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    ztracené heslo?
    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.
    ARAON --- ---
    Lando stands by to rescue Luke via Corellian forklift.
    The Empire Strikes Back 1980

    ARAON --- ---
    Miniature magic behind the scenes on Flight of the Intruder (1991).

    ARAON --- ---
    Visual effects cameraman Peter Daulton prepares the incredible miniature DeLorean behind the scenes at Industrial Light & Magic on Back to the Future Part 2/3.

    DEFILA --- ---
    super, den o 100% lepsi najednou :)
    ARAON --- ---
    Solidni kolekce. Hodne jsem jich videl poprve.
    1,138 behind the scenes photos of the Star Wars Trilogy - Album on Imgur
    APIN --- ---
    How the night shots in Django Unchained (2012) were lit
    N_I --- ---
    ARAON --- ---
    BTS: Blake's 7 episode 'Stardrive' (1981).

    ILLUZE --- ---
    ARAON: Váhala jsem, ale tuhle pohádku prostě musím :)
    ARAON --- ---
    ILLUZE: Včera jsem na něj koukal a nedal jsem ho sem jen kvůli Facebooku. :-)
    ILLUZE --- ---
    úžasné video - aspoň tedy pro mne ,-) https://www.facebook.com/CinefuncionWeb/videos/1282680738443833/
    ARAON --- ---
    "I was having a back and forth discussion the other day with someone about why I love this picture so much.
    Yes there is a beautiful Falcon under construction but this picture is such a great snapshot of the day in the life of these guys.
    For instance if you look way in the background there is a model of an Aurora Batman, fully built, as well as two other Superhero kits. This means that when they went on their outings to local hobby shops for parts they also grabbed what they liked just for the heck of it. Showing a deep love and history for what they did. There is also the prototype Star Destroyer resting on a gorilla rack. Add to that a pile of various, now vintage model kits and the Millennium Falcon under construction and the picture is gold."

    ARAON --- ---
    Detailní (dalo by se říct intimní) pohled na kapitánský můstek Blockade Runneru z New Hope. :-)

    ARAON --- ---
    Forced perspective painting from the miniature Galactica landing bay.
    Battlestar Galactica 1978

    ARAON --- ---
    ARAON --- ---
    ARAON: "That car---ubiquitous in Sam's films---was constructed from sheet styrene, not sculpted, as such, and molded/cast (which was too expensive and time-consuming). Some of the pieces along the "waterfront" are from THE ABYSS (we purchased a truck-load of the models once the film was finished; the models were being thrown away.)"

    "By the way - the license plate on this car was LV-426."

    "We set up a big sheet of glass in the foreground onto which i sprayed white (and some blue) to extend the sky background since, otherwise, we would've been shooting off the set."
    ARAON --- ---
    A miniature building stands ready for character Peyton Wilder's explosive (and not quite) demise.
    Darkman 1990

    ALARIK --- ---
    Ukradeno z GIFů, ale patří to imho hlavně sem ;-)

    ARAON --- ---
    PANDA_JE_MRTVA: Ja dal ve vyhledavani Star Wars a tyhle obrazky jsem nenasel. :(
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam