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    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.

    Vše co souvisí s filmem.. Fotografie, videa a jiné zajímavosti z natáčení a zákulisí. Filmové technologie
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    TRAGED --- ---
    What's the most incredible prank a director has ever pulled on one of his actors on the set of a movie?
    Long considered a legend, the prank that Steven Spielberg played on Harrison Ford on the set of #IndianaJones and the Temple of Doom is one of the most surprising ever!

    In 2017, a video (of poor quality) finally emerged confirming that the deception in question was not an invention, but that it had actually happened.

    Steven Spielberg took advantage of a visit to the set of Carrie Fisher, director Irvin Kershner (The Empire Strikes Back) and singer Barbra Streisand to play a prank on Harrison Ford.

    During the filming of the scene in which Indiana Jones is tied to a rock and is whipped, Barbra Streisand takes the place of the executioner and pretends to whip Harrison Ford, as if to punish him for the bad films he starred in at the beginning of his career. He quickly realizes what is happening and decides to join in the fun, asking for even stronger lashes, as if he were enjoying sadomasochism games.

    But a second surprise awaits. Then, Carrie Fisher throws herself at him, disguised as a guard with a scarf covering her face, and kisses him on the mouth, recreating the scene from Return of the Jedi in which she frees Han Solo from the carbonite.

    Director Irvin Kershner then intervenes to criticize the performance.

    The match was never officially broadcast, probably because it was a bit raunchy, and because Barbra Streisand – when Harrison Ford insisted that she whip him harder – shouted: “I can't do it, I feel like a fagot!”
    DYSTOPIK --- ---

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