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    ztracené heslo?
    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.
    MERTLAS --- ---
    DNeska bych rád popovídal otzv. Barell Rollu. Neboli kaskaderském kousku, kdy se auto točí přes boudu.

    5. června 2006 byl vytvořen při natáčení Casino Royale světový rekord v počtu barrell rollů. Kaskadér Adam Kirley v této scéně řídil upravený Aston Martin DBS a díky speciálnímu zařízení vystřelujícímu auto dosáhl sedmi otoček, čímž překonal předchozí rekord a získal zápis do Guinnessovy knihy rekordů. https://youtu.be/HhbYK7WzeBw

    Tento rekord byl překonán až po dlouhých 16 letech. Konkrétně v roce 2022 Kirleyho překonal kaskadér Logan Holladay při natáčení filmu The Fall Guy. Původní rekord překonal o 1,5 otočky. Nový rekord tedy činil 8,5 otočky. Loganovi se to povedlo až na čtvrtý pokus.... https://youtu.be/vyM_QMFcFvA

    Akorát točím nový film Sama Hargravese (Extraction, Extraction 2) - pracovní název je Convoy. A včera 7.3.2025 byl tento rekord opět překonán a to na první pokus! Zatím to samozřejmě není oficiálně potvrzené :), ale jsme si všichni ze štábu jistí, že bude... 14 otoček... tolik jich nikdo nečekal! BTS zatím samozřejmě nemůžu zveřejňovat. Ale určitě, až to bude venku, tak vám tu něco ukážu :)
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    The Clever Camera Effect Used on 'Severance' When Outies Becomes Innies | PetaPixel
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    Apocalypse Now

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    ARAON: že jsem se vůbec ptal :D
    ARAON --- ---
    For a year and half, Williams and Gracey had been sending messages back and forth, discussing a possible film musical based on his life.

    "There have been a lot of musical biopics," says Gracey. "I wanted to come at this with a different lens.

    "Quite often Rob will say, 'I'm just like a performing monkey' or 'I'm up the back like a performing monkey'.

    "It just sparked this idea of, we've got this chance to tell this story, not from the perspective of how we see Rob, but how he sees himself.

    "And so I pitched the idea to Rob. I said, 'You know, if you were to be an animal, how would you see yourself?'"

    Williams takes up the story: "I was looking for some self-worth at the time and I was like, 'I am a lion'. And he just cocked his head and went, 'Mmmm.'

    "I went, 'Monkey?'

    "And he went, 'Yeah, so here's the idea.' And before the end of the sentence was out of his mouth, I'm like, 'Yes, that, that, that, please'."

    Robbie Williams explains why he's a monkey in his new movie
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    ARAON: Nevíš proč je z něj opice? Jako po technologický stránce je to určitě mrda a jen proto mě to zajímá. Nejsem fanda Robbieho Williamse, takže nevím jak moc mě to bude bavit :)
    ARAON --- ---
    FRK_R23: A je to škoda, protože je to dobrý film. Jenom bohužel evropské fanoušky asi zklamalo, že v něm Robbie vlastně vůbec není, zatímco v US vůbec netuší, kdo to je. Film, co přišel o dvacet let pozdě.
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Nevím jestli to sem uplně patří, ale přišlo mi to zajímavý. Solidní průser.

    Životopisný snímek o hitmakerovi Robbiem Williamsovi totiž místo jeho spanilé tváře divákům vpálil do sítnic zpívající opici. Odvážné filmařské rozhodnutí se však marketingově ukázalo jako naprosto neuchopitelné a hudební film se tak stal synonymem absolutního propadáku. A to dokonce tak velkého, že studio pouhých pár týdnů po premiéře zcela přestalo vykazovat tržební čísla. Jisté je, že Better Man si se štědrým rozpočtem 110 milionů dolarů po celém světě vydělal mrzkých 17 milionů.
    CRAZYHBO --- ---
    FRK_R23: Ghost dog..pardon, mohl jsem hodit popisek..
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    CRAZYHBO: Z čeho to je?
    CRAZYHBO --- ---
    CRAZYHBO --- ---
    TRAGED --- ---
    I wanted to share the painstaking process of getting the look for my wig for @inthelostlands with the incredible hairdresser @wardhair4real! Ward also set my hair look for The Fifth Element movie so many years ago. We were both babies and Ward was literally the ONLY person I knew would be able to come up with something completely fresh and new for the part of Leeloo. And he did. To the point where bright orange hair screams Leeloo even to this day! Now that’s timeless. I knew for my role as Gray Alys, I needed someone with that kind of strong visionary talent to express what I had imagined for my mythological sorceress. Ward flew down to LA from NYC to personally discuss, color and cut the wig into shape. The coloring process took up more than a day as the wigs would bleed and the coloring process took needed a day to set. We experimented with so many different shades of blue and light green before we came up with two wigs that felt right. Then the pain staking process of cutting them was intense. We didn’t have unlimited cash to buy 10 wigs, so we had to be SO careful with the two we had! It took over 12 hours of tiny cuts and multiple discussions before going for the next snippet. What you see in these pictures is the end result which we were both so happy with. The look is so different from anything I’d seen on screen so far and once again Ward proved why he’s a master at invention and always ahead of his time with style. I am so proud to have completed this particular circle with you Ward! You’re a genius and all that work was so worth it when you see how the hair just clicked the character together in such a real way. Thank you again my dear friend for your impeccable taste and wild, impulsive nature! We did it again, another classic, iconic look for a classic, iconic character! Watch @inthelostlands, in theaters throughout the US starting March 7!❤️❤️❤️

    ARAON --- ---
    Leonard Nimoy reziruje Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

    TRAGED --- ---
    This is Bill Kroyer. It's May of 1982, and he is at Disney Studios in Burbank, sitting at a Chromatics CGC 7900 computer terminal. He is looking over low-resolution, 300 line wireframe 'pencil test' renders of a CGI sequence from the movie he is working on as a 'Computer Image Choreographer': Disney's groundbreaking video game themed film "Tron".
    The renders are created at MAGi, one of four CGI effects houses working on Tron, in Elmsford, New York. On top of the Chromatics you can see the 1200 baud acoustic modem that ties the terminal to MAGi, on the other side of the country. Upon viewing the renders, Kroyer and his colleague at Disney, Jerry Rees, can recommend changes to MAGi and see the results in minutes.
    Tron was the first large-scale use of CGI in feature filmmaking, a process that is ubiquitous in movies today.

    KEB --- ---
    Cabinet of Curiosities - 2022

    Kabinet kuriozit Guilerma del Tora
    BALDA_CHYN --- ---
    JANDOS --- ---
    Neverending story

    CYBERKOTLIK --- ---
    Keanu Reeves during filming of Point Break

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