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    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.

    Vše co souvisí s filmem.. Fotografie, videa a jiné zajímavosti z natáčení a zákulisí. Filmové technologie
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TRAGED --- ---
    "Dead or alive, you're coming with me." -Alex Murphy/#Robocop

    Dallas Texas, Dallas City Hall was used for the OCP building back in 1983.

    1500 Marilla Street Dallas Texas

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Nancy Allen and Peter Weller on the set of ROBOCOP (1987).

    HITMAN --- ---
    Who’s who #robocop #reunion 2024 collage from #thehollywoodshow this past weekend.

    TRAGED --- ---
    Arnold Schwarzenegger was originally going to play the title role in "RoboCop" (1987), but problems with the costume caused producers to drop the idea. After Schwarzenegger saw "RoboCop," he said that he loved the movie and wanted to work with director Paul Verhoeven. Schwarzenegger sent him the script to "Total Recall" (1990) and Verhoeven loved it, but wanted to make some changes; he wanted the film to have more of a scientific basis. Schwarzenegger liked how Verhoeven balanced the mind games with action.

    During his audition, Robert Picardo suggested to Verhoeven that his character Johnnycab (below) should ask Schwarzenegger's character Quaid, "Are you from out of town?" to poke fun at Arnold's Austrian accent). Verhoeven angrily told Picardo, "No, no, no...you don't do that with Arnold!"

    The female leads, Rachel Ticotin and Sharon Stone, were chosen in part for their athleticism, which was needed for the physically demanding roles. Stone said that her physically formidable character resulted in the cast and crew treating her like she was "one of the guys," and that co-star Michael Ironside "was the one guy who never forgot I was a woman. When I was thrown down, he would help me up." When filming their fight scene, Verhoeven asked second unit director Vic Armstrong to not choreograph the fight as a "catfight," but more like a martial arts fight, to give the feel of two "warriors" fighting each other and not simply two women.

    The making of this film inspired another epic film project partnership between Schwarzenegger and Verhoeven, where they planned to make a movie about the Middle Eastern Crusades, as the two men agreed that a film of that scale would be a great follow-up project to "Total Recall." The project reportedly got as far as having a completed screenplay, sets, props and costumes, and was nearly entering production. Unfortunately, producer Mario Kassar and his Carolco studio ran into extended financial problems. Not being able to afford two huge projects at the same time, Kassar green-lit "Cutthroat Island" (1995) and canceled the Crusade project, and the subsequent commercial failure of the former bankrupted the studio, shelving the project indefinitely. (IMDb/Wikipedia)

    PETGRIDUS --- ---

    PETGRIDUS --- ---

    NELLAS --- ---
    PREDSEDA: Google tvrdí, že...

    RoboCop | RoboCop Wiki | Fandom

    Edward Neumeier has stated that he and Michael Miner never placed the film in a specific year.[2] However, other materials in the franchise have stated different years for the film's setting:
    A PMH (Pinedale Memorial Hospital) badge prop from the production contains an expiration date of 09/27.
    A TV spot from the film's original release places the film in 1991.[3]
    The novelization indicates that it takes place over the course of November 2043 to February 2044.[4]
    The cover of the Marvel Comic "TV Crimes" places Murphy's death in 2015.
    RoboCop: Prime Directives – which is set in 2000 – places Murphy's death in 1990.
    The remake takes place in 2028.
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Zajímalo by mě, jak přišli na to, že Robocop se odehrává ve 2015?
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Tohle je úžasný, opět jsem našel něco k jednomu z mých nejoblíbenějších filmů:

    Creating 'Robocop': Special effects then and now | Behind The Scenes

    Mimo parádních záběrů na vytváření efektů pro ED-209 je tam třeba taky formička na figurínu padajícího Dicka Jonese, nebo matte painting všemožných pozadí.
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Making of RoboCop UK Version (22 minutes)

    Robocop 2 Making (good quality)
    PETGRIDUS --- ---

    ARAON --- ---
    Robocop (1987) Murphy removes his helmet.

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    Robocop on set and getting suited up for the 1987 film.
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    PREDSEDA: druhý díl

    ROBOCOP (1987) | Behind the Scenes of Action/Sci-fi Cult Movie #2
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    The Making of 'RoboCop' (1987) Featurette
    PREDSEDA --- ---
    Phil Tippet vypráví, jak animoval postavu Caina v Robocopovi 2

    Robocop 2's Cain Robot with Phil Tippett
    ARAON --- ---
    Robocop (1987)

    TOOMIX --- ---
    NAPOSPAS: já ale nechci klikat na obrázky a něco googlit, abych se dozvěděl, z jakýho filmu/seriálu to je ;) Myslím si, že není problém, aby každý k tomu napsal aspoň originální název filmu. Nemusí tam být odkaz na csfd/imdb (ikdyž by to bylo fajn), ale existují i mezi námi lidi, kteří nikdy neviděli Pulp Fiction/Kill Bill/Robocop/Shining/Blade Runner/cokoli dalšího. Proto bych to zavedl jako pravidlo a fotky bez popisu bych klidně bez milosti mazal
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam