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    ztracené heslo?
    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    When you realize The Skull on the back of the moth on "The Silence of the Lambs" movie poster is made of Salvador Dali’s “In Voluptas Mors”

    PSYSBEE --- ---
    ARAON: mazec
    ARAON --- ---
    ARAON: Jen pro zajímavost, takhle to vypadalo z dálky. Tato replika měla stejné rozměry na výšku i šířku jako originál, ale byla o 10% kratší, čímž Cameron ušetřil stovky tisíc dolarů, aniž by to bylo na plátně poznat.

    TOREIP --- ---
    Puvodni concept Voldemorta. Mnohem lepsi, ale decka by se z toho asi zesraly.

    PETJU --- ---
    LOJZEE: Mako! :)
    LOJZEE --- ---
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    TRAGED: no tak to je ovšem něco!
    TRAGED --- ---
    RARE Aliens set photos

    Note from the original poster, DeanoSauruz from Imgur: My friend's father recently showed us these images he captured while working as an electrician at Acton Lane Power Station. These are NEVER before seen...until now of course. Photographer: Christopher Archer.

    ARAON --- ---
    Backdrop z filmu Forbidden Planet (1956).

    ARAON --- ---
    FRK_R23: Obrazek pro ty, kterym se nechce otevirat link a koukat na video. :)

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    New video of Tom Cruise pulling off a massive stunt during the filming of ‘Mission: Impossible 7’.
    ARAON --- ---
    Čas krmení...

    ARAON --- ---
    Do you know the origin of the term "They're filming on the lot"?

    Back in the 1910s, the majority of filmmakers did not have studios as we know today. Generally they'd rent a few buildings for offices, props, wardrobe and possibly a few dressing rooms.

    A film company would rent a near-by empty lot. (At that time, L.A./Hollywood area had wide open spaces, excepting downtown LA.)

    They would build their sets on this lot, serving as its studio, taking advantage of the natural sunlight. (If the sun was to harsh, a screen of muslin would be pulled over the set to diffuse the sunlight.) Sometimes budget-tight films just set up in a empty lot without permission & hoped they wouldn't get caught.

    If someone came by the production offices and asked where everyone was, they'd reply "They're shooting on the lot."

    This is how the term became part of our industry vernacular.

    ARAON --- ---
    “Mark, Harrison, and the dead Tauntaun are about twenty feet from the Finse 122 hotel where they are staying in Norway.”

    Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    ARAON --- ---
    Odvrácená strana kulis Cameronova Titanicu

    MILIS --- ---
    Reservoir Dogs

    ASYD --- ---
    Why Harvey Keitel was Fired from Apocalypse Now | Ep6 | Making Apocalypse Now
    LOJZEE --- ---
    pulp fiction

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Behind the scenes of #FightClub (1999) with Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter
    ARAON --- ---
    The chest that holds the kryptonite in Superman (1978) is the same prop used in Star Wars A New Hope (1977) to store Anakin's lightsaber.

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