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    ztracené heslo?
    FESAKFLOYDDementogenní psychofarmaka a metabolické jedy
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: vratim se vecer a neco postnu. zatim zdarec a premyslej o tom. premyslej o lidech co berou neuroleptika ktery potkavas a bez se podivat na tezsi pripady, na tech lidech to jde videt fyzicky ze jsou poskozeni neuroleptiky.
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: na nastenku nic nerikam obsahove. mozna by to chtelo doladit formu, takhle jako odstavec vcelku je to divne.
    Delam na reseni orientovane a narativni terapie.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: ja vim ze si psycholog nebo soc. pracovnik. co rikas na tu nastenku jeste ? jaky smer psychoterapie ovladas ?
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: a? ja prasky nezeru. zadne.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: znam. a jsem farmaceut btw.
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: s tim bych vicemene souhlasil (az na to ze nekomu ty hlasy treba potlaci, setkal jsem se s takovymi lidmi). Osobne bych je dlouhodobe nebral, ale na druhou stranu taky neslysim hlasy.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: neuroleptika skarede poskozuji mozek. a netlumi vubec hlasy. jediny pripad kde jsou skutecne potreba je u zurivych silencu a lidi s paranoidni schizofrenii a maji opodstatneni v akutni psychiatrii, dlouhodobe je to zlo u drtive vetsiny lidi co to berou.
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: takze to beru jako odpoved na MORPHLER chces to tu spise o odkazech...
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: je dik. to me nenapadlo- precist si nastenku. nahazet asi nemusis, me studie na toto tema az tak moc nezajimaji, ze tyhle drogy meni mozek uz verim i tak .. tak jestli nic jineho nez "nahazovani" nemas tak asi zase pujdu..
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: I used to be inside the system as a clinical psychologist, and I used to believe what the psychiatrists told us, that the medication was needed, often for life.

    It is so catastrophic that we now see that the very medication that is seen as so essential, now destroys the brains, without having a single long term study to prove anything but deterioration.

    I am ashamed of my profession, that we psychologists have done so little to oppose the psychiatrists. And I am so outraged over the psychiatrists who continue this mass destruction of people’s brains.

    No medical treatment, even from ancient times days even come close to the damage antipsychotics do now. And to think that people now take them as augmentors for depression treatment and as mood stabilizors! The best selling medication in America, that is a prime example of mass delusion!

    Well, you will be very stable when you have no brain left! This brings a whole new meaning to the word “shrink”

    I started working in a mental hospital after haveing done private practice for 12 years. Cognitive therapy worked marvels for most of my patients in private practice. The only patients who seemed to not get better were the medicated ones. In the mental hospital I saw the same trend. I started wondering if the drugs actually made them worse, and I actually thought i was getting deluded. Was I the only one who had such a heretical thought. After I left the mental hospital and started private practice again, I stumbled upon Peter Breggin’s book “Toxic Psychiatry” and all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I realized that most of the suicides I had witnessed had been after abrupt medication changes, that most of the bipolar patients had turned manic on antidepressants, and that many of the anxiety patients that were difficult to cure with cognitive therapy were actually suffering from akathesia.I still remember how we psychologists “bought” the psychiatrists explanation of how the SSRIs were like fertilizers for the brain. I was happy to write my notes with a Zyprexa pen, and have free lunches sponsored by Lilly. Knowing what I know now, I would have been disgusted to write anything with it.
    After my eyes were opened I have seen the typical cases where patients become very akathesic from zoloft and zyprexa, try to commit suicide, have to be restrained etc. One patient finally got so constipated from antidepressants that she had to be admitted in the gastro department. They stopped the antidepressants, and she never had to be restrain again. Another ripped of flakes of skin on her arms until we stopped her Effexor, then all the extreme anxiety symptoms went away.

    Even with strong demonstrations like this, it is very difficult to get doctors to change their minds. They insist that these medications save lives. Cognitive dissonance prevents them from seeing their errors. They would not be able to sleep at night if they knew of all the patients they had destroyed. They have to continue believing in the medications to save their sanity!!

    - researcher

    More Evidence That Antipsychotics Shrink the Brain | Mad In America
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: precti si nastenku jeste, to je neco pro Tebe. dneska vecer to sem nahazim.
    MORPHLER --- ---
    Co treba do tretice doporucit precist zahlavi...
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    cetli jste peclive zahlavi ?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MORPHLER: pridam k tomu clanky a k nim komentare. diskuse bude. vydrz. jsou to dementogeny !
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    prosim moje fanousky aby mi tady nedelali paseku !
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    IXTREMIST: neuroleptika. napr. levopromazin (tisercin), haloperidol, flupentixol (fluanxol). nektera atypicka antipsychotika jsou metabolicke jedy (vedou k cukrovce) - olanzapin (zyprexa). atypicka antipsychotika jsou taky neuroleptika a poskozuji mozek.

    clanky k tomu budou.
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    CORNELA: Pokud tomu rozumím dobře, nejsi odpovědná za tuhle diskuzi, takže díky za nevyžádanou odpověď.
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    Mno, zajímá mě, co a kdo je kocour, jeho příspěvky v auditku LSD jsou ehm "zajímavé".
    Mohl by mi prosím někdo odpovědný za tuto diskuzi vysvětlit termín "Dementogenní psychofarmaka" a k tomu uvést alespoň 3 reálně vyráběné farmaka?
    MORPHLER --- ---
    CORNELA: ne. vzdelanim jsem socialni pracovník.
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