging in China generally employs the residential electricity price

    C: Electric Vehicles - Guide to Chinese Climate Policy
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Oh my

    Renewable Energy 44.7% of EU Electricity Production in 2023 — Now #1! - CleanTechnica
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tak hlavne u nas nezaspat

    Renewables, grid flexibility could lead to electricity price drop of 25% by 2030 – pv magazine International

    Modelling shows that electrification and flexibility can slash average day-ahead energy prices by 25% by 2030, and by 33% by 2040, compared to 2023. At the same time, the solar capture prices will be 71% greater in 2030 compared to the baseline, and 54% higher by 2040, supporting the sustainable growth of solar project developers, SolarPower Europe notes.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Analysis shows large-scale PV still cheapest electricity tech in Australia – pv magazine International

    And for the first time, the report has included large-scale nuclear technology, which has been identified as the most expensive technology.
    The report shows firmed renewables, including transmission and storage costs, provide Australians with the cheapest power, at between AUD 83 ($55.25)/MWh and AUD 120/MWh in 2030. Were small modular nuclear reactors able to be up and running in Australia by 2030 the cost of their power would be up to AUD 382/MWh.
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Fossil fuels generated less than a quarter of the EU's electricity in April | Euronews
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Renewable energy passes 30% of world’s electricity supply | Renewable energy | The Guardian

    A report on the global power system has found that the world may be on the brink of driving down fossil fuel generation, even as overall demand for electricity continues to rise.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    PES: v realne rocni vyrobe
    European Electricity Review 2024 | Ember
    JIMIQ --- ---
    taky skvělý
    European Electricity Review 2024 | Ember
    JIMIQ --- ---
    pěkný článek
    Europe Electricity Year in Review 2023

    Španělsko za tři roky zdvojnásobilo produkci z fotovoltaiky

    SHEFIK --- ---
    40% of US electricity is now emissions-free | Ars Technica
    TUHO --- ---
    To escape the trap, Vázquez needed rapid solutions. He turned to an unlikely source: Ramón Méndez Galain, a physicist who would transform the country’s energy grid into one of the cleanest in the world.

    Today, the country has almost phased out fossil fuels in electricity production. Depending on the weather, anything between 90% and 95% of its power comes from renewables. In some years, that number has crept as high as 98%.

    Uruguay’s green power revolution: rapid shift to wind shows the world how it’s done | Global development | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    hehe, kdyz si tak vzpomenu na ty plamenny diskuzni vylevy par let nazpet, ze “max moznost oze v energetickem mixu bez blackoutu je 30procent”…

    “Renewable energies will have covered almost 52 percent of gross electricity consumption in 2023,” the organisations said in a press release. “This means that the share has risen by five percentage points compared to the same period last year and is above the 50 percent mark for the first time for a full year.” Germany’s renewables share was 46 percent in 2022. Both a decrease of overall electricity consumption and an increase in absolute renewables production – which rose six percent to an all-time high of 267 TWh - pushed up the share of renewable electricity.

    Renewables cover more than half of Germany’s electricity demand for first time this year | Clean Energy Wire
    NYRLEM --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: zaverna plynovka nebude mit ani ty 2000, coz ti tu navratnost vyrazne zhorsi. Dnesni situace neni kdovijak prizniva .. k jaderkam ti nereknu lepsi cislo nez tohle https://www.iea.org/reports/projected-costs-of-generating-electricity-2020 , ale k ccgt ti muzu rovnou rict, ze VC pri dnesnich cenach cca 50*2 + 0,3*80 eur/MWh opravdu neni min, nez co se udava pro jaderky .. a v tom nemas capex ani O&M .. povolenka pod 80 nepujde nepujde a plyn z 50-55 ti klesne mozna na 30 nekdy prespristi rok ..
    TUHO --- ---
    Venku je novej clanek Carbon Brief, podle kteryho je dobra sance, ze cinsky emise pristi rok budou klesat.

    While CO2 is rebounding in 2023 from zero-Covid lows (see: Why emissions grew in Q3 of 2023), there have also been record additions of low-carbon capacity, setting up a surge in electricity generation next year. (See: Solar, wind and hydropower set to surge in 2024.)
    Combined with a rebound in hydro output following a series of droughts, these record additions are all but guaranteed to push fossil-fuel electricity generation and CO2 emissions into decline in 2024, as shown in the figure below.
    Moreover, with the power sector being China’s second-largest emitter and with other major sectors, such as cement and steel, already seeing CO2 falling, this drop in power-sector emissions could drive a sustained, structural emissions decline for the country as a whole.
    This is because – for the first time – the rate of low-carbon energy expansion is now sufficient to not only meet, but exceed the average annual increase in China’s demand for electricity overall. (See: Continued clean power growth can peak emissions in 2024.)
    If this pace is maintained, or accelerated, it would mean that China’s electricity generation from fossil fuels would enter a period of structural decline – which would also be a first.

    Analysis: China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy - Carbon Brief

    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    PES: Ukázaly střední hodnoty parametru „LCOE“ (levelized cost of electricity, vlastně průměrná cena za celou dobu životnosti při zahrnutí všech nákladů), v rozmezí 220 až 610 dolarů za megawatthodinu. Heliem chlazené vysokoteplotní reaktory, což je nevyzkoušená technologie, vycházely lépe, okolo 130 dolarů....."

    Konvenční jádro v USA je teď okolo 175$.

    To mi zas tak jako studená sprcha nepřijde když se to pohybuje pořád řádově podobně.
    TUHO --- ---
    Coal is on its way out in Europe.

    It fell a staggering ❗23%❗ in the EU in the first half of 2023, and was less than 10% of the EU’s electricity generation for the first time ever in May.

    NYRLEM --- ---
    German airline Lufthansa says it would consume half of Germany’s electricity if it were to switch to green fuels
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