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    ztracené heslo?
    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.
    TRAGED --- ---
    ARAON: A ze se urcite nejedna o stejny model jsi si vsiml? Viz svetla?
    ARAON --- ---
    Tady je ještě směrový TIE fighter...

    ARAON --- ---
    TRAGED: Jojo. Směrový R2D2.

    TRAGED --- ---
    FRK_R23,ARAON: Plha a Plha? Jde o to, ze filmy vznikaly ve vice mene stejne dobe, takze je to spis nepravdepodobne. A vic nez R2 to vypada na smerovy reflektor.
    ARAON --- ---
    Another classic franchise which used outstanding visual fx.
    Aliens - Miniature / Set Extension
    As the Marines make their way through the atmosphere processor, they discover the entrance to the ‘alien hive’.
    This is a great example of using a foreground miniature to extend the size of a filming set.
    One of the very first shots of principle photography, this was always going to to closely scrutinised by the studio.
    After viewing this shot for the first time, execs asked, “You seem to be spending all the money on gigantic sets, where are the visual effects?”
    The art department were quite pleased that they had fooled them.

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    TRAGED: To jsou jenom takový vtípky, se sdílením produkce to nemá nic společnýho. U všech těch filmů tak či onak figuroval George Lucas.
    ARAON --- ---
    TRAGED: Že by byli Spielberg a Lucas kamarádi, a navzájem dávali do svých filmů jako vtípky odkazy na filmy to ho druhého? Plus speciální efekty a modely pro oba režiséry dělali většinou ti samí lidé.
    TRAGED --- ---
    FRK_R23: Ze by az takhle sdilely produkce? Ty filmy jsou od sebe pul roku.
    KEB --- ---
    Budete asimilováni! Odpor je marný!

    ARAON --- ---
    FRK_R23: Na té lodi toho je. Mimo jiné školní autobus a poštovní schránka. :-)
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    ARAON: Blízká setkání třetího druhu :)

    ARAON --- ---
    Tohle není tak úplně zákulisí, ale vlastně skoro jo. :-D

    Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) R2-D2 and 3-CPO

    ARAON --- ---
    Die Hard ll Visual effects rigging crew in Mojave Desert 1990.

    ARAON --- ---
    Enrico Altmann working on the Tumbler in THE DARK KNIGHT (2008).

    TOOMIX --- ---
    Old Disney sound effect cartoons
    ARAON --- ---
    Behind the scenes on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984).

    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    ARAON --- ---
    Back in the days when there was no drones and no gimbals, Dare devil Aerial Cinematographer Johnny Jordan used this technique to film 007 ski action sequence in 1967.

    While filming You Only Live Twice (1967), Johnny was leaning out of a helicopter to get a better shot. Another helicopter was caught in a gust of wind and was blown closer. The rotor blade cut Johnny's leg which had to be amputated. Three years later, he was filming Catch-22 (1970) over the Gulf of Mexico when another plane passed close by. He was sucked out of the open doorway and fell 2,000 feet to his death. He had always refused to wear a safety harness and with his artificial leg wasn't as agile as he used to be.

    He developed a special helicopter harness for filming aerial shots of the mountain slopes and action sequences in the James Bond movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969). He would hang eighteen feet below the chopper from a large round metal support apparatus.

    Credit :The key grip

    ASYD --- ---
    How Animal Sounds Are Made For Movies And TV | Movies Insider
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    Podcast o zvuku (vidět na plátně není :)), vybrané díly týkající se filmu a TV:


    What goes into making a movie soundtrack? Take a look behind the scenes with the sound designers that make your movies sound perfect.


    What is Foley and how does it make our movie listening experience more realistic?


    A history of the most iconic scream in movie history that you’ve definitely heard, but might not have heard of.


    Who are the voices behind our favorite cartoon characters and commercials? Take a look behind-the-scenes of voice acting.


    What was the point of the THX "deep note" and why do we love it so much?


    What happened after THX lost its iconic "Deep Note"?


    We go behind the scene with the actors responsible for bringing your TV and film backgrounds to life.


    How were old cartoon sounds made, and how did they become so iconic?


    Explore how Hollywood films are adapted for foreign languages.


    Hear from the sound designer who gave a voice to the dragons, direwolves, white walkers, and more in Game of Thrones.


    A theme song about nothing: how it was created, what makes it so unique, and how it became one of the most iconic theme songs in TV history.


    The early life and career of Mel Blanc.


    The story of Mel Blanc, Part 2. The accident, recovery, and passing of the torch.


    The story behind the sound design of Star Wars: How legendary Sound Designer Ben Burtt helped transport audiences to a galaxy far, far away.
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