Jen tak pro zajímavost co se stane když nakoupíte podvodný Steam gifty za klíče:
Pro můj alt účet a bratrance jsem chtěl koupit dvě kopie CSGO, tak jsem bezhlavě našel na Outpostu
nejlevnější Gifty a dva koupil od tohodle čendy (ban má díky
mému reportu). Jeden gift jsem poslal bratranci, který si ho aktivoval a druhý jsem nechal hnít v inventáři.
Gift mi zmizel bez jakékoliv notifikace z inventáře a bratrancovi poslali červenou notifikaci a csgo smázli z
library. Hned jsem napsal na support.
TF2 klíče vráceny a odpověď od Supportu:
Hello Michal,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
We apologize for the delay.
A gift sent to your account has been removed due to a billing issue with the original purchase.
As a customer service gesture, we have restored all items/gifts that were associated with the trade.
Additionally, your Community Market listings were removed and returned to your inventory.
To avoid encountering this issue in the future, please be aware of trades that are excessively imbalanced. Make sure that what you are trading is of similar value to what you are receiving.
Anytime you wish you can view your question online:
Steam Support