Doporučená literatura - NLP
Das NLP Master Handbuch. Erleren Sie NLP auf Master-Niveau. Klaus Grochowiak.
Das NLP Practicioner Handbuch. Lernen Sie Skills und Fahigkeiten fur NLP - Practicioner uf hochstem Niveaum. Klaus Grochowiak.
Facility. A Door to Mental Health and Beyond. Ragini Elizabeth Michaels.
Heart of the Mind. Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Connirae Andreas, Steve Andreas.
Lions in Wait, a road to personal courage. Ragini Elizabeth Michaels.
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Ericson, M.D. Richard Bandler and John Grinder.
Skills for the Future. Managing Creativity and Innovation. Robert B. Dilts with Gino Bonissone.
Tales of Enchantment. Goal-Oriented Methaphors for Adults and Vhildren in Therapy.
Tools for Dreamers. Strategies for Creativity nd the Structure of Innovation. Robert B. Dilts, Todd Epstein, Robert W. Dillts.
Zbyněk Vybíral - Lži, polopravdy a pravda v lidské komunikaci
Vladimír Smékal - Pozvání do psychologie osobnosti