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    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.

    Vše co souvisí s filmem.. Fotografie, videa a jiné zajímavosti z natáčení a zákulisí. Filmové technologie
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    PREDSEDA --- ---

    Terminator 2: New behind the scenes footage
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Tohle sem asi patří jenom okrajově, ale někdo konečně uploadnul celou show Terminator 2 - 3D, která byla k vidění na třech místech v USA v letech 1996-2020 a ze které jsem tu před časem pastoval Making of ( PREDSEDA: )

    T2-3D: Battle Across Time (1996) REMASTERED Complete Show [4K AI UPSCALED | DOLBY 5.1 AUDIO]
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    "The Terminator" (1984) behind the scenes. For certain shots, a skilled puppeteer operated the animatronic model by wearing a special rig that allowed him to carry Terminator's torso on his back. This setup gave the illusion of the endoskeleton walking, while the puppeteer controlled its movements, ensuring smooth and 'lifelike' motions. Creative camera angles were used to hide the puppeteer, making the scenes look seamless and realistic.

    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    Arnold Schwarzenegger and his practical effects double on the set of The Terminator (1984)

    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    Robert Partrick
    Behind the scenes of Terminator 2

    PREDSEDA --- ---
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    Terminator 2 - Judgement Day

    Sarah Connor’s nightmare sequence of a nuclear blast. The playground seen in the movie was built specifically for this scene and was removed afterwards. It is currently a popular picnic area with a great view of Downtown LA and Dodger Stadium

    Fun Facts:

    Linda Hamilton’s twin sister, Leslie Hamilton Gearren, played the happy Sarah Connor in the playground and the infant John Connor is played by Hamilton’s own son.

    James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day has been hailed by scientists has being one of the most realistic depictions in a film.

    Location: Elysian Park, Los Angeles

    TRAGED --- ---
    The #Terminator - Then (1984) & Now (2024)

    327 Winston St
    Los Angeles, CA

    This neighborhood is sketchy AF, and very close to skid row, so be warned if you are going to go down there to look. The gentlemen outside the door in the lawn chair was smoking a crackpipe, but otherwise friendly, and wanted to talk about Carl Sagan and shit.

    I DID GO INSIDE. The interior of the building has since been remodeled, and the hallway shot is no longer obtainable, because that specific window has been remodeled into someone's apartment.

    Instead of the hallway ending with two apartments on each side, it now ends with one whole apartment that is both the window circled in purple (The room where the T-800 cuts his damaged eyeball out), and the window circled in green, which was the hallway shot window.

    I've also just discovered that whole block was used in the opening gunfight in Predator 2 as well!

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Here's a little Terminator trivia tidbit for 'ya.

    For this shot they rigged a steel arm to a pneumatic ram under Arnold's jacket and it punched thru the actual car window.
    The brick wall was painted on the side of a truck driving past the stationary car.

    N_I --- ---
    TRAGED: zde již domakanější terminator

    STARE_CASY --- ---
    BOBESH: ve druhé sezóně seriálu Reacher má Robert Patrick roli hlavního záporáka série. Je tam vtipný odkaz na Terminátora.

    Terminator Easter Egg SARAH CONNOR Reacher Season 2 Episode 1 Reference
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    BOBESH: To mi připomnělo:
    Robert Patrick undertook a rigorous running regime and practiced breathing only through his nose, in order to appear to be a cyborg that could run at high speeds without showing fatigue. He had trained so hard that he was able to catch up to Edward Furlong on his dirt bike with ease.

    Terminátor 2: Den zúčtování (1991) - Trivia - IMDb
    PETGRIDUS --- ---

    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    Terminator (1984)

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Behind the scenes on Stan Winston's special effects work for TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY (1991).

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Michael Biehn & Linda Hamilton in a promo for THE TERMINATOR (1984).

    PREDSEDA --- ---
    The Making of «Terminator 2-3D: Battle Across Time» (1996) Behind The Scenes

    Zajímalo by mě, kolik na to stál lístek a jak dlouho se ta show vlastně vysílala.
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Creating T-800 Model 'Terminator Genisys' Behind The Scenes
    TRAGED --- ---
    HITMAN --- ---
    FRK_R23: Podobný postup použili i v T2, scéna je ale jen v prodloužené verzi.

    Can we reset the switch? | Terminator 2: Judgment Day [Director's Cut]
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