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    ztracené heslo?
    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.

    Vše co souvisí s filmem.. Fotografie, videa a jiné zajímavosti z natáčení a zákulisí. Filmové technologie
    rozbalit záhlaví
    2NDREALITY --- ---
    ALI: karlin
    ALI --- ---
    just for fun... kdyztak smazte.

    adam sandler dneska v praze .)

    Adam Sandler spotted in Prague! The American actor is shooting "Spaceman", a new Netflix adaptation of the novel "Spaceman of Bohemia" by Czech writer Jaroslav Kalfař.

    Spaceman will be directed by Swedish filmmaker Johan Renck, who last received widespread acclaim for his work on the HBO miniseries "Chernobyl".

    ARAON --- ---
    The Hunt for Red October (1990)

    JANDOS --- ---
    The Simpsons writing room - 1992
    ARAON --- ---

    ARAON --- ---
    ARAON: “Yusei Uesugi at work on a massive matte painting for Die Hard 2 (1990). He added a little frog illustration on one of the truck's doors, a Kermit, as Jim Henson had just passed away.”

    ARAON --- ---
    2NDREALITY: Někde jsem měl hezkou, rovnou fotku ve vysokém rozlišení, ale nemůžu jí najít. Tak aspoň takhle.

    2NDREALITY --- ---
    ARAON: nemas negde die hard 2 to matte letiste nakonci...
    ARAON --- ---
    Filming Air Force One in miniature behind the scenes on Independence Day (1996).

    ARAON --- ---
    2NDREALITY: A tady je vysvětlené, jak se taková matte animuje: https://youtu.be/wDvdNtlSAQo
    2NDREALITY --- ---
    ARAON: a jeto animovany...
    LOJZEE --- ---
    Sofia Coppola

    TOOMIX --- ---
    Back to the Future, Part II: Making Of / Behind the Scenes.
    ARAON --- ---
    Back to the Future II (1989) - Miniatura Biffova hotelu / kasina a parkoviště u něj, vyrobená pro krátký záběr, kde se Marty podívá ze střechy dolů.

    KEB --- ---
    Sąsiedzi - Pat i Mat “Wywiad “ Fragment programu “Gejzír “
    ARAON --- ---

    ARAON --- ---
    Ken Marshall painted the famous final scene from THE TERMINATOR (1984) as Matte Painting. Above the painted picture, below the composite scene.

    ALI --- ---
    a jeste jeden cruise. slibuju, ze posledni; sam ho moc nemusim ,)

    In Vanilla Sky (2001), the scene with Tom Cruise alone in Times Square is not computer enhanced. Instead of digitally recreating the landmark or removing the people in post-production, Cameron Crowe was able to secure 90 minutes on a Sunday morning in November 2000 at a cost of $1million and close off several blocks for filming one scene with permission from the Mayor of New York.

    How it happened👇

    The former New York Mayor had only one condition before agreeing to shut down one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. Crowe explains; “I said, ‘Great news! What’s the condition?’ And they said, ‘You! Somebody there has done some research on you, and heard that you do a lot of takes.’ I was like, ‘What?! I’m a thorough director, but this intel is in the mayor’s office?’ They were like, ‘Yeah, somebody there is worried. They don’t want you in Times Square running around with Tom Cruise, with you shooting stuff, with no clear plan.'”

    Crowe and his team then spend weeks prepping and rehearsing for the sequence. On the day of the shooting, the production had Times Square for three hours, and everything runs smoothly, according to Crowe, they managed to do multiple takes, and they still had more than an hour left. “And Tom Cruise says, ‘I’ll just run. I’ll just run back and forth and you can do running shots.’ Which was what the mayor’s office was afraid we’d be doing.”.

    After the production wrapped, other people put in requests to shut down Times Square, but got denied. “The thing they told us from the beginning to the end is that this will never happen again. And I wish that it hadn’t,” says Crowe. As for who else put in a request, “Danny DeVito. I’m not sure for what movie, it was a couple of months after us. Sorry, Danny.”
    (Source: Cameron Crowe, The Playlist)

    🎥 Vanilla Sky (2001)
    🎬 Dir. Cameron Crowe
    📷 DoP. John Toll See Less
    LOJZEE --- ---
    Alexander (2004). Oliver Stone

    KEB --- ---
    JANDOS: mě fascinuje že patrick Stewart vypadá už padesát let stejně :-D
    ARAON --- ---
    Men in Black (1997)
    Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler

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