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    ztracené heslo?
    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.
    ARAON --- ---
    Rob Bottin - “Venetian Head” Practical Effect

    Total Recall
    1990 / United States / Paul Verhoeven

    KEB --- ---
    PREDSEDA: to mi připomnělo ty vystřižený trikovky z Terminátora 2, kdyby je tam nechali tak natáhli stopáž asi o 5 minut, taky veselý stát hodně...
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Alternativní konec Malého krámku hrůz. Jedenáctiminutová triková scéna, která stála pětinu rozpočtu a která CELÁ byla nakonec po testovacích projekcích vystřižena. Natočen byl konec s happy endem.

    Little Shop of Horrors Original Ending YouTube
    MERTLAS --- ---
    Bts ze sceny z prvni serie Squid games.

    Fckboy Problem.s | Follow (us) @FUCKBOYPROBLEM.S for more 💚🍿 the acting is so good #squidgame #squidgames #netflix #bts #viral | Instagram
    LOJZEE --- ---
    Nicole Kidman admitted intimate scenes in film she had to stop because of 'orgasms' were sometimes unscripted - Celebrity - LADbible
    TRAGED --- ---
    (a netrvalo mi to ani 27 let :-] )
    TRAGED --- ---
    !!! Shame on me! Až teď mi došlo, odkid Zima znám!

    "Thanks to my rough looks I had plenty of job opportunities to play the villain, and thanks to my rough voice I had plenty of job opportunities again as a villain in cartoons and video games...I just wish I could play the hero more often...but I can't complain either. I made a good living doing the thing I love, and people know me, love me, and respect me. That's enough."
    - Clarence "Clancy" Brown.

    PREDSEDA --- ---
    TRAGED: Delta 88 je údajně ve všech Raimiho filmech a podle urban legend i ve westernu Rychlejší než smrt, kde má být údajně vidět její silueta někde pod plachtou. Já jí tam teda nenašel.
    TRAGED --- ---
    The Delta 88 in the Multiverse of Raiminess. 😆

    Source: u/AerialAce96

    TRAGED --- ---
    The original photo used in the final scene of The Shining is shown in the film to be a 1921 photograph of a July 4th ball at the Overlook Hotel.
    Of course, the Overlook Hotel isn’t real, and the photo isn’t even from Colorado’s Stanley Hotel. That said, most of the photo is genuine. The biggest exception being that Jack Nicholson was not in the original shot.
    For the film, Stanley Kubrick’s team of photo retouchers, using an exacto blade, an airbrush and glue, placed Jack Nicholson's face onto the body of the man in the front of the photo. Kubrick carefully photographed Nicholson to match the lighting and angle of the original photo, and shot him from different distances to create an image size that would match the original's grain structure when enlarged.
    The original photo was discovered in The Complete Airbrush and Photo-Retouching Manual by Peter Owen and John Sutcliffe, published in 1985.
    The most recent breakthrough was a few days ago when redditor u/Al89nut identified the original man who Nicholson replaced as Santos Casani, a quite well known London-based dancer (and more specifically, instructor and author on the subject of ballroom dances like waltzes and tangoes). This is potentially very useful information as Casani's appearances at dance halls during the 1920s and later, giving lessons and demonstrations en masse, judging competitions, attempting to set records (he apparently tried to dance straight for 24 hours once) were often mentioned in newspapers and newsreels.
    The fact that Cassini is in attendance, as well as other faces that were likely identified, leads people to believe this photo was taken in England. It is also assumed that the year was not 1921, but 1923 and based on the attire and the assumption the photo was not taken in the United States that the celebration was a New Years Ball, and not a Fourth of July soirée.

    BALDA_CHYN --- ---
    EZEE: Ano, Labyrinth.
    CISTICZ --- ---
    EZEE: tipuju Labyrint
    EZEE --- ---
    BALDA_CHYN: Z ceho to? Dik
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    Handschiegl color process - Wikipedia
    Wings (1927 film) - Wikipedia

    Ilustrační foto:
    Color applied to a print of Lights of Old Broadway through the Handschiegl process

    SPIKE411 --- ---
    The Making Of Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb | Time Extension
    MERTLAS --- ---
    Kishore Kapoor | In Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), glass painting played a crucial role in creating some of the film’s most iconic scenes. Glass painting,... | Instagram
    MERTLAS --- ---
    Tommy Igoe | Ben Burtt is the genius behind the Star Wars soundscapes and explains how he created the iconic lightsaber sound. Brilliant. Just.... | Instagram
    MERTLAS --- ---
    LYNCH: serial viz LUCIEN: :)
    LYNCH --- ---
    MERTLAS: jakože novej BR?
    MERTLAS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: jj BR se tu letos tocil ruzne po Praze... :) Mam par BTS, ale bohuzel je tu jeste nemuzu ukazovat...
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