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    FESAKFLOYDDementogenní psychofarmaka a metabolické jedy
    Psychiatric Drugs Kill the Lives of Those Who Take Them http://www.encognitive.com/node/1185 Drug-Induced Dementia: a perfect crime http://www.amazon.com/Drug-Induced-Dementia-MD-Grace-Jackson/dp/1438972318 Brain Damage Caused by Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/psychiatric-drugs/antipsychotics/neuroleptic-brain-damage Evidence of Neuroleptic Drug-Induced Brain Damage http://www.ahrp.org/risks/biblio0100.php Arch Gen Psychiatry -- Abstract: Long-term Antipsychotic Treatment and Brain Volumes: A Longitudinal Study of First-Episode Schizophrenia, February 2011, Ho et al. 68 (2): 128 http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/68/2/128 Metanalysis: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014976341200125X Antipsychotic deflates the brain Drug for schizophrenia causes side effects by shrinking part of the brain. http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100606/full/news.2010.281.html Indeed, it looks as if after some 50 years widespread prescribing there is going to be a massive re-evaluation and re-interpretation of these drugs, with a reversal of their evaluation as a great therapeutic breakthrough. It now seems distinctly possible that for half a century the creation of millions of asocial, neuroleptic-dependent but docile Parkinsonian patients has been misinterpreted as a ‘cure’ for schizophrenia. This wholesale re-interpretation represents an unprecedented disaster for the self-image and public reputation – not just of psychiatry – but of the whole medical profession. Perhaps the main useful lesson from the emergence of the 'atypical' neuroleptics is that psychiatrists did not need to make all of their agitated and psychotic patients Parkinsonian in order to suppress their behavior. ‘Atypicals’ are weakly neuroleptic but highly sedative. This implies that sedation is probably sufficient for behavioral control in most instances [3, 17]. In the immediate term, it therefore seems plausible that already-existing, cheap, sedative drugs (such as benzodiazepines or antihistamines) offer realistic hope of being safer, equally effective and subjectively less-unpleasant substitutes for neuroleptics in many (if not all) patients. I would argue that this should happen sooner rather than later. If we apply the test of choosing what treatment we would prefer for ourselves or our relatives with acute agitation or psychosis, knowing what we now know about neuroleptics, I think that many people (perhaps especially psychiatric professionals) would now wish to avoid neuroleptics except as a last resort. Few would be happy to wait a decade or so for the accumulations of a mass of randomized trial data (which may never emerge, since such trials would lack a commercial incentive) before making the choice of less dangerous and unpleasant drugs [17]. But there is no hiding the fact that if neuroleptics were indeed to be replaced by sedatives then this would seem like stepping-back half a century. It would entail an acknowledgement that psychiatry has been living in a chronic delusional state – and this may suggest that the same could apply to other branches of medicine. Since such a wholesale cognitive and organizational reappraisal is unlikely, perhaps the most realistic way that the desired change in practice will be accomplished is not by an explicit ‘return’ to old drugs but by the introduction of a novel (and patentable) class of sedatives which are marketed as having some kind of (more-or-less plausible) new therapeutic role. Why are doctors still prescribing neuroleptics? by Bruce G Charlton http://www.hedweb.com/bgcharlton/neuroleptics.html
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: podivej vim ze Cornela na 90 procent s tim ct si vymysli a pokud si cetl auditko tak musis vedet ze ty neuroleptika meni objemy v mozku, scvrkavaji mozek, nedelej ze me vola ignorante
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: ty si fakt šáhlej
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: predstavim mam ty mri scany mozku z clanku nastudovany tak rekni ten ct nalez respektive ses podezrela z nejhorsiho lhani
    SHEALA --- ---
    Jakože bejt pacientka Cornelly, budu celá štastná z toho, aby bylo moje CT na Nyxu, aby mě nějakej kocour mohl zkoumat jak opici :D
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: no a když je nebere tak je ta záruka závratně menší
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: btw to ze nekdo bere neuroleptika neni zaruka ze nedojde k relapsu... dela to uz si nepamatuju jenom 40 nebo 70 procent.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    a vidite pani doktorka neni schopna odpovedet protoze se nas snazila s ct mystifikovat
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    škoda, že mikeši nevěnuješ tu svojí energii nečemu rozumějšímu a smysluplnějšímu než je tenhle hon na neuroleptické čarodejnice
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: co si videla na tom ct ????
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: v klidu doktorko, odpovez nam na otazky prosim pekne
    me s tim ct neoblafnes
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: otazka zni co si videla na tom ct za nalez a zda ten pacient bral neuroleptika
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: prosimte odpovez panovi na tohle ONEHEART:

    neverim ti s tim ct, protoze to mam nastudovany, jsem farmaceut s diplomem, nedelej ze me hlupaka, precti si tento clanek KOCOURMIKES: a odpovez s tim ct

    tento clanek si omrkni taky KOCOURMIKES:
    ONEHEART --- ---
    CORNELA: jak vypadá ct mozku lídí po pár letech neléčení schizofrenie? co to s mozkem dělá?

    možná se to dá vygůglit, ale já bych si to stejně neuměl nějak interpretovat.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: to je ale zajimave pro nas tady - jak vis ze ten pacient byl neleceny a jak vis kdy u neho probehla prvni epizoda ?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: rikas ze ty si obsluhovala ct masinu ? a nevymyslis si. pokud vim tak ct masinu obsluhuji specializovani radiologove, a ne medici, nebo delas kolecko na radiologii ?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: vymyslis si s ct mozku nelecene schi - nelzi nevymyslej si doktorko. zadni neleceni neuroleptiky nejsou, natoz aby jim delali ct.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    proc nevznasite protiargumenty - mate tady tolik dukazu
    SHEALA --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO: jj to mi dává smysl... díky moc za otevřenost...
    SHEALA --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: jo, to sem se chtěla zeptat, co dělá s kognitivníma schopnostma neléčená schizofrenie, nebo poruchy ze sch. okruhu?
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO: proč by přeci bral něco co "způsobuje" demenci, vždyť ta rozvinutá psychotická ataka je k mozku tak strašně moc šetrná to dá rozum ......
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    Osobně jsem toho názoru, že některá užití psychofarmak jsou doopravdy mimo mísu, přesně jak psal FREEMAN, jsou případy, kdy kvalitní psychoterapie problém vyřeší natrvalo. Co ovšem NEPLATÍ VŽDY PRO VŠECHNO příkladem mohou být psychoterapeuticky nezvládnuté panické ataky u mladších dívek atd... Co se týče schizofrenie, jsem rád, že žiji v době, kdy se syndrom "alien hand" nepotlačuje přetnutím corpus callosum, ale psychofarmaky nové generace.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam