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    SCHWITAUmění hudebního obalu
    SCHWITA --- ---

    Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (1998)

    The album's iconic cover was a collaboration between Mangum and R.E.M.'s staff designer, Chris Bilheimer. The general design reflects the taste of Mangum: Bryan Poole said that "Mangum was always into that old-timey, magic, semi-circus, turn-of-the-century, penny arcade kind of imagery." One particular piece Mangum showed to Bilheimer was an old European postcard with an image of people bathing at a resort, which was then cropped and altered for the cover. Bilheimer also designed a broadsheet-style lyrics sheet for the album.
    PAWLEEQ --- ---
    Rok 1997 The Suede a jejich Vědeckofantastické ukolébavky (Sci-fi Lullabies). Sbírka B-stran singlů vydaná na dvou CD.

    Fotku pořídil John Kippen, ostatní artwork na obalu dělal Howard Wakefield (The Apartment), vedl ho Peter Saville.
    SCHWITA --- ---

    The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys (1979)

    Maybe it was youthful exuberance or perhaps it was the fact that the band itself was not pulling all the strings, Three Imaginary Boys is not only a very strong debut. The Cure leader Robert Smith has voiced many times over his mixed feelings about the record, most notably the cover art (the three "representative" appliances on the cover, the lack of a real track listing -- all the songs are represented with arty type pictures -- and in no real order) and the production, which at times is admittedly a little muddy, but even that lends it a certain youthful charm.
    SCHWITA --- ---

    The Roots - Things Fall Apart (1999)

    For a limited time period, Things Fall Apart was made available with a choice of five different front covers. One such cover displays a photograph taken during a riot in the Civil Rights Movement era. In the stark black-and-white photo, riot police are seen chasing two black teenagers on the streets of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, 1961. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedford-Stuyvesant#1960s_and_1970s )

    (alternative covers)
    CIP --- ---
    CD cover

    CIP --- ---

    DJ Food - A Recipe For Disaster


    The pizza on the turntable, the record box full of food, the dirty knife that my girlfriend at the time berated me for not cleaning properly before I scanned it. Kind of obvious but fun and it got me the gig doing the artwork for Jazz Fudge because Vadim liked it so much he asked me to design his sleeves for him.


    CIP --- ---

    madlib -- shades of blue / design Jeff Jank

    hip hopové remixy songů z archívu nejslavnějšího jazzového labelu Blue Note - more

    SCHWITA --- ---
    FIKSUPOJKA: je to soundtrack
    Smrt panen / Virgin Suicides, The (1999) | ČSFD.cz
    FIKSUPOJKA --- ---
    NALLE: Co je na The Virgin Suicide nestudiového? To snad nahrávali v plenéru?
    SCHWITA --- ---

    Thievery Corporation - Radio Retaliation (2008)

    Radio Retaliation is the fifth studio album of electronica band Thievery Corporation. The album was nominated for a Grammy in the category Best Recording Package. The album cover shows a photograph of the Mexican rebel Subcomandante Marcos.
    TAJAK --- ---

    Mike Oldfield - Hergest Ridge (1974)

    The cover photograph features scenery from Hergest Ridge, and was taken by Trevor Key; the Irish Wolfhound on the cover (and on the LP label) is named Bootleg.

    NALLE --- ---
    PAWLEEQ: druha
    PAWLEEQ --- ---
    Co takhle trochu Francie? Air a jejich třetí studiovka 10 000 Hz legend.

    Retro sci-fi atmosféra obrazu; hravý a dekorativní, ale přesto stále dobře čitelný popis. Dělali to Åbäke a Ora-Ïto.
    SCHWITA --- ---

    Queen - News of the world (1977)

    The album's cover was a painting by American sci-fi artist Frank Kelly Freas. Roger Taylor had an issue of Astounding Science Fiction (October 1953) whose cover-art depicted a giant intelligent robot holding the dead body of a man. The painting inspired the band to contact Freas, who agreed to alter the painting for their album cover, by replacing the single dead man with the four "dead" band members (Taylor and Deacon falling to the ground). The inner cover (gatefold) has the robot extending its hand to snatch up the petrified fleeing audience in the shattered auditorium where the corpses were removed.

    SCHWITA --- ---
    Photobucket Photobucket

    How To Destroy Angels - How To Destroy Angels (2010)

    The artwork for the release was created by Mark Weaver, under art direction by Rob Sheridan. Sheridan stated that the choice for Weaver was to make the release as visually distinct as possible from Nine Inch Nails.
    SCHWITA --- ---

    The Black Keys - Brothers (2010)

    The album was designed by Michael Carney, the brother of drummer Patrick Carney. In 2011, Michael won the Grammy Award for Best Album Package. The album is littered with messages that identify everything, such as the front saying, "This is an album by The Black Keys. The name of this album is Brothers". This was to pay homage to the front cover design of Howlin' Wolf's 1969 album, The Howlin' Wolf Album, which reads, "This is Howlin' Wolf's new album..."
    SCHWITA --- ---
    PAWLEEQ: Lachman ( http://adolflachman.cz/cs/ ) je král. Když tenkrát oznámili spolupráci Lachmana a Mortena na komiksové verzi českého fiktivního antinazi hrdiny Péráka, tak jsem skákal do stropu. Škoda, že z toho sešlo.

    Pérák-a-SS-(1946).avi - YouTube

    sorry za OT.
    PAWLEEQ --- ---
    V roce 2009 u X Production vyšlo comebackové album Ave Agony české kapely Vanessa. Jeho obal kompletně řešil Adolf Lachman.

    Vanessa vždy tematizovala zlo a na této desce to není jinak. Znetvořená ruka v gestu "viktorky" získává zajímavé konotace zejména, když si uvědomíme, že obal byl k vidění ve veřejném prostoru přesně dvacet let po sametové revoluci.
    SCHWITA --- ---

    Manic Street Preachers - Journal For Plague Lovers (2009)

    Journal for Plague Lovers was released on 18 May 2009, and features posthumous lyrics by Richey Edwards, rhythm guitarist and lyricist, who vanished on 1 February 1995, and was presumed deceased in 2008. The band used Jenny Saville’s 2005 painting Stare for the cover. Inspired by a newspaper cutting, the painting depicts an androgynous girl with a large birthmark on her face. But when presented with the image on a CD cover, Britain’s main supermarket chains saw something else entirely. Thinking that the image depicted a young buy with a bloodied face, they deemed the cover “inappropriate” and refused to carry the album unless it was shipped in a plain slipcover. Bradfield regards the decision as "utterly bizarre", and has commented: "You can have lovely shiny buttocks and guns everywhere in the supermarket on covers of magazines and CDs, but you show a piece of art and people just freak out."
    SCHWITA --- ---

    Iggy Pop - Brick By Brick (1990)

    Brick by Brick is an album released in June 1990 by the American singer Iggy Pop. After attracting mixed reviews for much of his 1980s output, Pop hired longtime Stooges fan Don Was as producer, who would later produce Avenue B, and opted for a hard-rock sound. Many songs on the album incorporate a lyrical theme of the United States facing dangers of cultural decay and implosion. The cover was drawn by American cartoonist and illustrator Charles Burns.
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